Applies to:
PL/SQL �C Version: 8.1.7 to 10.2
Information in this document applies to any platform.
There is no direct way to query the dictionary for literal SQL only.
However the following example will try to exclude all SQL statements in the
shared pool that do use bind variables.
There still might be situations, with statements using subqueries, where the
example still will show SQL statements using bind variables.
Create the following PL/SQL block:
set serveroutput on set linesize 120 -- -- This anonymous PL/SQL block must be executed as INTERNAL or SYS -- Execute from : SQL*PLUS -- CAUTION: -- This sample program has been tested on Oracle Server - Enterprise Edition -- However, there is no guarantee of effectiveness because of the possibility -- of error in transmitting or implementing it. It is meant to be used as a -- template, and it may require modification. -- declare b_myadr VARCHAR2(20); b_myadr1 VARCHAR2(20); qstring VARCHAR2(100); b_anybind NUMBER; cursor my_statement is select address from v$sql group by address; cursor getsqlcode is select substr(sql_text,1,60) from v$sql where address = b_myadr; cursor kglcur is select kglhdadr from x$kglcursor where kglhdpar = b_myadr and kglhdpar != kglhdadr and kglobt09 = 0; cursor isthisliteral is select kkscbndt from x$kksbv where kglhdadr = b_myadr1; begin dbms_output.enable(10000000); open my_statement; loop Fetch my_statement into b_myadr; open kglcur; fetch kglcur into b_myadr1; if kglcur%FOUND Then open isthisliteral; fetch isthisliteral into b_anybind; if isthisliteral%NOTFOUND Then open getsqlcode; fetch getsqlcode into qstring; dbms_output.put_line('Literal:'||qstring||' address: '||b_myadr); close getsqlcode; end if; close isthisliteral; end if; close kglcur; Exit When my_statement%NOTFOUND; End loop; close my_statement; end; / /*尝试执行*/ SQL> @find_literal Literal:select inst_id, java_size, round(java_size / basejava_size, address: 00000000BC6E94E8 Literal:select reason_id, object_id, subobject_id, internal_instance address: 00000000BC5F1D60 Literal:select DBID, NAME, CREATED, RESETLOGS_CHANGE#, RESETLOGS_TI address: 00000000BC6000B0 Literal:select di.inst_id,di.didbi,di.didbn,to_date(di.dicts,'MM/DD/ address: 00000000BC530DA8 Literal: declare vsn varchar2(20); begin address: 00000000BC85A9F8 Literal:SELECT INCARNATION#, RESETLOGS_CHANGE#, RESETLOGS_TIME, PRIO address: 00000000BC829978 Literal:select pos#,intcol#,col#,spare1,bo#,spare2 from icol$ where address: 00000000BCA84D00 Literal:select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SERVER_HOST'), SYS_CONTEXT('U address: 00000000BC771BF0 Literal: select sql_text, FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE, EXACT_MATCHING_S address: 00000000BC4673A8 Literal:select streams_pool_size_for_estimate s, streams_p address: 00000000BCA58848 Literal: select open_mode from v$database address: 00000000BC5DF2D0 Literal:select FORCE_MATCHING_SIGNATURE, count(1) from v$sql wher address: 00000000BCA91628 Literal:select inst_id, tablespace_name, segment_file, segment_block address: 00000000BC66EF38 Literal:select sum(used_blocks), ts.ts# from GV$SORT_SEGMENT gv, t address: 00000000BCAA01B0 Literal:BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(NULL); END; address: 00000000BC61D2D8 Literal:select value$ from props$ where name = 'GLOBAL_DB_NAME' address: 00000000BC570500 Literal:select count(*) from sys.job$ where (next_date > sysdate) an address: 00000000BC6C53F8 Literal:select java_pool_size_for_estimate s, java_pool_si address: 00000000BCA65070 Literal:select local_tran_id, global_tran_fmt, global_oracle_id, glo address: 00000000BC5900B8 Literal:select inst_id,kglnaobj,kglfnobj,kglobt03, kglobhs0+kglobhs1 address: 00000000BC921538 Literal:select o.owner#,o.name,o.namespace,o.remoteowner,o.linkname, address: 00000000BCA83E90 Literal:SELECT * FROM V$SQL address: 00000000BCA58BC0 Literal:SELECT ADDRESS FROM V$SQL GROUP BY ADDRESS address: 00000000BC565BE8 Literal: begin dbms_rcvman.resetAll; end; address: 00000000BC759858 Literal:declare b_myadr VARCHAR2(20); b_myadr1 VARCHAR2(20); qstring address: 00000000BC928FF8 Literal:select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, address: 00000000BC898BF8 Literal:select CONF#, NAME, VALUE from GV$RMAN_CONFIGURATION where i address: 00000000BC8CB7F8 Literal:select f.file#, f.block#, f.ts#, f.length from fet$ f, ts$ t address: 00000000BC8CDFE8 Literal:select u.name, o.name, trigger$.sys_evts, trigger$.type# fr address: 00000000BCA877B8 Literal:select id, name, block_size, advice_status, address: 00000000BC636B38 Literal:select incarnation#, resetlogs_change#, resetlogs_time, address: 00000000BCA94250 Literal:select INSTANCE_NUMBER , INSTANCE_NAME , HOST_NAME , VERSIO address: 00000000BC62A678 Literal:select ks.inst_id,ksuxsins,ksuxssid,ksuxshst,ksuxsver,ksuxst address: 00000000BC8E5440 Literal:select timestamp, flags from fixed_obj$ where obj#=:1 address: 00000000BC916C78 Literal:select size_for_estimate, size_factor * address: 00000000BCA5F830 Literal:select shared_pool_size_for_estimate s, shared_pool address: 00000000BCA5A350 Literal:select SQL_TEXT , SQL_FULLTEXT , SQL_ID, SHARABLE_MEM , PE address: 00000000BC76B3A0 Literal:lock table sys.col_usage$ in exclusive mode nowait address: 00000000BCA05978 Literal:select 'x' from dual address: 00000000BC583818 Literal: select name, resetlogs_time, resetlogs_ch address: 00000000BCA9D430 Literal:select inst_id, sp_size, round(sp_size / basesp_size, 4), k address: 00000000BC65A9F0 Literal:select userenv('Instance'), icrid, to_number(icrls), address: 00000000BC692260 Literal:select shared_pool_size_for_estimate, shared_pool_size_facto address: 00000000BCAE0750 Literal:select INST_ID, RMRNO, RMNAM, RMVAL from X$KCCRM where RMNAM address: 00000000BC8CD778 Literal:select metadata from kopm$ where name='DB_FDO' address: 00000000BC9EBB98 Literal:select java_pool_size_for_estimate, java_pool_size_factor, address: 00000000BC5B27D0 Literal:SELECT INCARNATION#, INCARNATION#, RESETLOGS_CHANGE#, RESETL address: 00000000BC829C48 Literal:select file# from file$ where ts#=:1 address: 00000000BC87CF18 Literal:select A.inst_id, A.bpid, B.bp_name, A.blksz, address: 00000000BC802248 Literal:lock table sys.mon_mods$ in exclusive mode nowait address: 00000000BC5CBE68 Literal:lock table sys.mon_mods$ in exclusive mode nowait address: 00000000BC5CBE68