When the CP15 Control Register c1 Bit 23 is set to 1 in the corresponding world, the subpage AP bits are disabled and the page tables have support for ARMv6 MMU features.
As shown in Figure above, bits [1:0] of a level 1 page table entry determine the type of the entry.
Explanation of each bit:
Bits | Meaning |
Bits [1:0] == b00 | Translation fault. |
Bits [1:0] == b01 | The entry points to a second-level page table, called a Coarse page table. Figure 6.8 shows the formats of the possible entries in the Coarse page table. |
Bits [1:0] == b10 | The entry points to a either a 1MB Section of memory or a 16MB Supersection of memory. Bit [18] of the descriptor selects between a Section and a Supersection. For details of supersections see Supersections. |
Bits [1:0] == b11 | Reserved. |
SBZ | SBZ = Should Be Zero, there bits should be set as 0 value. |
NS | Defines the world for the processor:0 = Secure, reset value,1 = Non-secure. |
Domain | A domain is a collection of memory regions. ARM1176JZF-S supports 16 Domains in the Secure world and 16 Domains in the Non-secure world. Domains provide support for multi-user operating systems. All regions of memory have an associated domain. |
nG | The Not-Global (nG) bit, determines if the translation is marked as global (0), or process-specific (1) in the TLB. For process-specific translations the translation is inserted into the TLB using the current ASID, from the ContextID Register, CP15 c13. |
S | The Shared (S) bit, determines if the translation is for Non-Shared (0), or Shared (1) memory. This only applies to Normal memory regions. Device memory can be Shared or Non-Shared as determined by the TEX bits and the C and B bits. |
XN | The Execute-Never (XN) bit, determines if the region is Executable (0) or Not-executable (1). |
APX | Three access permission bits.The access permissions extension (APX) bit, provides an extra access permission bit.See “Access Permissions”. |
AP | |
P | ARM1176JZF-S processors do not support the P bit. |
TEX | See “TEX, C and B bits”. |
C | |
B |
The ARMv6 MMU architecture originally defined five bits to describe all of the options for inner and outer cachability. These five bits, the Type Extension Field, TEX[2:0], Cacheable, C, and Bufferable, B bits, are set in the descriptors.
Few applications make use of all these options simultaneously. For this reason, a new configuration bit, TEX remap, bit [28] in the CP15 Control Register, permits the core to support a smaller number of options by using only the TEX[0], C and B bits.
The OS can configure this subset of options through a remap mechanism for these TEX[0], C, and B bits. The TEX[2:1] bits in the descriptor then become 2 OS managed page table bits.
See detail of ARM1176JZF-S Technical Reference Manual 6.6.1 for TexRemap=0 configuration/TexRemap=1 configuration.
The access permission bits control access to the corresponding memory region. If an access is made to an area of memory without the required permissions, then a permission fault is raised.
The access permissions are determined by a combination of the AP and APX bits in the page table, and the S and R bits in CP15 Control Register c1. For page tables not supporting the APX bit, the value 0 is used.
Access permission bit encoding:
Translation for a 1MB section, ARMv6 format
Explanation of each bit:
Bits | Meaning |
Bits [1:0] == b00 | Translation fault. |
Bits [1:0] == b01 | The entry points to a 64KB Large page in memory. |
Bits [1:0] == b1x | The entry points to a 4KB Extended small page in memory.Bit [0] of the entry is the XN bit for the entry. |
Large page table walk, ARMv6 format:
4KB extended small page translations, ARMv6 format: