ora-error:Process J000 died

Tue May 29 01:12:26  2012

Process J000 died, see its trace file
Tue May 29 01:12:26  2012
kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process 
Tue May 29 01:12:34  2012
Errors in file c:\oracle\admin\wmsbs\bdump\wmsbs_cjq0_4600.trc:
JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES  determine the maximum number of concurrently running jobs. In Oracle HTML DB release 2.0, transactional support and SQL scripts require jobs. If  JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES  is not enabled and working properly, you cannot successfully execute a script.
JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES specifies the maximum number of processes that can be created for the execution of jobs. It specifies the number of job queue processes per instance (J000, ... J999).
SQL> show parameter job;
NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- --------
job_queue_processes                  integer     10
默认的值太小,才10,先暂时把 JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES增大到50.
SQL> alter system set  JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=50 scope=both;


