

网上好多说一条命令:bootrec /fixmbr就搞定的,反正在我这个华硕笔记本上始终没有成功。

1. 下载MbrFix.exe

首先进入Windows 操作系统,进入 网站下载MbrFix.exe,从上往下数第三个软件即是;

下载完成后解压zip压缩包,将MbrFix.exe 剪切到C盘(系统盘);


开始�C>运行�C>cmd�Ccd \命令进入C盘符�C>运行命令:

(如果是Win7系统,运行命令: MbrFix64 /drive 0 fixmbr /win7 /yes �C>Enter回车)




So to begin with, you’re going to need a recovery disc (Windows 7/Vista/XP installation disc and boot into setup. I dont think it matters which one as long as you can get to the command prompt).

Once in, navigate and find the Repair option, and then choose Command Prompt.

We’ll first make the partition ACTIVE by using DISKPART:

1. Enter in command prompt:


2. List all disks

LIST disk

3. Select which disk to use

SELECT disk #        // where # is 0 through n depending on what drive you want

4. List the partitions on the disk

LIST partition

5. Select which partition to use

SELECT partition #

6. Make the partition ACTIVE
