Cisco Terminal Server配置技巧(HWIC-16A & NM-32A)

Cisco 2900

Step 1.

ip add

no shut

no ip routing
ip default-gateway

Step 2

line 0/0/0 0/1/7

no exec <- 禁用 EXEC 进程
transport input all <- 允许所有协议从line 1 - 16 使用

Step 3.

ip host SW1 2003
ip host SW2 2004

ip host SW3 2005

ip host SW4 2006

Step 4.

line vty 0
password cisco
escape-character W <- 更改默认退出字符为 Ctrl + W(缺省为Ctrl+Shift+6)

Step 5.verification
telnet 2003

cle line 3

//tcp# 2003 is mappted to line 3

sh session
disc 3

//kill the session on line 3







terminal_server#show users all <- 查看连接的用户和接在哪个线路上

Ctrl+Shift+6,然后再按 x <- 返回到终端服务器;如果要完全退出,需要在当前界面输入exit再回车

terminal_server#show sessions <- 查看telnet会话 *为当前会话,回车连接,其它输入相应数字如:2
terminal_server#disconnect 2 <- 终止 telnet 会话(本机到远程)
terminal_server#clear line 1 <- 清除线路(别人到本机)
terminal_server#show line 1 <- 查看线路的状态

telnet host 1015 Connection refused by remote host, 并且在tty前边出现星号,此时需要"clear line tty 68(68为TTY端口号,系统会显示为2068) "

Tip 1.HWIC-16A调试
First check the output of show line command.

The first row is for console. It is always with the lowest number (0) followed by the async lines. The number of async lines varies by platform being used. The reverse telnet ports between 2000-2999 (ascii mode) and 6000-6999 (binary mode) range. The above command output will show the TTY line numbers being used and you have to add that number to 2000 and 6000 for example the first TTY line is 33 its reverse telnet port will be 2033 and 6033.


AS01#sh line
   Tty Line Typ     Tx/Rx    A Modem  Roty AccO AccI  Uses  Noise Overruns  Int
*     0    0 CTY              -    -      -    -    -    12      0    0/0      -
      1    1 AUX   9600/9600  -    -      -    -    -     0      0    0/0      -
* 0/0/0    2 TTY   9600/9600  -    -      -    -    -     4     32    0/0      -
  0/0/1    3 TTY   9600/9600  -    -      -    -    -     2     36    0/0      -
如果0/0/0接rm01,则对应reverse telnet port就是2000+2=2002,不能像NM-32A那样随意定义端口;同理,0/0/1接rm02,则对应reverse telnet port为2003

ip host rm01 2002
ip host rm02 2003

Tip 2.如果跨机架,是否需要rollover线缆?

Tip 3.如何troubleshoot?

If you cannot connect to the router of your choice with a name configured in the ip host command check:
1. Check whether the port address is configured correctly.
Verify whether the address (interface) used for the reverse Telnet is up/up. The output of the show ip
interface brief command provides this information. Cisco recommends you to use loopbacks because
they are always up.
Ensure that you have the correct type of cabling. For example, you must not use a crossover cable to
extend the length. Refer to the Cabling section for more information.
Establish a Telnet connection to the IP address port to test direct connectivity. You must telnet from
both an external device and the terminal server. For example, telnet 2003.
Ensure that you have the transport input telnet command under the line for the target device. The
target device is the device that is connected to the terminal server.
Use a PC/dumb terminal to connect directly to the console of the target router. The target router is the
device connected to the terminal server. This step helps you identify the presence of a port issue.
If you are disconnected, check timeouts. You can remove or adjust timeouts.
Note: If you encounter authentication failures, remember that the terminal server performs the first
authentication (if configured), while the device to which you try to connect performs the second
authentication (if configured). Verify whether AAA is configured correctly on both the terminal
server and the connecting device.
