这里说的DataWindow是指dataobject的那个,而不是DataWindow Control
DataWindow可以有几个参数,但是PB并没有提供专门的函数去取得这些参数,DW Syntax也没有指出用那些关系可以去除这些参数信息。但是这些信息还是可以直接取得
// 定义一个custom user object去记录参数信息
$PBExportHeader$nvo_dw_args.sru forward global type nvo_dw_args from nonvisualobject end type end forward global type nvo_dw_args from nonvisualobject autoinstantiate end type type variables string argName string argType end variables on nvo_dw_args.create call super::create TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" ) end on on nvo_dw_args.destroy TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" ) call super::destroy end on event constructor;/** * This object use to store the argument info of datawindow * argName store argument's name * argType store argument's data type */ end event
// 读取和分析参数并返回参数信息
$PBExportHeader$n_cst_dw_util2.sru forward global type n_cst_dw_util2 from nonvisualobject end type end forward global type n_cst_dw_util2 from nonvisualobject end type global n_cst_dw_util2 n_cst_dw_util2 type variables DataWindow idw end variables forward prototypes public function integer of_getarguments (ref nvo_dw_args args[]) end prototypes public function integer of_getarguments (ref nvo_dw_args args[]);/** * get the registe datawindow arguments. * the arguments will be store into nvo_dw_args array args[] * @param ref args[]- nvo_dw_args * @return integer * - return the arguments count if successful * - return 0 if no arguments * - return -1 if invalid idw or error * @author Ben * @history * 1. created 21-Apr-2008 Ben */ string ls_argStr string ls_tmpArg integer li_pos, li_posTab, li_index if not isValid(idw) then return -1 ls_argStr = idw.object.dataWindow.table.arguments if isNull(ls_argStr) or ls_argStr = "" then return 0 do li_pos = pos(ls_argStr, '~n') if li_pos > 0 then ls_tmpArg = left(ls_argStr, li_pos - 1) ls_argStr = right(ls_argStr, len(ls_argStr) - li_pos) else ls_tmpArg = ls_argStr end if if not isNull(ls_tmpArg) and ls_tmpArg <> "" then li_posTab = pos(ls_tmpArg, '~t') if li_posTab > 0 then li_index = upperBound(args) + 1 args[li_index].argName = left(ls_tmpArg, li_posTab - 1) args[li_index].argType = right(ls_tmpArg, len(ls_tmpArg) - li_posTab) end if end if loop while li_pos > 0 return 1 end function on n_cst_dw_util2.create call super::create TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" ) end on on n_cst_dw_util2.destroy TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" ) call super::destroy end on