





frombyte.com> account select grpadmin passwd

Enter password:

Retype password:



# #
# Dell (tm), Inc. Storage Array #
# Copyright 2001-2011 #
# #
# Controller Information: #
# Part=70-0400 Rev=A03 SN= 13740025D00AO ECO=C00 #
# #
Bootloader Version 3.6.4 (SWINT Rev:1)
Compiled on Mon Jun 27 10:20:45 EDT 2011
(type h for help)
Enter Ctrl-P for boot prompt
Executing bootcmd0 [dload sd primary/eqlstor.gz]
0X80231000/10920 0X85f07c00/23145556 entrypt 80231000
Executing bootcmd1 [run]
cpu_online_map=ffff, userapp_cpu_map ffff
psb_os_active_mask=0, psb_os_mask=0
boot1_info: userapp_cpu_map=ffff, psb_os_cpu_map=0
cpu_online_map = 0xffff
Jumping to the application... 0x80231000
Preparing ffff bitmask of cpus to run
No network device to cleanup
count = 16, total = 16
All slave cpus (16) ack'ed userapp init
count = 4, total = 4
All slave cpus (4) ack'ed message ring init
rcp_base_addr 0xbd860000 mips_nvram_kseg1_addr 0xbd000000
C2F Power Module revision number 0x04000000 string A00
emm_register_driver_ioctl: registering: XLR xlrioctl
Dell, Inc. Storage Array
Copyright 2001-2012 Dell, Inc.
70-0400 Rev=A03 Date=025D SN=00AO ECO=C00
MIPS32/64 params: cpu arch: 64
MIPS32/64 params: TLB entries: 64
MIPS32/64 params: Icache: line = 32, total = 32768, ways = 8
sets = 128
MIPS32/64 params: Dcache: line = 32, total = 32768, ways = 8
sets = 128
picache_stride = 4096
picache_loopcount = 8
pdcache_stride = 4096
pdcache_loopcount = 8
skipping PMC update
cpu model: xls616
processor step: B1
eql_cache_starting_addr 0x30000000 eql_cache_size is 0x50000000
Enable XLR Address Errors
Enable XLR L1/L2 Bit Errors
Enabling non-maskable ints
emm_register_driver_ioctl: registering: CFE_BL envioctl
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
NetBSD 1.6.2 (EQL.PSS) #0: Fri Oct 26 03:00:16 EDT 2012
239 MB memory, 182 MB free, 12336 KB in 3084 buffers
startup CPU 5....
wakeup_cpu: 0x80037c00: cpu 5 running QRQ ETH RECV
startup CPU 8....
wakeup_cpu: 0x8003ac00: cpu 8 running QRQ TIME KEEPER and DMA
startup CPU 9....
wakeup_cpu: 0x8003bc00: cpu 9 running QRQ ETH XMIT
startup QRQ processor
startup CPU 12....
wakeup_cpu: 0x8003ec00: cpu 12 running NetBSD thread
startup CPU 13....
wakeup_cpu: 0x8003fc00: cpu 13 running NetBSD XOR thread
startup CPU 14....
wakeup_cpu: 0x80040c00: cpu 14 running NetBSD XOR thread
NVRAM header is valid
shutdown cause: array was reset
shutdown stage code: 0
NVRAM indicates a clean shutdown with code 34.
Peer CM already up and active.
mdi0 (root)
Update SYS2IO credits: (0xbef000d4) = 0xe020010
DDR GLB PARAMS (Channel A) = 0x961...ECC ENABLED
DDR GLB PARAMS (Channel C) = 0x961...ECC ENABLED
cpu0 at mdi0 busid 0
Chip frequency=1000000000 Hz
: 1000.00MHz (hz cycles = 10000000, delay divisor = 1000)
cpu0: RMI XLS (0xc4003) Rev. 3 with software emulated floating point
cpu0: 32KB/32B 8-way set-associative L1 Instruction cache, 64 TLB entries
cpu0: 32KB/32B 8-way set-associative write-back L1 Data cache
membridge0 at mdi0 busid 1
iodi0 at membridge0 busid 0
eqlscn1 at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef14000 intr 4
eqlscn1: channel 0: console
xlrtimer0 at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef00000 intr 2
fmn0 at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef00000 intr 0
pcix at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef09000 intr 0
not configured
hypertransport at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef0a000 intr 5
not configured
xlrdma0 at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef1a000 intr 0
xdog0 at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef00000 intr 10
Watchdog timer 0
xlri2c0 at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef00000 intr 0
xlri2c_attach: bus 0 address: 0xbef16000, bus 1 address: 0xbef17000
I2C Bus 0 Status: 0x02
I2C Bus 1 Status: 0x02
Emm registering serial bus driver.
vsc33x_match: Found SGMII/XAUI crosspoint at 0x3
vsc33x1 at xlri2c0 offset 0x3
xlri2c_manage_porfidio_mux: Unknown device 0x18 on PS Mux
psseeprom_match: Found a Match: off: 0x69, chan: 1, flags: 0x1
psseeprom0 at xlri2c0 offset 0x69
psseeprom_attach: Accessing Command Module eeprom. SB Dev: 0x69 on SMBus Channel
: 1
Checksum: 0x94 for Command Module eeprom is valid.
psseeprom_getsn: String: 00AO, Number: 201
psseeprom_match: Found a Match: off: 0x350, chan: 0, flags: 0x0
psseeprom1 at xlri2c0 offset 0x350
psseeprom_attach: Accessing C2F Power Module eeprom. SB Dev: 0x350 on SMBus Chan
nel: 0
Checksum: 0xcd for C2F Power Module eeprom is valid.
psseeprom_get_eco: number 0 str C00
xlri2c_manage_porfidio_mux: Unknown device 0x6 on PS Mux
maxpwr_match: Reading device addr: 0x50
maxpwr0 at xlri2c0 offset 0x50
maxpwr_attach: Attaching dev addr: 0x50
maxpwr_attach: Program Version: 0x00000015
xlri2c_manage_porfidio_mux: Unknown device 0x68 on PS Mux
ds1388c0 at xlri2c0 offset 0x68
ds1388_attach: Addr: 0x68, Bus: 1
Emm registering toy clock routines.
C2F Power module charged to 5.016V
C2F Power module mid voltage = 2.508V
ads1015a2d0 at xlri2c0 offset 0x48
ads1015a2d_attach: Addr: 0x48, Bus: 0
pcie_match: PCIe Match
xlspcie0 at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef1e000 intr 0
SBC REG: PCIE_CFG_BAR (64) = 0x180001
SBC REG: PCIE_ECFG_BAR (65) = 0xc00000
XLSPCIE: pci extended config base: 0xc0000000
SBC REG: PCIE_MEM_BAR (66) = 0xd0001f
SBC REG: PCIE_IO_BAR (67) = 0x100001
(PCIE Dev/Vend 0) 0xabcd182e
pcie_attach: MSI Capability Reg: 0x00817005
pcie_attach: MSI Lower Address Reg: 0xfee00000
pcie_attach: MSI Upper Address Reg: 0x00000000
pcie_attach: MSI Data Reg: 0x00000000
pcie_attach: PCIE_CTRL4 0xaaaa2222
pcie_attach: PCIE_LINK0_MSI_ENABLE 0x00000001
pcie_attach: LSI ID: 0x00761000
I/O BAR: 0x10000001
MEM 0 Lo: 0xd0000004
MEM 0 Hi: 0x00000000
MEM 1 Lo: 0xd0040004
MEM 1 Hi: 0x00000000
pcie_attach: LSI MSI Capability: 0x0080c005
0x1ef1e000 0x0 0x0
pci0 at xlspcie0 bus 1
pci0: i/o space, memory space enabled, rd/line, rd/mult, wr/inv ok
pcipss0 at pci0 dev 0 function 0: LSI SASGen2 (rev. 0x5)
ehci0 at iodi0 iobase 0x1ef25000 intr 4
ehci0: EHCI version 0.10
usb0 at ehci0: USB revision 2.0
uhub0 at usb0
uhub0: vendor 0x0000 EHCI root hub, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1
uhub0: 2 ports with 2 removable, self powered
USB_ATTACH: cold is (1), flags are (0x0)
usbd_new_device: high speed port 0
smsc0 at uhub0 port 1
smsc0: vendor 0x0424 product 0x9e00, rev 2.00/3.00, addr 2
LAN9500 smsc0: 0x9e000002 parent port 1
LAN9500 smsc0: status 0x1
smsc0: 1st initialization
ukphy0 at smsc0 phy 1: Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface
ukphy0: OUI 0x00800f, model 0x000f, rev. 0
ukphy0: 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto
LAN9500 smsc0: not adding media types!
ethMgmt: IPC registration successful
No battery on C2F Based systems
Attaching EMM pseudo driver.
Emm registering: EMM Peer CM Checker. To be called every 5 seconds.
IPsec: Initialized PF_KEY socket intercept.
mips_idle_thread cpu 0
mips_idle_thread cpu 12
mips_idle_thread cpu 13
mips_idle_thread cpu 14
wait for active to release passive
passive released b2b_send_one 1 b2b_sent_startup 1
LSI FW image size: 1048576
LSI ppool size allocated: 3145728
LSI ppool used: 2368842
LSI debug buffer size: 0
LSI trace buffer size: 0
ses_add_dev: devLun from SAS: 18, stored devLun: 0
emm_register_driver_ioctl: registering: SES sesioctl
Emm registering: SES Thread. To be called every 20 seconds.
PortDriverEntry - The miniport took 0 milliseconds to initialize.
pcipss - Entries/Page 256, Entries for max io 512, reporting SG entry size of 16
No shutdown state recorded in FRAM. Problematic only if not a clean reboot.
Locore BB-DDR valid.
BB-DDR version=0 is not valid!
PPool: Resourced Mem ram 809644032 (0x30423000) 0x4f95d000-0x7fd80000
PPool: Raid NVRAM 7904 (0x1ee0) 0x7fe50870-0x7fe52750
PPool: Raid BBDDR 47546368 (0x2d58000) 0x30511000-0x33269000
PPool: Cache NVRAM 841904 (0xcd8b0) 0x7fe52750-0x7ff20000
PPool: Cache BBDDR 421535744 (0x19202000) 0x338ca000-0x4cacc000
PPool: IOM NVRAM 65536 (0x10000) 0x7fe40470-0x7fe50470
PPool: IOM Sync Rep BBDDR 65536 (0x10000) 0x30501000-0x30511000
PPool: IOM Saved Txn Info NVRAM 1024 (0x400) 0x7fe50470-0x7fe50870
PPool: Zero Mem ram 262144 (0x40000) 0x7fe00000-0x7fe40000
PPool: eqllog BBDDR 512000 (0x7d000) 0x33269000-0x332e6000
PPool: Cord BBDDR 2097152 (0x200000) 0x332e6000-0x334e6000
PPool: Cord ram 524288 (0x80000) 0x7fd80000-0x7fe00000
PPool: Mirror BBDDR 2584576 (0x277000) 0x334e6000-0x3375d000
PPool: QRQ iSCSI BBDDR 1495040 (0x16d000) 0x3375d000-0x338ca000
PPool: QRQ iSCSI FREELIST ram 48828416 (0x2e91000) 0x4cacc000-0x4f95d000
EQLLOG: passive controller not touching eqllog persistent memory
CORD INIT: init_done: 0, ppool_nvram_mtable: 0x7fe40000
cord_initialize: &cord_mgrp: 0x80001440, sizeof: 544
NVRAM Shutdown State: 0x0
NVRAM Valid Bits: 0x0
BBDDR Valid Bits: 0x0
cord_initialize: Passive Controller.
init_cord_mem_regions: g_cord_mem_regions.ram.region_valid: 0x0
Zeroing out CORD RAM. Start: 0x7fd80000, Size: 524288
Zeroing out CORD BBDDR.
Cord RAM Total Size: 0x00080000 (524288)
CCordXactQueues: Size: 524288.
initQueues: Created 6036 cord_xact_t headers
We have 65536 bytes of memory, enough for 8 8K buffers.
Preparing to create 7 Test Buffers and SGLists.
Test Size: 65536, Memory Left Over: 8192, SGList Size: 112
SGList Addr: 0x7fdf0000, Buf Addr: 0x7fdf2000
init_cord_mem_regions: created CCordXactQueues: 0xc00a7580
CORD FMN Trace Buffer starts at: 0x0, Size: 0x100000
cord_initialize: kthread_create
cord_create_work_thread: Creating cord_work_thread.
iscsi_load called on secondary ..
EMM Thread Starting.
boot device: <unknown>
b2b_10g_xaui_clk_align: local Tx Clk realigned
ethMgmt_sync: sync msg received
ethMgmt_sync: setting autonegotiation
root file system type: romfs
releasing XLR cores
smsc_init: HW_CFG is (0x000191c0)
smsc_write_mac_addr: ADDRL (0x9d52aed4) ADDRH (0x74b2)
smsc_init: rx mbuf list (40) (40) - head(0x83844300) tail(0x84343a00)
smsc_miibus_statchg: clearing full duplex mii_media_active(0x22) ifm_media(0x00
ethMgmt_sendLinkStateChange: link state (1) - mii_media_status(0x1) mii_media_ac
speed (9999) duplex (2) phyStatus(0x200000)
ethMgmt_sync: response sent
ethMgmt_stopIF: about to stop...
smsc_stop: flushed (0) mbuf/clusters from rx thread queue and rx_dispatch_outst
anding (0)
smsc_stop: freed (20) mbuf/clusters from local pool and rx_dispatch_outstanding
smsc_stop: flushed (20) mbuf/clusters from device rx list and rx_dispatch_outst
anding (0)
smsc_stop: flushed (0) mbuf/clusters from tx thread queue
ethMgmt_stopIF: now stopped!
si_configEthDevices: loCookie 0x5, hiCookie 0x0
si_if_init: unit 0 spoofed pmi_if_flags 0x1
si_if_init: unit 1 spoofed pmi_if_flags 0x1
si_if_init: unit 2 spoofed pmi_if_flags 0x1
si_if_init: unit 3 spoofed pmi_if_flags 0x1
raid_xor_offload started with ID of 0
raid_xor_offload started with ID of 1
xlr_log_maxim_ps_events: Maxim Power Sequencer fault logging ENABLED on I2C 0.
xlr_log_maxim_ps_events: No fault logs locked in Maxim Power Sequencer eeprom on
I2C 0.
xlr_log_maxim_ps_events: FAILED TO GET EEPROM DATA FOR MAXIM PS 1
SEP is ready.
_ses_read_page: SAS Driver returned EAGAIN
Supported 18 diagnostic pages:
SEP init needed 1 tries
Product ID: MD1240 - EQ
Number of element types: 18 for enclosure: 0
type=0x17, elem_cnt=24, subencl_id=0, text_len=12
type=0x2, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=13
type=0x3, elem_cnt=8, subencl_id=0, text_len=12
type=0x4, elem_cnt=8, subencl_id=0, text_len=13
type=0x6, elem_cnt=1, subencl_id=0, text_len=7
type=0x7, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=4
type=0xe, elem_cnt=1, subencl_id=0, text_len=10
type=0x10, elem_cnt=1, subencl_id=0, text_len=9
type=0x12, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=10
type=0x12, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=11
type=0x12, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=10
type=0x13, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=18
type=0x13, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=19
type=0x13, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=18
type=0x16, elem_cnt=1, subencl_id=0, text_len=14
type=0x80, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=16
type=0x80, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=17
type=0x80, elem_cnt=2, subencl_id=0, text_len=16
SCSI Device
Power Supply
Cooling Fan
Temp. Sensor
AC Sensor
12V Sensor
5V Sensor
AC Current Sensor
12V Current Sensor
5V Current Sensor
Sub Enclosure
AC Power Sensor
12V Power Sensor
5V Power Sensor
ses_read_initial_status_page: found the INFO Bit after 0 tries.
Product ID: MD1240 - EQ
Vendor ID : DELL MD1240 - EQ A0015CC4F3X
SEP Rev : A001
Serial Number 5BBXXXX
MFS set up
Building databases...
SD card MID 40 OID BE type rev 0.0
serial number 2247 date 4/2012
standard speed, 4-bit bus support, 1970176 sectors
SP [secondary]:1370775858.98:cord.c:677:INFO:28.2.108:Control module in slot 1 w
ith serial number CN-07Y9XR-13740-25D-00AO is designated as secondary.
IPC NetBSD error: opcode [1465], reason [1000]
eqliom block major 71
eqliom character major 71
t_ccutils_mem_pool: 0x4f95d000 to 0x7fd80000
NVRAM Temperature Battery Records: 0xbd0001dc
EQLLOG: Successfully established communication with active CM
Sun Jun 9 07:05:48 EDT 2013
Jun 9 07:05:48 init: kernel security level changed from 0 to 1
PS Series Storage Arrays
Unauthorized Access Prohibited
login: grpadmin
Welcome to Group Manager
Copyright 2001-2012 Dell, Inc.
Because you have logged into the secondary control module, you can perform only
service operations for this control module; array and group management operation
s are not available. Connect to Port 0 on the active control module to perform a
rray and group management operations.
CLI> s114:5:netmgtd [secondary]: 9-Jun-2013 07:10:04.650006:rcc_util.c:753:INFO:
:25.2.9:CLI: Login to account grpadmin succeeded, using local authentication. Us
er privilege is group-admin.
Group Manager Setup Utility
*** Run setup using a serial connection to the active control module. Please
try again
CLI> setup
Group Manager Setup Utility
*** Run setup using a serial connection to the active control module. Please
try again
CLI> setup
Group Manager Setup Utility
*** Run setup using a serial connection to the active control module. Please
try again
CLI> setup
Login incorrect
login: grpadmin
Welcome to Group Manager
Copyright 2001-2012 Dell, Inc.
377:5:netmgtd: 9-Jun-2013 07:11:56.020006:rcc_util.c:753:INFO::25.2.9:CLI: Login
to account grpadmin succeeded, using local authentication. User privilege is gr
It appears that the storage array has not been configured.
Would you like to configure the array now ? (y/n) [n]y
Group Manager Setup Utility
The setup utility establishes the initial network and storage
configuration for a storage array and then configures the array
as a member of a new or existing group of arrays.
For help, enter a question mark (?) at a prompt.
Do you want to proceed (yes | no ) [no]: yes
382:218:SP: 9-Jun-2013 07:12:04.410219:verify.c:843:INFO::14.2.12:0:Parity verif
ication initiated on RAID LUN 0.
384:219:SP: 9-Jun-2013 07:12:04.410220:verify.c:843:INFO::14.2.12:0:Parity verif
ication initiated on RAID LUN 0.
385:220:SP: 9-Jun-2013 07:12:04.410221:verify.c:843:INFO::14.2.12:0:Parity verif
ication initiated on RAID LUN 0.
Initializing. This may take several minutes to complete.395:221:SP: 9-Jun-2013
07:12:10.740222:verify.c:370:INFO::13.2.7:Parity verification completed.
Enter the network configuration for the array.
Member name []: member1
Network interface [eth0]: eth0
IP address for network interface []:
Netmask []:
Default gateway []:
Initializing interface eth0. This may take a minute.....
Enter the IP address and name of the group that the array will join.
Group name []: group1
Group IP address []:
Searching to see if the group exists. This may take a few minutes.
The group does not exist or currently cannot be reached. Make sure
you have entered the correct group IP address and group name.
Do you want to create a new group (yes | no) [yes]: yes
Group Configuration
Group Name: group1
Group IP address:
Do you want to use the group settings shown above (yes | no) [yes]: yes
Password for managing group membership:
Retype password for verification:
Password for the default group administration(grpadmin) account:
Retype password for verification:
Saving the configuration...
Waiting for configuration to become active....Done
704:13:psgd: 9-Jun-2013 07:16:52.400014:psgd_group.cc:17393:INFO::18.2.0:Group m
ember member1 now active in the group.
Group group1 has been created with one member.
Use the Group Manager GUI or CLI to set the RAID policy
for the member. You can then create a volume which
a host can connect to using an iSCSI initiator.
To access the Group Manager GUI, specify http://group_ip_address in
a Web browser window. To access the CLI, use telnet or SSH to
connect to the group IP address from a remote terminal, or attach a
console terminal directly to a serial port on a group member's
active control module. Log in to the default group administration
account (grpadmin) using the password you specified when creating
this group. See the Group Administration manual for more
group1> 802:340:MgmtExec: 9-Jun-2013 07:16:58.410341:targetAttr.cc:532:ERROR::7.
4.3:iSCSI login to target ', iqn.2001-05.com.equallogic:4-52ae
d6-91670b29d-6a070a8ff2b51b1b-test1' from initiator ', iqn.199
1-05.com.microsoft:www.datahf.net' failed for the following reason:
Requested target not found.


eqlogic的存储结构大致为磁盘-->pool-->volume,再将volume映射成iscsi target即可。在浏览器中输入eqlogic的管理ip,即可按向导方式访问,首次安装好,尽量将网线接至lan0口上,先不要接到管理口。
