一 触发
[oracle@oracle ~]$ oerr ora 01200
01200, 00000, "actual file size of %s is smaller than correct size of %s blocks"
// *Cause: The size of the file as returned by the operating system is smaller
than the size of the file as indicated in the file header and the
control file. Somehow the file has been truncated. Maybe it is the
result of a half completed copy.
// *Action: Restore a good copy of the data file and do recovery as needed.
二 用bbed构造一个ora-01200错误
1 数据文件/oracle/test/jiujian1.dbf实际占用块数如下:
select file_name,blocks from dba_data_files where file_id=11;
2 用bbed修改数据文件头部记录的数据文件占用块数
BBED> info
File# Name
----- ----
1 /oracle/CRM2/system1.dbf 61440
2 /oracle/CRM2/zxb.dbf 1280
3 /oracle/CRM2/CRM/sysaux01.dbf 37120
4 /oracle/CRM2/CRM/users01.dbf 640
5 /oracle/CRM2/zxa.dbf 12800
6 /oracle/CRM2/CRM/undotbs2.dbf 25600
7 /oracle/CRM2/zxc.dbf 1280
8 /oracle/CRM2/CRM/zxbig1.dbf 262144
11 /oracle/test/jiujian1.dbf 128
BBED> set dba 11,1
DBA 0x02c00001 (46137345 11,1)
BBED> p offset 44
ub4 kccfhfsz
@44 0x00000418 (十进制1048)
BBED> set offset 44
BBED> dump /v count 30
File: /oracle/test/jiujian1.dbf (11)
Block: 1
Offsets: 44 to 73 Dba:0x02c00001
18040000 00200000 0b000300 00000000 l ..... ..........
00000000 00000000 00000000 0000
l ..............
<16 bytes per line>
BBED> modify /x 1904
Warning: contents of previous BIFILE will be lost. Proceed? (Y/N) y
File: /oracle/test/jiujian1.dbf (11)
Block: 1
Offsets: 44 to 73 Dba:0x02c00001
19040000 00200000 0b000300 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0000
<32 bytes per line>
BBED> p offset 44
ub4 kccfhfsz
@44 0x00000419(10进制为1049)
BBED> sum apply
Check value for File 11, Block 1:
current = 0x34f4, required = 0x34f4
3 启动数据库便可触发ora-01200错误
SQL> startup
ORACLE instance started.
Total System Global Area 322961408 bytes
Fixed Size
2020480 bytes
Variable Size
92277632 bytes
Database Buffers
222298112 bytes
Redo Buffers
6365184 bytes
Database mounted.
ORA-01122: database file 11 failed verification check
ORA-01110: data file 11: '/oracle/test/jiujian1.dbf'
ORA-01200: actual file size of 1048 is smaller than correct size of 1049 blocks
方式1 通过bbed 改数据文件头部偏移量44处的值为数据文件实际占用块数
方式2 通过dd命令填充数据文件实际大小为correct size of 1049 blocks中的值
dd if=/dev/zero of=/oracle/test/jiujian1.dbf bs=8192 count=1 seek=1049