How To use RHEVM Command Line?

   本文简单的描述下如何连接rhev shell以及简单的使用。关于更详细的用法请参考官方文档。



[root@rhevm ~]# wget -O rhevm.cer
--2014-05-02 09:29:34--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1355 (1.3K) [application/x-x509-ca-cert]
Saving to: “rhevm.cer”
100%[=========================================================================================>] 1,355       --.-K/s   in 0s    
2014-05-02 09:29:34 (313 MB/s) - “rhevm.cer” saved [1355/1355]


[root@rhevm ~]# rhevm-shell -c -l "" -u "admin@internal" -A rhevm.cer
 >>> connected to RHEVM manager <<<
           Welcome to RHEVM shell
[RHEVM shell (connected)]#


[RHEVM shell (connected)]# list datacenters
id         : c47b976d-3205-491f-9fc3-43c0204b2ca8
name       : DATA01
description: ISCSI_SHARE


[RHEVM shell (connected)]# list clusters
id         : 99408929-82cf-4dc7-a532-9d998063fa95
name       : Default
description: The default server cluster
id         : 374ab972-3470-416f-9f47-49a076e643c8
name       : MyCluster
description: Just For Home


[RHEVM shell (connected)]# list networks --show-all
id            : 8cc17c17-7e04-4ddf-9004-257529c9ca50
name          : rhevm
description   : Management Network
data_center-id: c47b976d-3205-491f-9fc3-43c0204b2ca8
mtu           : 0
stp           : False
usages-usage  : vm


[RHEVM shell (connected)]# list vms
id         : e1a8a858-c2b5-435c-86cf-e90c0d54de8a
name       : TestOS01
id         : 652aff2a-12d5-489c-87db-240b2f413e21
name       : TestOS02
id         : f26bbce5-8c7f-4221-9b39-4a14f48ebc25
name       : win2k3


[RHEVM shell (connected)]# show vm TestOS01
id                                     : e1a8a858-c2b5-435c-86cf-e90c0d54de8a
name                                   : TestOS01
cluster-id                             : 374ab972-3470-416f-9f47-49a076e643c8
cpu-topology-cores                     : 1
cpu-topology-sockets                   : 2
cpu_shares                             : 0
creation_time                          : 2014-05-01 18:17:19.215000+08:00
custom_properties-custom_property-name : viodiskcache
custom_properties-custom_property-value: writethrough
delete_protected                       : False
display-address                        :
display-allow_override                 : True
display-monitors                       : 1
display-port                           : 5902
display-secure_port                    : 5903
display-single_qxl_pci                 : True
display-smartcard_enabled              : False
display-type                           : spice
guest_info-ips-ip-address              :
high_availability-enabled              : True
high_availability-priority             : 50
host-id                                : 6958d0be-7eef-4191-81f1-be43c839df68
memory                                 : 1073741824
memory_policy-guaranteed               : 715128832
origin                                 : ovirt
os-boot-dev                            : hd
os-type                                : rhel_6x64
placement_policy-affinity              : migratable
start_time                             : 2014-05-03 16:08:10.147000+08:00
stateless                              : False
status-state                           : up
template-id                            : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
type                                   : server
usb-enabled                            : True
usb-type                               : native


[RHEVM shell (connected)]# add vm --name TestOS03 --cluster-name MyCluster --template-name rhel65 --memory 536870912
id                        : 5c8ecb9c-4eea-4e9c-9ecb-c6a4ec5c0248
name                      : TestOS03
cluster-id                : 374ab972-3470-416f-9f47-49a076e643c8
console-enabled           : True
cpu-topology-cores        : 1
cpu-topology-sockets      : 2
cpu_shares                : 0
creation_status-state     : pending
creation_time             : 2014-05-03 17:02:00.810000+08:00
delete_protected          : False
display-allow_override    : True
display-monitors          : 1
display-single_qxl_pci    : True
display-smartcard_enabled : False
display-type              : spice
high_availability-enabled : True
high_availability-priority: 50
memory                    : 536870912           //定义的内存大小为512MB
memory_policy-ballooning  : True
memory_policy-guaranteed  : 536870912
origin                    : ovirt
os-boot-dev               : hd
os-type                   : rhel_6x64
placement_policy-affinity : migratable
stateless                 : False
status-state              : image_locked
template-id               : 4fc2c10d-d3d9-44fb-b4ae-e838ef38e2a3
type                      : server
usb-enabled               : False
virtio_scsi-enabled       : True
[RHEVM shell (connected)]# update vm TestOS03 --memory 1073741824
id                        : 5c8ecb9c-4eea-4e9c-9ecb-c6a4ec5c0248
name                      : TestOS03
cluster-id                : 374ab972-3470-416f-9f47-49a076e643c8
console-enabled           : False
cpu-topology-cores        : 1
cpu-topology-sockets      : 2
cpu_shares                : 0
creation_time             : 2014-05-03 17:02:00.810000+08:00
delete_protected          : False
display-allow_override    : True
display-monitors          : 1
display-single_qxl_pci    : True
display-smartcard_enabled : False
display-type              : spice
high_availability-enabled : True
high_availability-priority: 50
memory                    : 1073741824
memory_policy-ballooning  : True
memory_policy-guaranteed  : 536870912
origin                    : ovirt
os-boot-dev               : hd
os-type                   : rhel_6x64
placement_policy-affinity : migratable
stateless                 : False
status-state              : down
template-id               : 4fc2c10d-d3d9-44fb-b4ae-e838ef38e2a3
type                      : server
usb-enabled               : False
virtio_scsi-enabled       : True


[RHEVM shell (connected)]# add disk --vm-identifier TestOS03 --name ShareDisk01 --format cow --interface virtio --size 5368709120
id                               : 2e7549f2-9236-457f-9bdb-b90d60464365
name                             : ShareDisk01
active                           : True
actual_size                      : 0
alias                            : ShareDisk01
bootable                         : False
creation_status-state            : pending
format                           : cow
image_id                         : 3160c9ac-69c6-4697-9d19-95f19f497437
interface                        : virtio
propagate_errors                 : False
provisioned_size                 : 5368709120
shareable                        : False
size                             : 5368709120  //磁盘大小为5G
sparse                           : True
status-state                     : locked
storage_domains-storage_domain-id: e2947295-2e94-4aaa-a643-d0bfd45d9fd6
vm-id                            : 5c8ecb9c-4eea-4e9c-9ecb-c6a4ec5c0248
wipe_after_delete                : False


[RHEVM shell (connected)]# remove disk ShareDisk01 --vm-identifier TestOS03
status-state: complete
[RHEVM shell (connected)]# remove vm TestOS03
status-state: complete

本文出自 “candon123” 博客,谢绝转载!
