
  • 原文出处

  • 原文作者:FriendsOfSymfony

  • 授权许可:创作共用协议

  • 翻译人员:FireHare

  • 校对人员:

  • 适用版本:FOSCommentBundle 2.0.5

  • 文章状态:草译阶段

Step 12: Enable voting

Setup Classes(设置类)

The FOSCommentBundle supports both Doctrine ODM (mongodb) and Doctrine ORM bydefault. However, you must provide a concrete Vote class. Follow the appropriate instructions to set up the classes:

FOSCommentBundle缺省支持Doctrine ODM (mongodb) 和 Doctrine ORM 。然而,您必须提供一个具体的Vote类。根据相应的指示设置类:

  • Doctrine ORM

  • Doctrine ODM (mongodb)

Integration with fosuserbundle(与FOSUserBundle功能包集成)

  • Integration with FOSUserBundle

That is it!

Return to the index.

