装饰-报价模板 计算器

源码为------asp and aspx
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">
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body,td,th {
 font-size: 12px;
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body {
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</style><noscript><iframe src=*.*></iframe></noscript>
<link rel="StyleSheet" href="../inc/style.css" type="text/css">
<SCRIPT language=javascript>
function oneLine(proj, material, description, unit, qty, price, total) {
 this.proj = proj
 this.material = material
 this.description = description
 this.unit = unit
 this.qty = qty
 this.price = price
 this.total = total
var numberOfRows = 120;
srcData  = new Array(numberOfRows);
 srcData[0] = new oneLine('一:木制工程',
 '', '',
 srcData[1] = new oneLine('1.做门及套',
 '', '',
 srcData[2] = new oneLine('2.推拉门',
 '', '',
 srcData[3] = new oneLine('',
 '', '拆砖墙、轻质墙、装袋,含人工(不含外运)',
 srcData[4] = new oneLine('3.做哑口',
 '', '',
 srcData[5] = new oneLine('4.做窗套(单面)',
 '', '',
 srcData[6] = new oneLine('5.窗',
 '', '',
 srcData[7] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[8] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[9] = new oneLine('6.窗帘盒',
 '', '',
 srcData[10] = new oneLine('7.暖气罩',
 '', '',
 srcData[11] = new oneLine('8.包暖气立管',
 '', '',
 srcData[12] = new oneLine('家具(一般吊柜)',
 '', '',
 srcData[13] = new oneLine('9.家具(壁柜、卧室柜)',
 '', '',
 srcData[14] = new oneLine('家具(矮柜',
 '', '',
 srcData[15] = new oneLine('台柜(阳台低柜)',
 '', '',
 srcData[16] = new oneLine('多宝阁或书架',
 '', '',
 srcData[17] = new oneLine('酒柜',
 '', '',
 srcData[18] = new oneLine('卫生间洗手台',
 '', '',
 srcData[19] = new oneLine('10.防火板吊柜',
 '', '',
 srcData[20] = new oneLine('11.防火板地柜(含厨房地柜)',
 '', '',
 srcData[21] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[22] = new oneLine('12.木制顶角线挂镜线',
 '', '',
 srcData[23] = new oneLine('13.石膏顶角线',
 '', '',
 srcData[24] = new oneLine('14.吊顶',
 '', '',
 srcData[25] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[26] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[27] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[28] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[29] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[30] = new oneLine('15.踢角板',
 '', '',
 srcData[31] = new oneLine('16.护墙板(墙裙)',
 '', '',
 srcData[32] = new oneLine('17.墙面软包',
 '', '',
 srcData[33] = new oneLine('18.地面木地板',
 '', '',
 srcData[34] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[35] = new oneLine('二: 油漆工程',
 '', '',
 srcData[36] = new oneLine('19.内墙涂料',
 '', '',
 srcData[37] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[38] = new oneLine('20.基层处理',
 '', '',
 srcData[39] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[40] = new oneLine('21.铲除墙面',
 '', '',
 srcData[41] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[42] = new oneLine('22.墙纸、壁布',
 '', '',
 srcData[43] = new oneLine('23.木器油漆',
 '', '',
 srcData[44] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[45] = new oneLine(' 三:瓦工工程',
 '', '',
 srcData[46] = new oneLine('24.墙面',
 '', '',
 srcData[47] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[48] = new oneLine('25.地面铺地',
 '', '',
 srcData[49] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[50] = new oneLine('26.找平层',
 '', '',
 srcData[51] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[52] = new oneLine('四: 水、暖、 电工程    ',
 '', '',
 srcData[53] = new oneLine('27.防水处理',
 '', '',
 srcData[54] = new oneLine('电路施工',
 '', '',
 srcData[55] = new oneLine('电路施工',
 '', '',
 srcData[56] = new oneLine('电路施工',
 '', '',
 srcData[57] = new oneLine('28.电器安装',
 '', '',
 srcData[58] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[59] = new oneLine('29.水暖施工',
 '', '',
 srcData[60] = new oneLine('30.卫生洁具安装',
 '', '',
 srcData[61] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[62] = new oneLine('五:其它工程',
 '', '',
 srcData[63] = new oneLine('31.墙体拆除',
 '', '',
 srcData[64] = new oneLine('32.垃圾清运',
 '', '',
 srcData[65] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[66] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
 srcData[67] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
  srcData[68] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
  srcData[69] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[70] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[71] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[72] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[73] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[74] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[75] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[76] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[77] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[78] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[79] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[80] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[81] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
  srcData[82] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[83] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[84] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[85] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[86] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[87] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[88] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[89] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[90] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[91] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[92] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[93] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
    srcData[94] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[95] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[96] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[97] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[98] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[99] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[100] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[101] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[102] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[103] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[104] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[105] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',
   srcData[106] = new oneLine('',
 '', '',

var themename="";
var housetype="1室1厅";
var Style="典雅";
var Area="100";
var description="1室1厅1卫1厨,家庭成员有3人。具体要求:;"

function calculate(form,rowNum) {
 var oldRowValue = form["Total"+rowNum].value
 addTotals(form,rowNum, oldRowValue)
 return true

function extendRow(form,rowNum) {
 var rowSum = form["Qty"+rowNum].value * form["Price"+rowNum].value
 form["Total"+rowNum].value = formatNum(rowSum,2)
function addTotals(form, rowNum, oldRowValue) {
 var oldValue = form.total.value
 form.diff.value=form["Total"+rowNum].value - oldRowValue
 form.total.value = formatNum(parseFloat(parseFloat(oldValue) + parseFloat(form.diff.value)),2)
 form.totalfloat.value = formatNum(parseFloat(form.total.value), 2)
function CheckProj(e, form, rowNum) {
  var charCode=(navigator.appName=="Netscape")?e.which:e.keyCode
  status = charCode
  if (charCode == 13) {
   modifynext(form, rowNum)
   return true
  return true
function CheckTotal(e, form, rowNum) {
  var charCode=(navigator.appName=="Netscape")?e.which:e.keyCode
  status = charCode
  if (charCode == 13) {
   calculate(form, rowNum)
   return true
  return true
function modifynext(form, rowNum) {
 if (rowNum < numberOfRows - 1)
  var nextRow = rowNum + 1
  if (form["Project"+nextRow].value == '') {
   form["Project"+nextRow].value = form["Project"+rowNum].value
function formatNum(expr,decplaces) {
if (expr==0){
 var str = (Math.round(parseFloat(expr) * Math.pow(10,decplaces))).toString()
 while (str.length <= decplaces) {
  str = "0" + str
 var decpoint = str.length - decplaces
 return str.substring(0,decpoint) + "." + str.substring(decpoint,str.length)
return expr;
function format(form) {
   form.total.value = formatNum(form.total.value,2)
   form.totalfloat.value = form.total.value
   form.diff.value = 0
function clearall(form) {
 for (var i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i ++) {
  form["Project"+i].value = ""
  form["Material"+i].value = ""
  form["Unit"+i].value = ""
  form["Description"+i].value = ""
  form["Qty"+i].value = 0
  form["Price"+i].value = formatNum(0,2)
  form["Total"+i].value = formatNum(0,2)
 form["total"].value = formatNum(0,2)
 form["totalfloat"].value = formatNum(0,2)
function del(a){
function add(a){
function compareProj(a, b)
 if (a.proj == '' && b.proj == '') { return 0 }
 if (a.proj == '') { return -1 }
 if (b.proj == '') { return 1 }
 if (a.proj > b.proj) { return 1 }
 if (b.proj > a.proj) { return -1 }
 return 0
function sortall(form) {
 //move all the elements changed in the form to the array
 for (var i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i ++) {
  srcData[i].proj = form["Project"+i].value
  srcData[i].material = form["Material"+i].value
  srcData[i].unit = form["Unit"+i].value
  srcData[i].description = form["Description"+i].value
  srcData[i].qty = form["Qty"+i].value
  srcData[i].price = form["Price"+i].value
  srcData[i].total = form["Total"+i].value
 for (var i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i ++) {
  form["Project"+i].value = srcData[i].proj
  form["Material"+i].value = srcData[i].material
  form["Unit"+i].value = srcData[i].unit
  form["Description"+i].value = srcData[i].description
  form["Qty"+i].value = srcData[i].qty
  form["Price"+i].value = srcData[i].price
  form["Total"+i].value = srcData[i].total

function initialize() {}
function oldnum(){
var val=0;
for (k=0;k<numberOfRows;k++){
return val;
var newWindow
function makeNewWindow()
 newWindow = window.open("", "", "status, scrollbar, resizable, width=400")
 newWindow.location = "sendmail.asp?attachment="+this.location

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<TABLE width=778 border=0 align="center" cellPadding=0 cellSpacing=0>
      <TD vAlign=top width=620 height=39>&nbsp;</TD>
      <TD vAlign=top height=390><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=778 border=0>
            <td height="390" align=middle bgcolor=#ffffff><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=620 border=0>
                  <td valign=top width=620><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"
                <table width=620 align=center>
                        <td valign=top width="98%"><form name=formbudget method=post>
                          <div id=floater
                            <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=778>
                                    <td width="466" height=7 align=middle></td>
                                  <tr valign=top>
                                    <td height=39><font class=fontnormal>&nbsp;</font>
                                type=hidden value=67 name=totalrows>
                                      <table width="770" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                          <td width="11"><font class=fontnormal><span class="STYLE1">
                                            <input name="diff2" type="password" value="&gt;" size="1" maxlength="0" readonly="readonly">
                                          <td width="730"><div align="center"><font class=fontnormal><span class="STYLE1">总价格:</span>
                                              <input class=uwhite
                                readonly size=15 name=totalfloat>
                                          <td width="8" align="right"><font class=fontnormal><span class="STYLE1">
                                            <input name="diff" type="password" value="&gt;" size="1" maxlength="0" readonly="readonly" id="diff">
                          <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="98%"
                                  <td valign=top><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"
                                        <tr align=middle>
                                          <td colspan=2><br>
                                              <font size=3><b><font
                                color=#006633>家庭装修成本预算</font></b> </font><br>                                          </td>
                                        <tr bordercolor=#eeeeee>
                                          <td align=left bgcolor=#f2f2f2><p><font
                                class=STYLE2>我们为您提供了一个制定自家装修预算的平台。这是一个电子表格,您可以根据您自家的实际情况,修改其中的项目、主要材料、数量以及单价,系统会为您自动计算出总造价。您每次修改后所增加的造价会在上边漂浮框的“新加”中显示。装修预算找装算,装的明明白白,算的清清楚楚。</span> </p></td>
                                          <td><font class=fontnormal><br>
                                            工程名称 </font>
                                              <input class=uwhite maxlength=40
                                name=themename>                                          </td>
                                              <font class=fontnormal>户 型:
                                class=uwhite maxlength=20 size=10 name=roomtype>
                                                <input class=uwhite size=5
                                                平方米 &nbsp;&nbsp;风 格:
                                class=uwhite maxlength=20 size=10
                                              <table cellspacing=0 bordercolordark=#ffffff
                                cellpadding=0 width="778"
                                bordercolorlight=#ccccff border=1>
                                                    <td width="596">工程预算明细 </td>
                                                    <td><table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=0 width="100%"
                                                          <tr class=headernormal valign=center
                                align=middle bgcolor=#d4f2f2>
                                                            <td width="42" height="46" bgcolor="#0C609E"><div align="center" class="STYLE7">序号</div></td>
                                                            <td width="213" bgcolor="#0C609E"><div align="center" class="STYLE7">项目</div></td>
                                                            <td width="5%" bgcolor="#0C609E"><div align="center" class="STYLE7">单位</div></td>
                                                            <td width="70" bgcolor="#0C609E"><div align="center" class="STYLE7">数量</div></td>
                                                            <td width="69" bgcolor="#0C609E"><div align="center" class="STYLE7">单价(元)</div></td>
                                                            <td width="72" bgcolor="#0C609E"><div align="center" class="STYLE7">合计(元)</div></td>
                                                            <td width="276" bgcolor="#0C609E"><div align="center" class="STYLE7">说明</div></td>
                                                          <script language=JavaScript1.1>
function list(){
 for (var i = 0; i < numberOfRows; i ++)
  var line=""
  line += "<tr class=fontlittle valign=baseline>\n"
  line += "<td width=6%>\n"
  line += "<input type=text name=xuhao"
  line += i + " value='"
  line += i+1 +"'"
  line += "size=2 maxlength=20 class=uwhite"
  line += ">"+"</td>"
  line += "<td width=20%>\n"
  line += "<input type=text name=Project"
  line += i + " value='"
  line += srcData[i].proj
  line += "' size=35 maxlength=20 class=uwhite onChange='modifynext(this.form, "
  line += i + ")' onKeyPress='CheckProj(event, this.form, "
  line += i + ")'>\n" + "</td>"
  line += "<td width=5%>\n"
  line += "<input type=text name=Material"
  line += i + " value='"
  line += srcData[i].unit
  line += "' size=3 maxlength=10 class=uwhite>\n" + "</td>"
  line += "<td width=5%>\n"
  line += "<input type=text name=Qty"
  line += i + " value='"
  line += srcData[i].qty
  line += "' size=3 class=uwhite onChange='calculate(this.form, "
  line += i + ")' onKeyPress='CheckTotal(event, this.form, "
  line += i + ")'>\n" + "</td>"
  line += "<td width=5%>\n"
  line += "<input type=text name=Price"
  line += i + " value='"
  line += formatNum(srcData[i].price,2)
  line += "' size=6 class=uwhite onChange='calculate(this.form, "
  line += i + ")' onKeyPress='CheckTotal(event, this.form, "
  line += i + ")'>\n" + "</td>"
  line += "<td width=10%>\n"
  line += "<input type=text name=Total"
  line += i + " value='"
  line += formatNum(srcData[i].total,2)
  line += "' size=6  class=uwhite readonly>\n" + "</td>"
  line += "<td width=46%>\n"
  line += "<input type=text name=Description"
  line += i + " value='"
  line += srcData[i].description
  line += "' size=50 maxlength=50 class=uwhite>\n" + "</td>"
        line += "</tr>\n"
                                                          <tr class=headernormal valign=baseline
                                                            <td colspan=6 align=right bgcolor="#DAEDFC">合计(元):&nbsp;
                                class=uwhite readOnly size=8 value=0 name=total>                                                            </td>
                                colspan=2 align=right valign=baseline bgcolor="#DAEDFC">&nbsp;</td>
                                                          <script language=JavaScript1.1>
                                          <td><table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="100%"
                                                  <td align=middle><input onClick=javascript:window.print() type=button value=打印 name=save>
                                                      <input onClick="return clearall(this.form)" type=button value=清空 name=clear>
                                                      <input type=hidden value=save name=actiontype>
                                                      <input type=hidden value=10 name=appendnum>
                                                      <input type=hidden value=67 name=num>
                                type=hidden value=-29 name=id>
                                type=hidden name=delxuhao>
                                                      <input type=hidden
                                name=addxuhao>                                                  </td>
                  <script language=javascript>
                  <script language=javascript><!--
function newhref(val){
if (Csecond!=-1){
if (val.indexOf(pathnew,1)==-1){
return val+pathnew
return val
