Windows 2008 实战之KMS实施(Revision 2) 出自 “delxu的Live记事本” 博客
Windows 2008 实战之KMS实施 出自 “delxu的Live记事本” 博客
Key Management service如何工作(KMS部署前的准备)
Windows Vista KMS使用实录 - 王春海的博客
KMS激活方案(一) 出自prain的博客
How to Implement KMS (Key Management Services)
Add Office 2010 KMS Key to your KMS Server
Windows Server 2008, Volume Activation 2.0 and KMS (Key Management Server)
KMS激活Windows 2008, Windows 2008 R2 ,Vista, Windows 7方法
windows7激活工具,PCSKYS_Windows7Loader_V3.27 软激活工具
Windows 7软改破解激活工具OEM7下载
Windows 7和Office 2010 MAK密钥检验工具VAMT 2.0+目前可用MAK密钥
Microsoft PIDX Product Key Checker for Windows 7 Free Download
如何查看Windows 7是否激活
点开始 ----》 “搜索程序和文件”框 ---运行:
1. slmgr.vbs -dli 显示:操作系统版本、部分产品密钥、许可证状态
2. slmgr.vbs -dlv 显示:最为详尽的激活信息,包括:激活ID、安装ID、激活截止日期3. slmgr.vbs -xpr 显示:是否彻底激活
4. slmgr.vbs -ipk 更换WIN7序列号
5. slmgr.vbs -ato 激活WIN7
[windows 2003]
windows server 2003 的版本,激活及优化设置
一、windows server 2003 3790版本识别
RTM=release to manufacture (公开发行批量生产)是给硬件制造商的版本!是送去压盘的,不是拿去卖的。
OEM=Original Equipment Manufacturer只能全新安装, 和RTM差不多,只是称呼不同而已。
VLK=Volume License大量授权版,又称为企业版。无需激活。(网上所谓的简体中文VLK版实际是普通简体中文版加英文VLK版中的8个文件而已)
二、Windows Server 2003的不同版本
Windows Server 2003 Web版:为快速开发、部署Web服务与应用程序,提供Web托管与服务平台。支持2路
Windows Server 2003标准版:面向中小型企业和部门级应用。支持4路SMP、4GB内存。
Windows Server 2003企业版:适合中心与大型组织使用,有32位和64位两个版本。支持8节点集群、NUMA;
Windows Server 2003数据中心版:面向要求强伸缩性和高可用性的企业,有32位和64位两个版本。32位版
三、windows server 2003 3790版的激活
缺点:激活程序被彻底屏蔽,表现为运行msoobe /a没有任何显示,并且在服务中有一项reset5,开机会自动运
How to change the Volume Licensing product key on a computer that is running Windows XP Service Pack 1 and later versions of Windows XP
How to determine the channel that your copy of Windows Server 2003 was obtained through
Volume Activation 2.0 Technical white papers (Overview, Planning Guide, Deployment Guide, Operations Guide)
Key Management Service 1.1 (x86) for Windows Server 2003 SP1 and Later download
(包含hosting key management service version 1.1 on windows server 2003 sp1 and later computers step-by-step guide, KB849003用于支持windows server 2008/windows vista sp1 激活,注意KMS的语言必须与要激活的产品语言一致)
Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT) 2.0
Volume Activation 2.0 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
Volume Activation 2.0 Technical Guidance
Manage Activation Using VAMT 2.0_White Paper
Product Activation Using VAMT 2.0
Microsoft Office 2010 KMS Host License Pack
Windows 批量激活
Whitepaper: Centrally Manage Activations Using the Volume Activation Management Tool (VAMT)
您需要知道的关于激活和正版 Windows 的七大事项
Windows 激活技术:Windows 7
Windows 7 中批量激活的改进
自定义 Windows 7 Professional Edition
批量激活参考指南 (PDF)
批量激活参考指南 (PPT)
IT 专业人士面临的 5 大产品密钥激活挑战及其解决方案
KMS Client Setup Keys
By default, the Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 operating systems use KMS for activation. In volume installations, the setup key is installed by default, which makes the system a KMS client. If you are converting a computer from a KMS host, MAK, or retail edition of Windows to a KMS client, install the applicable setup key (GVLK) from Table 9 using slmgr /ipk <setup key>.
Windows 7 和Windows server 2008 R2 默认是用KMS激活。
Differences Between Retail, OEM, System Builder, Volume Licensing, Full or Upgrade License for Windows
How to Change Windows XP Version Between Retail, OEM and Volume License Channel
How to change your Volume License (VL) key with Windows Server 2003 or R2
How to change lisence from retail to volume license
Windows Server Licensing for Dummies
Windows 7 upgraded from Vista but cannot Activate it: Error Code 0xC004F074
Windows Authentication fails with No Key Servers Found
How to change Windows 2003 Server from Retail to Volume License
Windows XP Volume and OEM Licensing 侠客岛 IT坊 try to be different