
2009/03/12下午 Chicago安装VTGO,这样VTGO和CIPC7.0共同存在
FAC/CMC user_pin
添加用户Reno,user password(3336615),pin(3422682)
user password是用户登陆IPT管理界面的密码,pin用在需要认证的地方,比如EM
在企业网中,每个authorization code name一般设置为用户ID,为其分配唯一的FAC,这个FAC和pin没有关系,和global directory中的user没有关系,CDR将以FAC为索引进行统计
FAC and CMC Configuration
1.setup FAC or CMC
Feature > Client Matter Code or Feature > Forced Authorization Code).
authorization code为数字,authorization level
2.Enabling Route Patterns for FAC and CMC
Route Plan > Route/Hunt > Route Pattern
勾选 Require Client Matter Code 或者Require Forced Authorization Code
Call Display Restrictions
1.Calling Line ID Presentation主叫方,translation rule/route pattern上设置
2.Connected Line ID Presentation被叫方,translation rule/route pattern上设置
3.Ignore Presentation Indicators不知道干什么的
Malicious Call Identification识别恶意呼叫,在CDR做下记录,但是不能阻断
一:Configuring CallManager to Support CDRs
Service > Service Parameters>Cisco CallManager>CDR Flag Enabled field to True
二:Configuring MCID Alarms
Step 1.  Choose Application > Serviceability. The Cisco CallManager Serviceability application opens.
Step 2.  Choose Alarm > Configuration. The Alarm Configuration window is displayed.
Step 3.  From the list, choose the Cisco CallManager server.
Step 4.  In the Configured Services drop-down list, choose Cisco CallManager. The Alarm Configuration window updates with configuration fields.
Step 5.  Under Event Viewer, in the Alarm Event Level drop-down list, choose Informational,

三:Adding the MCID Softkey
Step 1.  Choose Device > Device Settings > Softkey Template. The Find and List Softkey Templates window appears.
Step 2.  Select the Softkey Template assigned to your users. If your users are using .e of the built-in softkey templates, you will need to create a new softkey template, as described in Chapter 16, "Configuring User Features, Part 1."
Step 3.  In the upper-right corner of the window, click the Configure Softkey Layout link. The Softkey Layout Configuration window appears.
Step 4.  In the Call States area . the left, choose Connected. The list in the Unselected Softkeys pane changes to display the available softkeys for this call state.
Step 5.  In the Unselected Softkeys pane, choose Toggle Malicious Call Trace, 
电话接通后,按more,选择MCID,会出现MICD SUCCESSFUL

Enhanced IP Phone Features
Direct Transfer举例:TOM-->JOHN,TOM将JOHN HOLD,TOM-->JAKE,然后发起人TOM选择JOHN,direct transferJOHN<-->JAKE通话,TOM直接退出;
Call Join举例:TOM-->JOHN,TOM将JOHN HOLD,TOM-->JAKE,然后发起人TOM选择JOHN,join后TOM-->JOHN-->JAKE组成一个ad hoc conference
Immediate Divert to Voice Mail:TOM-->JOHN,JOHN接起电话,iDivert后TOM被转到JOHN的语音邮箱

Call Pickup Configuration
一:Feature > Call Pickup>Add a New Call Pickup Number,添加pickup group name和pickup group number
二:device>phone>LINE>call pickup group
2001/2002加到marking组,pickup number为5203;1002加到IT组,pickup number为5555。
1002-->2001,2002 pickup即可接通;
2002-->2001,1002 Gpickup,输入5203即可接通电话

Cisco Call Back
create a new softkey template>ring out>call back

IPMA/AA/Media Resource Management
Configuring Cisco Unified CallManager Attendant Console
Step 1.  Add Cisco CallManager Attendant Console users.
添加Attendant Console users:
User ID:Jeremy/password:3336615
这个用户专门进行Attendant Console管理,用attendant client软件登陆时输入此口令
Step 2.  Create the ac user and associate all pilot point devices with the user.
添加用户ac,这个是CCM为实现Attendant Console的系统用户
First Name/Last Name/User ID:ac 这个用户名后边可以更改
password:12345 这个密码后边可以更改
勾选Enable CIT Appplication Use/Enable Calling Retri. Allowed
C:\Program Files\Cisco\CallManagerAttendant\bin\acconfig.bat更改关于ac的设置
Step 3.  Configure the pilot point for the Cisco CallManager Attendant Console.
Service > Cisco CM Attendant Console > Pilot Point
Pilot Name:Reception_RLT
Pilot Number:5100
Step 4.  Configure hunt groups.
Service > Cisco CM Attendant Console > Hunt Group
选中Reception_PLT 5100>Add Member>Directory Number:填入1001,然后update;继续添加2001/2002
Step 5.  Activate Cisco TCD and CTIManager services.
Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability
Tools > Service Activation
勾选CISCO CTIManager/Cisco Telephony Call Dispatcher
Step 6.  Access the Attendant Console Configuration Tool.
C:\Program Files\Cisco\CallManagerAttendant\bin\acconfig.bat更改关于ac的设置
Step 7.  Installing and Configuring the Attendant Console Client
Application > Install Plugins>CiscoAttendantConsoleClient.exe
2.Attendant Settings>Directory Number of Your Phone指的是做Attendant的DN,所以这个DN必须是CCM真实存在的
3.登陆Attendant User ID是Step 1.  Add Cisco CallManager Attendant Console users中的Jeremy
4.speed dial可以添加任何DN,即使DN不在Hunt Group中;
5.关于no display of line state in speed dial pane or Direcotory的问题(Troubleshooting Guide for Cisco Unified CallManager Release 5.0(2))
Speed Dial and Directory Windows Display Incorrect Line State
The Speed Dial window and the Directory window do not display the correct line state.
Probable Cause
Line state updates from the server to the client are sent using UDP packets. If a NAT device or a firewall separates the client and server, then the client will most likely not receive line state updates from the server.
Corrective Action
Ensure that both client and server are . the same side of the NAT device or the firewall.
Directory Numbers Appear in an Unknown Line State
Line states of some directory numbers appear in an unknown state.
Probable Cause
The Cisco CallManager Attendant Console Server service is not started . all Cisco Unified CallManager servers from which the phones receive call-processing services.
Corrective Action
Activate the Cisco CallManager Attendant Console Server services . all CallManager servers from which the phones receive call-processing services.

Step 1 From Cisco Unified CallManager Serviceability, choose Tools > Service Activation.
Step 2 From the Servers drop-down list box, choose the server where you want to start the Cisco CallManager Attendant Console Server service.
The window displays the services for the server that you chose and the activation status of the services.
Step 3 Click the radio button next to the Cisco CallManager Attendant Console Server service.
Step 4 Click the Start button.
The Service Status symbol changes from a square to an arrow

Configuring Cisco IPMA for Shared-Line Support(经理配备秘书,经理和秘书共享一条DN)
IPMA Step 1: Activating the Cisco IPMA Service
Application > Cisco CallManager Serviceability
Tools > Service Activation》Cisco IP Manager Assistant
IPMA Step 2: Configuring Service Parameters
Service > Service Parameters>Service:Cisco IP Manager Assistant
填写CTI Manager IP Address:
Cisco IPMA Server (Primary):
IPMA Step 3: Restarting the Cisco IPMA Service

IPMA Step 4: Configuring Managers and Assistants
选择Reno为Manager而且shared line为1001,Chicago为Assistant
IPMA Step 5: Configuring Call Divert Target
把2002设为Manager的iDivert DN

IPMA Step 6: Installing the IPMA Assistant Console

本文出自 “虹桥漫步” 博客,谢绝转载!
