Library Usage Analyzer

Since I am writing a simple JVM. Most part of JVM work is implement libraries. But it is impossible for me to implement all classes specified in JDK. So I need analyze which classes in JDK are most popular, and which methods and fields are most popular.


So I implemented an Library Usage tool to analyze it.


the jar file only depend jdk.


How to run it.

java -jar Analyzer.jar


All option supported will be print out.

Analyze class usage. It can be used in to scenarios
scenario 1:
    which part in a library are most common be used.
    e.g. which part of jdk are most common be used.
        the most common used part can be think about be optimized.
scenario 2:
    what are most common be used by the library.

Command Format
    Analyzer -fjarfilename [-sprefix] [-aprefix] [-eprefix]
    -f : jar files want to be analyzed
         it must be provided one or more jar files
    -s : prefix of class name want to be output to statistic
         it can be accept more than one option
         default class prefix is 'java.' if do not provide any option
    -n : prefix of class name do not want to be output to statistic
         it can be accept more than one option
    -a : prefix of class name want to be analyzed
         it can be accept more than one option
         all classes in jar files will be analyzed if do not provide any option
    -e : prefix of class name do not want to be analyzed
         it can be accept more than one option
Examples :
    Analyzer -fbcel.jar
        all classes in bcel.jar will be analyzed.
        statistics for classes with 'java.' prefix will be outputted
    Analyzer -fbcel.jar -fdom4j.jar
        all classes in bcel.jar and dom4j.jar will be analyzed.
        statistics for classes with 'java.' prefix will be outputted
    Analyzer -fbcel.jar -fdom4j.jar -pjava.lang -pjava.util
        all classes in bcel.jar and dom4j will be analyzed.
        statistics for classes with 'java.' and 'java.util' prefix will be outputted
    Analyzer -fbcel.jar -aorg.apache
        all classes with 'org.apache' prefix in bcel.jar will be analyzed.
        statistics for classes with 'java' prefix will be outputted
    Analyzer -fbcel.jar -eorg.apache
        all classes are not with 'org.apache' prefix in bcel.jar will be analyzed.
        statistics for classes with 'java' prefix will be outputted
    Analyzer -fbcel.jar -njava
        all classes except classes with 'org.apache' prefix in bcel.jar will be analyzed.
        statistics for classes are not with 'java' prefix will be outputted
