Installing OpenDS 2.2 on Linux  

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Open up your firefox and browse the site: . Download OpenDS 2.2 from their downloads section to /usr/tmp directory

  • As the strongauth user, go to the /usr/local/strongauth directory in a terminal

    cd /usr/local/strongauth

  • Now unzip the by executing:

    unzip /usr/tmp/

  • This will extract the archive under the current directory. Now type:

    cd /usr/local/strongauth/OpenDS-2.2.0
    and press Enter

  • Then type:


  • This will start the OpenDS Directory Server QuickSetup wizard.


You will see the OpenDS Directory Server QuickSetup Welcome screen as below:


Click Next to continue. You should see a form for server settings. Edit the settings to give the proper values for

1) Your Host Name

2) LDAP listener port (recommended value: 1389)

3) Root user DN: cn=Directory Manager

4) Password: your password

5) Password (confirm): your same password again to confirm

Your screen should similar to this:



Click Next to continue. You should see a Topology Options form. Select the option: "This will be a standalone server". You should see



Click Next to continue. You should see a form to set the Directory Data.

Type dc=strongauth,dc=com for the field Directory Base DN .

For Directory Data, select the option: Import data from LDIF file

Using the Browse button, navigate and select the file


At this point, your screen should look similar to this:



Click Next to continue. You will see the review page as below:


Ensure that the checkbox for Start Server when Configuration has completed is checked ON. If not, check that box.


Carefully review the information and if everything is satisfactory, Click Finish to install. If everything went right, you should get a page similar to this:


At this point, you have successfully installed the OpenDS.
