Introducing inclusion of new Layer 2 switching capability in the virtual lab environment of the CCIE R&S Troubleshooting exam
In alignment with CCIE level requirements, Cisco is adding L2 switching features to the CCIE R&S Troubleshooting exam through L2 IOS software on Unix (L2IOU) virtual environment. The new feature will be available starting January 17, 2011.
The CCIE R&S exam consists of 2 sections – the troubleshooting (TS) section which runs two hours, and the Configuration (Config) section which is six hours. The Config lab utilizes actual physical devices in racks, whereas, the TS lab uses a virtual environment under IOU. IOU offers a very realistic simulation of router (L3+) features in the TS lab but until now had no L2 switch capability. With the addition of the new L2IOU, the TS lab will now include both L2 and L3 capabilities in the virtual environment.
With this new capability you may notice some subtle cosmetic and functional differences between the behaviors of the physical switch and the virtual switch. However, the function of the devices is fundamentally the same, and these differences should not affect your ability to apply what you have learned to succeed in the lab exam.
1 两个交换机加入新的拓扑,但是仍然是10个排错题,能否这么说,各个排错题仍然是相互独立的?还是有的题与新加入的交换机有关联?
2 是否有相关文档说明L2IOU映象与真实设备的区别是什么?毕竟大部分的考生没有机会接触IOU,如果有说明的话会很给力的。
Bruno van de Werve 答:
意思是说解决一个考题不会取决于另一个考题是否能解答出来。但是由于网络结构的相关性,某一个独立考题仍然可能影响 到其他的考题。
----虚拟交换机基于router image,因此缺省端口是shut 和 no switchport状态。 但是初始配置(预配)会改变它(端口状态)。
----switchport状态是'dynamic desirable' 类似于3550,不同于配置部分使用的3560,像往常一样用show int sw命令就可以查看。
----接口是ethernet,不是fashtethernet 也不是gigabitethernet( btw,这与虚拟router一样)
---- 接口被module分为4个一组(eth0/0, e0/1, e0/2 and e0/3 然后是e1/0…) , interface range 命令一次只能对一个module操作,因此如果有6个trunk,就需要使用range 命令两次,但是真实交换器上只需要一条命令(原文:while it was done with only one in hardware switches.)。为了减少复杂程度,我们尽量不会在一个交换机上配置多于4个trunk。
----更加重要的是:由于接口没有以太网控制 器,因此不会显示up/down状态,(原文interfaces are lacking the hardware ethernet controller, which prevents the up/down status),但是此部分功能正在开发中,并且不会影响到目前所支持的特性。
---由于不是真实交换机,因此支持管道标识符“|” (例如 sh bla | section router)
--- 虚拟设备(sw and router) 重新启动的时间都非常短,并且web界面提供了单个重启或者全部重启的功能,同时还允许重启初始化配置(原文:it allows to reload the initial configurations )(这里不同于lab部分使用真实硬件),由于在sw上比较容易弄丢vlan或者弄乱配置,我相信这是一个非常有用的功能。