wmLayerAncestor继承于wmLayer,这样它已经具备了消息转发的功能。同时它接受触摸消息。并注册了优先级为0且吞并消息的touch target。这样它将是上面提到的祖层,一个Scene中只有一个祖层。
// // Created by jason on 12-12-25. // // #ifndef __TableTest__wmTouchDelegate__ #define __TableTest__wmTouchDelegate__ #include <iostream> #include "cocos2d.h" USING_NS_CC; #define WM_TOUCH_DELEGATE_OWNER_CONSTRUCTOR_IN_HEAD_FILE( ownerClassName ) \ ownerClassName() : wmTouchDelegate( this ){} #define WM_TOUCH_DELEGATE_IMPLEMENT_IN_HEAD_FILE() \ virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) \ { \ return wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchBegan( pTouch, pEvent ); \ } \ virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) \ { \ wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchMoved( pTouch, pEvent ); \ } \ virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) \ { \ wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchEnded( pTouch, pEvent ); \ } \ virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) \ { \ wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent ); \ } //window message mechanism //We only change the TargetedTouch message mechansim. //Node who want standard touch message should register all by itself. class wmTouchDelegate { public: wmTouchDelegate( CCNode* pOwner ) : m_pOwner( pOwner ), m_bDraging( false ) { m_pItemsClaimTouch = CCArray::createWithCapacity( CHILD_MAX ); assert( m_pItemsClaimTouch ); m_pItemsClaimTouch->retain(); } virtual ~wmTouchDelegate() { CC_SAFE_RELEASE_NULL( m_pItemsClaimTouch ); } protected: // default implements are used to call script callback if exist virtual bool ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent); virtual void ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent); virtual void ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent); virtual void ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent); private: void passMessage( CCNode* pParent, CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent ); private: CCNode* m_pOwner; bool m_bDraging; //items claim touch message CCArray* m_pItemsClaimTouch;
//store all class whose touch handler is non-trival static const void* m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses[];};#endif /* defined(__TableTest__wmTouchDelegate__) */
// // wmTouchDelegate.cpp // TableTest // // Created by jason on 12-12-25. // // #include "wmTouchDelegate.h" #include "cocos-ext.h" #include "wmControl.h"//include wmTableView,wmMenu,wmControl USING_NS_CC_EXT; const void* wmTouchDelegate::m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses[ ] = { &typeid( wmTableView ), &typeid( wmMenu ), &typeid( wmControlButton ), }; #pragma mark- input touche bool wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchBegan(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) { if( !m_pOwner || !m_pOwner->isVisible() ) { return false; } CCPoint pt = m_pOwner->convertTouchToNodeSpace( pTouch ); CCRect rcBoundingBox( 0, 0, m_pOwner->getContentSize().width, m_pOwner->getContentSize().height ); //whether hit the node if( !rcBoundingBox.containsPoint( pt ) ) { return false; } //pass message to all children passMessage( m_pOwner, pTouch, pEvent ); //if there is a child who claims for touch message, then self claims to return m_pItemsClaimTouch->count() > 0 ? true : false; } void wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchMoved(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) { //special process for menu, we won't pass ccTouchMoved message to menu. Because we think menu doesn't need ccTouchMoved message in ios device where user always want to dray layer instead menu. The fllowing block for menu will only go once. if( false == m_bDraging ) { for( int i = 0; i < m_pItemsClaimTouch->count(); ) { CCLayer* pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i ); //menu items doesn't process ccTouchMove(), cancel it. assert( NULL != pItem ); //if it's menu if( dynamic_cast< CCMenu* >( pItem ) ) { pItem->ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent ); m_pItemsClaimTouch->removeObjectAtIndex( i ); } else { ++i; } } } //pass ccTouchMoved message to un-CCMenu item int iNumItemsNotMenu = m_pItemsClaimTouch->count(); for( int i = 0; i < iNumItemsNotMenu; ++i ) { wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL; CCLayer* pItem = NULL; pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i ); assert( NULL != pItem ); //window message items if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) ) { pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchMoved( pTouch, pEvent ); } else//coscos2d-x items { pItem->ccTouchMoved( pTouch, pEvent ); } } m_bDraging = true; } void wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchEnded(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) { int iNumItems = m_pItemsClaimTouch->count(); for( int i = 0; i < iNumItems; ++i ) { wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL; CCLayer* pItem = NULL; pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i ); assert( NULL != pItem ); //window message items if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) ) { pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchEnded( pTouch, pEvent ); } else//coscos2d-x items { pItem->ccTouchEnded( pTouch, pEvent ); } } m_pItemsClaimTouch->removeAllObjects(); m_bDraging = false; } void wmTouchDelegate::ccTouchCancelled(CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent) { int iNumItems = m_pItemsClaimTouch->count(); for( int i = 0; i < iNumItems; ++i ) { wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL; CCLayer* pItem = NULL; pItem = ( CCLayer* )m_pItemsClaimTouch->objectAtIndex( i ); assert( NULL != pItem ); //window message items if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) ) { pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent ); } else//coscos2d-x items { pItem->ccTouchCancelled( pTouch, pEvent ); } } m_pItemsClaimTouch->removeAllObjects(); m_bDraging = false; } void wmTouchDelegate::passMessage( CCNode* pParent, CCTouch *pTouch, CCEvent *pEvent ) { if( !pParent ) { return; } //hande message to items int iNumChildren = 0; CCArray* pChildren = NULL; pChildren = pParent->getChildren(); //no children if( !pChildren ) { return; } iNumChildren = pParent->getChildren()->count(); //pass to all children for( int iChildIndex = 0; iChildIndex < iNumChildren; ++iChildIndex ) { wmTouchDelegate* pItemWindowMessage = NULL; CCNode* pItem = NULL; pItem = ( CCNode* )( pChildren->objectAtIndex( iChildIndex ) ); assert( pItem ); //if the item claims the touch message bool bClaim = false; //items derives from wmTouchDelegate if( ( pItemWindowMessage = dynamic_cast< wmTouchDelegate* >( pItem ) ) ) { bClaim = pItemWindowMessage->ccTouchBegan( pTouch, pEvent ); } else//items doesn't derive from wmTouchDelegate { //classes have non-trival ccTouchX() hander if( hasNonTrivalTouchHandler( pItem ) ) { bClaim = ( ( CCLayer* ) pItem )->ccTouchBegan( pTouch, pEvent ); } //items who doesn't derive from wmTouchDelegate can't pass touch message to its children, //so we have to help them to pass touch message. passMessage( pItem, pTouch, pEvent ); } //if this item is interested in this message, add it to array for other messages if( bClaim ) { m_pItemsClaimTouch->addObject( pItem ); } } } bool wmTouchDelegate::hasNonTrivalTouchHandler( cocos2d::CCNode *pItem ) { //classes have non-trival ccTouchX() hander const void* pItemAddress = &typeid( *pItem ); for ( int i = 0; i < sizeof( m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses ) / sizeof( void* ); ++i) { if( m_pNonTrivalTouchHandlerClasses[ i ] == pItemAddress ) { return true; } } return false; }其中比较重要的地方解释一下:
wmLayer, wmLayerAncestor, wmLayerDescendant, wmLayerModal都在一个头文件中完成,没有cpp。因为主要功能都有wmTouchDelegate完成了,这些类只是做了简单功能和约束的的添加。
// // Created by jason on 12-12-21. // // #ifndef __TableTest__WMLayer__ #define __TableTest__WMLayer__ #include <iostream> #include "cocos2d.h" #include "wmTouchDelegate.h" USING_NS_CC; #define WM_INIT_DEFAULT( parentClassName ) \ virtual bool init() \ { \ if( !parentClassName::init() ) \ { \ return false; \ } \ \ return true; \ } #define WM_TOUCH_REGISTER_DEFAULT( iPriority ) \ virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher( void ) \ { \ CCDirector::sharedDirector()->getTouchDispatcher()->addTargetedDelegate( this, iPriority, true );\ } //Users shouldn't derive from wmLayerAncestor, wmLayerDescendant, wmLayerModal instead wmLayer. //wmLayer can't be touched. //wmLayer pass message to it's all descendant. class wmLayer : public CCLayer, public wmTouchDelegate { protected: WM_INIT_DEFAULT( CCLayer ); WM_TOUCH_DELEGATE_OWNER_CONSTRUCTOR_IN_HEAD_FILE( wmLayer ); WM_TOUCH_DELEGATE_IMPLEMENT_IN_HEAD_FILE(); //static public: CREATE_FUNC( wmLayer ); }; //wmLayerAncestor can be touched. //all secene should have only one wmLayerAncestor for bottom layer. //all the other layer should be wmLayerDescendant. class wmLayerAncestor : public wmLayer { protected: bool virtual init() { if( !wmLayer::init() ) { return false; } setTouchEnabled( true ); return true; } WM_TOUCH_REGISTER_DEFAULT( 0 ); //static public: CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerAncestor ); //data }; class wmLayerDescendant : public wmLayer { protected: WM_INIT_DEFAULT( wmLayer ); virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher(){}; //static public: CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerDescendant ); //data }; //wmLayerModal stopes touch messages from being passed to other layers which are not it's children. //And will pass touch messages to it's children normally. class wmLayerModal : public wmLayerAncestor { protected: WM_INIT_DEFAULT( wmLayerAncestor ); WM_TOUCH_REGISTER_DEFAULT( kCCMenuHandlerPriority ); //static public: CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerModal ); //data }; #endif /* defined(__TableTest__WMLayer__) */里面通过一些宏,让我编写的更快一些。但希望没能阻碍你阅读。这里面没有太多需要说的。
//this menu won't get any touch message becase it doesn't register target touches. class wmMenu : public CCMenu { public: virtual void registerWithTouchDispatcher(){} static wmMenu * create(CCMenuItem* item, ...); };
//this UI can't derive from wmTouchDelegate due to it's CCTableViewCell Child. CCTableViewCell class wmTableView : public CCTableView { public: static wmTableView* create(cocos2d::extension::CCTableViewDataSource *dataSource, cocos2d::CCSize size, CCNode *container = NULL ); void registerWithTouchDispatcher(void){} };
class wmControlButton : public CCControlButton { public:
void registerWithTouchDispatcher(void){}static wmControlButton* create(CCNode* label, CCScale9Sprite* backgroundSprite) { wmControlButton *pRet = new wmControlButton(); pRet->initWithLabelAndBackgroundSprite(label, backgroundSprite); pRet->autorelease(); return pRet; }}; 只要让这些控件不接受消息就好了,我们的体制会确保消息能传递给他们身上的所有子控件。
但如果想更好的优化消息记录,应该避免一个wmLayer上面放N多层 非本体制控件(即没有继承wmTouchDelegate的控件)。可以在其中穿插一些本体制的控件,因为这些控件具有消息传递功能。如果创建本体制控件呢?
1.第一种情况,类对象已经继承了CCLayer,且没有自己重要的消息处理函数。如CCLayerColor,我们想把它变成本体系控件,我们应该继承CCLayerColor,并继承wmTouchDelegate。然后转接消 息处理函数。如下代码:
class wmLayerColor : public CCLayerColor, public wmTouchDelegate { protected: WM_TOUCH_DELEGATE_OWNER_CONSTRUCTOR_IN_HEAD_FILE( wmLayerColor ); WM_TOUCH_DELEGATE_IMPLEMENT_IN_HEAD_FILE(); WM_INIT_DEFAULT( CCLayerColor ); //static public: CREATE_FUNC( wmLayerColor ); };这是因为这类对象已经继承了CCLayer,我们不能让它再继承wmLayerDescendant,因为wmLayerDescendant也继承自ccLayer,这样多重继承中会有多份CCLayer,比较危险。所以我们简单的继承自wmTouchDelegate就可以了。
class wmUISellItem : public wmLayerDescendant { //macro public: enum { ITEM_NAME_LENGTH = 20, WIDTH = 219, HEIGHT = 141, }; //method protected: bool init(); //static public: static CGUISellItem* Create( const char* pszItemName, int iItemPriceNormal, int iItemPriceVIP, int iItemAmount ); };