


HOWTO: Mounting SMB/CIFS Shares

A few of the downsides on the Nexstar LX NAS device that I purchased is that:

1. It does not support CIFS

2. It does not support SATA drives (IDE only)

3. It is 10/100 Mbps (no gigabit)

4. It does not have any fault tolerance.

It is, however, an inexpensive device that can be used to share data among many computers. Anyhow, I have been in the process of upgrading my home network to gigabit and wanted to purchase a better NAS device that had some redundancy & expandability, as well as support for gigabit, CIFS and SATA drives (hot-swappable, no less). I ended up purchasing a Netgear (formerly Infrant) ReadyNAS NV+ 4250 and am providing an update to my original instructions using CIFS rather than smbfs:

Steps 1 and 2 remain the same.

In step 3, test mount the share using CIFS as noted:


dbott@gutsy:~$ sudo mount -t cifs // /home/dbott/Music -o iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 

Step 4 remains the same.

Step 5, add the mount point(s) to your /etc/fstab file:


// /home/dbott/Music cifs credentials=/root/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0 

// /home/dbott/Data cifs credentials=/root/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0 

// /home/dbott/Archive cifs credentials=/root/.credentials,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777 0 0 

The only issue that I encountered was with regards to UIDs. My user account on Ubuntu (dbott) has a UID of 1000, while my user account on the NAS has a UID of 1004. To fix this, I changed my Ubuntu UID to match the UID on the Netgear NAS using the following command:


sudo usermod --uid 1004 dbott

After a couple of minutes and a reboot, everything was working properly.

Original Post: October 2006

I purchased a NexStar LX NAS device and wanted to mount some of the shares on my linux computers. I configured my NAS device with a static IP ( and created a number of shares to store my data. This process can be used to mount any SMB or Windows shared folder:

1. Install 'smbfs' & 'smbclient' (Samba File System & Samba client)


sudo apt-get install smbfs smbclient

After installing the above, issue the command smbclient -L -U% to generate a list of available shares (replace with the IP or name of your SMB server):

dbott@thedrake:~$ smbclient -L -U% 

2. Create new folder for the 'mount point'. In my case, I wanted the shared music folder to be mounted to the following location /home/dbott/music


cd ~ mkdir music 

3. Mounting the share from the command line (to verify that it works):


sudo smbmount // /home/dbott/music -o username=dbott,password=mysecretpassword,iocharset=utf8 

4. Un-mounting the share from the command line:

sudo smbumount /home/dbott/music 

5. Add the mount point to fstab (making it 'automatic'):

The unsafe way (fstab is world-readable, meaning that anyone can see your SMB username and password):


// /home/dbott/music smbfs auto,username=dbott,password=mysecretpassword,uid=1000,umask=000,user 0 0 

The better way (storing your username & password in a file only readable by root):


// /home/dbott/music smbfs auto,credentials=/root/.credentials,uid=1000,umask=000,user 0 0 

/root/.credentials is a text file that contains your smb username and password.

To create the file, type:


sudo gedit /root/.credentials 

and add the following text:


username=your_smb_username password=your_smb_password 

Now, make the file only readable by root:


sudo chmod 600 /root/.credentials 

6. At this point, you can either reboot or reload your fstab:


sudo shutdown -r now 


sudo mount -a 7. 

Now, when I browse to /home/dbott/music, I have access to all the shared MP3s on my NAS device.

