A Culture of Customer Service Excellence

A Culture of Customer Service Excellence

******, Vice President of Global Customer Engagement

 in order to keep company some secret,so do like this:*****


Everyone knows there’s no sense in reinventing the wheel, but repurposing it is a different story. To help ****** employees remember seven customer satisfaction mantras that will help deliver the best possible experience, we have created a "Wheel of Excellence."

The wheel is a visual representation of seven customer satisfaction desires, directives and ideas we identified based on our studies of companies that have created a consistently great culture for delivering service excellence. They are as follows:

  1. Keeping our customer commitments
  2. Exceeding customer expectations
  3. Appreciating our customers
  4. Putting customers first
  5. Listening to our customers
  6. Delighting our customers
  7. Being passionate about our customers’ successes



Just as streamlining *****’s core values and creating the ICATI (integrity, customer service, accountability, teamwork, innovation) acronym helped employees better remember and articulate them a few years ago, it is our hope that this graphic will keep customer engagement spinning as we conclude FY’12 and beyond!

Because each of the wheel’s elements is critical for positioning ***** as a clear market leader – and to deliver on the company’s brand promise of Accelerating Your Success, for the next seven weeks we will examine how employees are taking them to heart. If you would like to contribute your insight on one or more of the wheel's elements, please contact  ****** as soon as possible.

