Lucene實戰開發手記(四)--- 為PDF/excel/doc格式的文檔創建索引


DocHander docHander = DocHanderFactory.buildDocHander(fileName);   
        attachDocument = docHander.getDocument(attach);   





public abstract class DocHander {
	public static String FIELD_CONTENT = "contents";		
	public abstract Document getDocument(byte[] inputByte) throws Exception;	
	protected Document addContent(Document document, String content){		
		document.add(new Field(DocHander.FIELD_CONTENT, content ,Field.Store.YES,Field.Index.TOKENIZED));
		return document;



public abstract class DocHanderFactory {
	public static DocHander buildDocHander(String fileName){
		DocHander docHander = null;
		if (fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".doc")){
			docHander = new WordDocHander();
		else if(fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".xls")){
			docHander = new ExcelDocHander();
		else if(fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".pdf")){
			docHander = new PdfDocHander();
		else if(fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".html") || fileName.toLowerCase().endsWith(".htm")){
			docHander = new HtmlDocHander();
			docHander = new TxtDocHander();
		return docHander;


以下貼出WordDocHander、 ExcelDocHander、PdfDocHander的代碼,因為別人已經幫我們包好了,所以我們寫起來很簡單,非常感謝他們!

public class WordDocHander extends DocHander {

	public Document getDocument(byte[] inputByte) throws IOException {
		InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputByte);
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub		
		Document document = new Document();
		WordExtractor extractor = new WordExtractor(inputStream);		
		return document;
public class ExcelDocHander extends DocHander {

	public Document getDocument(byte[] inputByte) throws IOException {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputByte);
		Document document = new Document();
		HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(inputStream);
		ExcelExtractor extractor = new ExcelExtractor(wb);

		String content = extractor.getText();

		return addContent(document, content);

public class PdfDocHander extends DocHander {

	public Document getDocument(byte[] inputByte) throws IOException {		
//		Document document = LucenePDFDocument.getDocument(inputStream);//如何你不需要摘要顯示所搜索到的內容,就可以直接用這個簡單的方法
		InputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputByte);
		Document document = new Document();
		PDDocument pdfDocument = PDDocument.load(inputStream );
		try {
	        if( pdfDocument.isEncrypted() )
	            //Just try using the default password and move on            
				pdfDocument.decrypt( "" );					
	        }//create a writer where to append the text content.
	        StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
	        PDFTextStripper stripper = new PDFTextStripper();        
	        stripper.writeText( pdfDocument, writer );
	        String contents = writer.getBuffer().toString();
	        super.addContent(document, contents);
		} catch (CryptographyException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
			throw new IOException( "Error decrypting document: " + e );
		} catch (InvalidPasswordException e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block
			throw new IOException( "Error decrypting document: " + e );
		return document;


