How to use more than one WAV device

In our system, there are 3 WAV streamdriver, index are: 1,2,3. So how can I use WAV3 by waveoutopen?

In wince, when system start, device managerwill load stream drivers by order section in .reg file, and will give eachdriver a device ID, and put them in stack. So if you call waveoutopen withparameter WAVE_MAPPER, it will use the first loaded WAV stream driver. If youwant the 3rd WAV, you must use the device ID instead of WAVE_MAPPER.Ok, what is the device ID? It is the index from 0, for example, the 3rdloaded WAV stream driver, it will be gave 2 as its device ID.

So, you can call waveoutopen whit parameter2 to use WAV3.
