nagios使用gmail发送邮件 取mysql数据库的字段并邮件通知

sendEmail 使用 tls 发送邮件
  开始使用 nagios 时对于 perl 不太了解,在搜索到 sendEmail 后,这款工具使用相同的简单
./sendEmail -f 发送邮件地址 -t 接收邮件地址 -s 发送邮件的 SMTP 服务地址 -u 标题  -xu 用户名 -xp 用户密码 m 发送内容 ;现在开始学习使用 perl 相关知识了,了解相关 perl 模块安装后开始着手使用 gmail 免费邮发送邮件,因为 gmail 免费邮都是使用 ssl 加密的,发送时需带 -o tls=yes 选项都知道是是使用 ssl 了就选择 yes , 其它免费邮如 tom,126 的好像不行
./sendEmail -f [email protected] -t [email protected] -u "this is title" -m "this is my first to mail you "  -s -xu mlnagios -xp 34 -o tls=yes
如果在此系统你未安装过 perl 模块,会报
Jul 17 01:25:35 localhost sendEmail[20965]: ERROR => No TLS support!  SendEmail can't load required libraries. (try installing Net::SSLeay and IO::Socket::SSL)
这个错误,下面来动手安装下 perl 相关模块吧,我这里讲是利用 cpan 下载相关模块然后把模块放到相关 perl 路径下安装,当然你也可以在第一次使用 cpan 时设定 cpan 的路径,我这人比较懒,一路回车过去了,因为我这里只是想要这两个包传到别的地方去安装。
[root@localhost Net-SSLeay-1.35]# perl -MCPAN -e shell
使用这个命令进入 cpan
进入后使用 h 查看帮助
cpan> h
Display Information
 command  argument          description
 a,b,d,m  WORD or /REGEXP/  about authors, bundles, distributions, modules
 i        WORD or /REGEXP/  about anything of above
 r        NONE              reinstall recommendations
 ls       AUTHOR            about files in the author's directory
Download, Test, Make, Install...
 get                        download
 make                       make (implies get)
 test      MODULES,         make test (implies make)
 install   DISTS, BUNDLES   make install (implies test)
 clean                      make clean
 look                       open subshell in these dists' directories
 readme                     display these dists' README files
 h,?           display this menu       ! perl-code   eval a perl command
 o conf [opt]  set and query options   q             quit the cpan shell
 reload cpan   load again      reload index  load newer indices
 autobundle    Snapshot                force cmd     unconditionally do cmd
使用 get 下载相关模块
cpan> get  Net::SSLeay
cpan> get IO::Socket::SSL
cpan> get IO::Socket::SSL
CPAN: Storable loaded ok
Going to read /root/.cpan/Metadata
  Database was generated on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 00:27:00 GMT
Running get for module IO::Socket::SSL
CPAN: Digest::MD5 loaded ok
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/S/SU/SULLR/IO-Socket-SSL-1.27.tar.gz ok
[root@localhost sendEmail-v1.55]# cd /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/S/SU/SULLR/
[root@localhost SULLR]# ls
CHECKSUMS  IO-Socket-SSL-1.27.tar.gz
好了,两包都下好了,把相关传你想在哪台机器上实现发 mail 功能
找到 perl 安装模块的路径
我这里是 /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.5/
这些模块的安装就比较简单了,使用 more 查看安装帮助
[root@localhost Net-SSLeay-1.35]# more README
这是 Net::SSLeay 的后面 perldoc 应该可以明白吧
         ./Makefile.PL -t     # builds and tests it
         make install         # You probably have to su to root to do this
         perldoc Net::SSLeay  # optional, but highly recommended
         perldoc Net::SSLeay::Handle
这个安装 IO::Socket::SSL
         perl Makefile.PL
         make test
         make install
[root@localhost Net-SSLeay-1.35]# ./Makefile.PL -t
Cannot determine perl version info from lib/Net/
Cannot determine license info from lib/Net/
*** Found OpenSSL-0.9.7a installed in /usr
*** Be sure to use the same compiler and options to compile your OpenSSL, perl,
    and Net::SSLeay. Mixing and matching compilers is not supported.
Do you want to run external tests?
These tests *will* *fail* if you do not have network connectivity. [n] y
Writing Makefile for Net::SSLeay
 [root@localhost Net-SSLeay-1.35]# make install
进入放置 sendEmail 程序的目录
[root@localhost sendEmail-v1.55]# pwd
[root@localhost sendEmail-v1.55]# ./sendEmail -f [email protected] -t [email protected] -u "this is title" -m "this is my first to mail you "  -s -xu mlnagios -xp 1234 -o tls=yes
Jul 21 13:17:04 localhost sendEmail[10764]: Email was sent successfully!
# 'notify-host-by-email' command definition
define command{
        command_name    notify-host-by-email
        command_line     /usr/local/bin/sendEmail/sendEmail -f [email protected] -t $CONTACTEMAIL$  -s -xu mlnagios -xp 34 -o tls=yes -u "****** Nagios ******" -m " ** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Service Alert: $HOSTNAME$/$HOSTADDRESS$  is $HOSTSTATE$ at \n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$ Additional Info:$HOSTOUTPUT$"
# 'notify-service-by-email' command definition
define command{
        command_name    notify-service-by-email
        command_line     /usr/local/bin/sendEmail/sendEmail -f [email protected] -t $CONTACTEMAIL$  -s -xu mlnagios -xp 34 -o tls=yes  -u " ****** Nagios ****** " -m " ** $NOTIFICATIONTYPE$ Service Alert: $HOSTNAME$/$HOSTADDRESS$ $SERVICEDESC$ is $SERVICESTATE$\n\nDate/Time: $LONGDATETIME$ Additional Info:$SERVICEOUTPUT$ $CONTACTPAGER$"
#get the database field
field=`mysql -uroot --password=xxxxxx <<QUERY_SQL
         select last from qeedoo.tbl_sch_account where email="test1";
/usr/local/bin/sendEmail/sendEmail -f [email protected] -t $mail  -s -xu mlnagios -xp xxx -o tls=yes  -u " ****** THE NOTICE FOR MYSQL  ****** " -m "$field"
最后自己定义下 crontab 定时查询一下,如果需要更智能些自己调整,呵呵,sendEmail可以从这里下载
