[root@centos65 py]# ls
all*2.py cltostr.py error_raise_exception.py function_generator.py lambda2.py re-example-3.py
all*3.py deco_recur_deco.py error_test2.py function_hide.py list_format.py re-example-4.py
all*4.py deco_test1.py error_test3.py function_test_lambda.py listresolv1.py re-split.py
all*5.py deco_test2.py error_test4.py function_test.py logendswith.py rmbfroma.py
all*6.py deco_test3.py error_test5.py functools_partial.py map_test1.py str_format.py
all*7.py deco_test4.py error_test.py generator2.py map_test2.py strtonl.py
all*.py deco_test5.py error_try_except_test.py generator.py map_test3.py structtest2.py
apowerb.py deco_test6.py error_try_finally.py generindef1.py metric1.py structtest.py
args_test1.py deco_test8.py exitfilewrite.py hello.py name.py time-example-1.py
args_test.py ?deco_test9.py fibo.py imple_class_iter.py nestfunc.py _translator.py
2. 现在要把它创建一个github的库
[root@centos65 py]# git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /root/py/.git/
3. 在github上创建一个叫py的repostory,并把产生的ssh域名号'https://github.com/lbs1991/py.git' copy起来
4. [root@centos65 py]# mkdir /root/.ssh/py
[root@centos65 py]# ssh-keygen -C 'https://github.com/lbs1991/py.git' -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): /root/.ssh/py/id_rsa
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/py/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/py/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
4a:ea:49:f6:b5:5a:0a:15:97:b2:70:0a:0a:2d:34:c5 https://github.com/lbs1991/py.git
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| oo. |
|...E . |
|o o . + o |
|.o . + = |
|. . + S |
| + . |
| = . o |
| + + + . |
| o +.. |
6. 然后把下面pub文件的内容复制到github上的ADD SSH中(settings里面)
[root@centos65 py]# cd /root/.ssh/py
[root@centos65 py]# ls
id_rsa id_rsa.pub
[root@centos65 py]# vi id_rsa.pub
7. 测试rsa成功
$ ssh -v [email protected]
[root@centos65 py]# git remote add origin [email protected]:lbs1991/py.git
[root@centos65 py]# git add . //把当前库里的文件都加到暂存区
[root@centos65 py]# git commit -m 'all files' //合并到分支上
9. 推送到github上
[root@centos65 py]# git push -u origin master