Debugging in Windows

前面在看Advanced Windows Debugging, 罗列了一些常用debug工具:

Debugging Tools for Windows

Usage Scenarios Collection of debuggers and tools
Current Version 6.6.0007.5
Download Point [url][/url](修改过)

Debugging Tools for Windows is a comprehensive, freely available package that contains powerful debuggers and tools to aid developers in becoming more efficient in their day-to-day jobs.
The download point allows you to choose between the 32- and 64-bit (Itanium and x64) versions. Setup is straightforward, and the express setup is sufficient to get all the necessary tools installed. One caveat exists; if you plan on developing custom debugger extensions (as we will show in Chapter 11 , "Writing Custom Debugger Extensions"), you must do a custom install and elect to install the SDK as well. Table 1.1 shows all the tools that come as part of this package.
Table 1.1. List of Tools That Are Part of the Debugging Tools for Windows
Image Description
agestore.exe Handy file deletion utility that deletes files based on last access date.
cdb.exe Console-based user mode debugger. Virtually identical to NTSD.
dbengprx.exe Lightweight proxy server that relays data between two different machines.
dbgrpc.exe Tool used to query and display Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) information.
dbgrpc.exe Process server used for remote debugging.
dumpchk.exe Tool used to validate a memory dump file.
gflags.exe Configuration tool used to enable and disable system instrumentation.
kd.exe Kernel mode debugger.
kdbgctrl.exe Tool used to control and configure a kernel mode debug connection.
kdsrv.exe Connection server used during kernel mode debugging.
kill.exe Console-based tool to terminate processes.
logger.exe Tool that logs the activity of a process (such as function calls).
logviewer.exe Tool used to view log files generated by logger.exe.
ntsd.exe Console-based user mode debugger. Virtually identical to CDB.
remote.exe Tool used to remotely control console programs.
rtlist.exe Remote process list viewer.
symchk.exe Tool used to validate symbol files or download symbol files from a symbol server.
symstore.exe Tool used to create and maintain a symbol store.
tlist.exe Tool to list all running processes.
umdh.exe Tool used for memory leak detection.
windbg.exe User mode and kernel mode debugger with a graphical user interface.

Not surprisingly, the most important tool is the debugger itself. Chapter 2, "Introduction to the Debuggers," and Chapter 3 , "Debuggers Uncovered," are dedicated to explaining how the debuggers work, how to set them up, and how to most effectively use them.
The tools introduction in this chapter details the most interesting tools we use throughout the book. When the download point specifies 'Part of Debugging tools for Windows' for each tool, it is required that Debugging Tools for Windows be installed. Please note that at the time of writing, the most recent version was 6.6.0007.5. It is quite possible that a new version of the Windows debuggers will be released by the time you read this book. Even so, there should be relatively minor changes in the debugger output, and all the material in the book should still apply and be easily followed. The debugger download URL also keeps a history of debug versions (going back two to three releases) that can be downloaded. If you want to follow the same version, you can download the Debugging Tools for Windows corresponding to version 6.6.0007.5.
