Why 0x61c88647?

Why 0x61c88647?

by Dr. Heinz M. Kabutz Abstract:
Prior to Java 1.4, ThreadLocals caused thread contention, rendering them useless for performant code. In the new design, each thread contains its own ThreadLocalMap, thus improving throughput. However, we still face the possibility of memory leaks due to values not being cleared out of the ThreadLocalMap with long running threads.
Welcome to the 164th issue of The Java(tm) Specialists' Newsletter, read in at least 116 countries, with the recent addition of Tunisia. Our kids are back at school, after 14 weeks of summer holidays. When I was young, we used to get 6 weeks, of which a substantial amount of time was spent getting ready for Christmas and surviving New Year. In South Africa, Christmas is the height of summer :-) Back at school, Connie promptly caught a nasty flu virus, which I hope to be able to ward off with heavy doses of vitamins and zinc.
We were approached a few months ago to present our Design Patterns Course to a rather large IT company. Since it would be a larger contract, we agreed to completely overhaul our Design Patterns material. J2EE patterns were tossed out (at long last, I never liked them). In their place, we have some additional Gang-of-Four patterns. We also changed the structure of the exercises so that we can now accommodate up to 50 developers in one class! It was quite an experience teaching such a large class in one room.
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Why 0x61c88647?

This newsletter is a product of widespread collaboration. It started with an email from Ant Kutschera, pointing out an issue he had noticed with using ThreadLocals.
I had noticed during one of my Java Specialist Master Course demonstrations that it was not always that obvious when values were released from memory with ThreadLocals, which could lead to memory leaks in applications that reuse threads. (This newsletter could have been entitled "When Do ThreadLocal Values Get Cleared?", but I wanted to pique your interest with that number.)
However, the code for ThreadLocal looked a tad complicated, with some rather intimidating numbers (0x61c88647), so I enlisted the help of Joachim Ansorg, a clever young German software engineer fresh out of university and my long-time buddy John Green.
In earlier versions of Java, ThreadLocals used to have contention when accessed from multiple threads, rendering them practically useless for multi-core applications. In Java 1.4, a new design was introduced, where the ThreadLocals were stored in the Thread directly. When we now call get() on the ThreadLocal, a call back is made to Thread, which returns an instance of ThreadLocalMap, an inner class of ThreadLocal.
I discovered by experimentation that when a thread exits, it also removes all of its ThreadLocal values. This happens before it gets garbage collected, in its exit() method. If we thus forget to call remove() on a ThreadLocal when we are done with it, the value will still be made eligible for garbage collection when the thread exits.
The ThreadLocalMap contains WeakReferences to the ThreadLocals and normal strong references to the values. However, it does not consult the ReferenceQueue to discover which weak references have been cleared, thus an entry might not be cleared out of the ThreadLocalMap immediately (or at all, as we shall see.)
Before we delve into the code and try to figure out how ThreadLocalMap works, I would like to demonstrate a simple example of how ThreadLocals could be used. Imagine we had a StupidInhouseFramework, where the author called an abstract method from the constructor. Something like this:
public abstract class StupidInhouseFramework {
  private final String title;
  protected StupidInhouseFramework(String title) {
    this.title = title;
  public abstract void draw();
  public String toString() {
    return "StupidInhouseFramework " + title;
You might think that no one would ever call an abstract method from a constructor, but you are wrong. I even found places in the JDK where this is done, though I don't remember where they were. Here is the class that the poor user has constructed:
public class PoorUser extends StupidInhouseFramework {
  private final Long density;
  public PoorUser(String title, long density) {
    this.density = density;
  public void draw() {
    long density_fudge_value = density + 30 * 113;
    System.out.println("draw ... " + density_fudge_value);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    StupidInhouseFramework sif = new PoorUser("Poor Me", 33244L);
When we run this, we get a NullPointerException. The field is of type Long, the wrapper class. The method draw() is called from the superclass, at which point the PoorUser's constructor has not been called yet. It is thus still set to null, which causes a NullPointerException when it is unboxed. We can solve this problem using ThreadLocal and even though this is not the typical use case, it is fun to look at.
public class HappyUser extends StupidInhouseFramework {
  private final Long density;
  private static final ThreadLocal<Long> density_param =
      new ThreadLocal<Long>();
  private static String setParams(String title, long density) {
    return title;
  private long getDensity() {
    Long param = density_param.get();
    if (param != null) {
      return param;
    return density;
  public HappyUser(String title, long density) {
    super(setParams(title, density));
    this.density = density;
  public void draw() {
    long density_fudge_value = getDensity() + 30 * 113;
    System.out.println("draw ... " + density_fudge_value);
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    StupidInhouseFramework sif = new HappyUser("Poor Me", 33244L);
Just a warning, the example inside the JavaDocs for ThreadLocal in JDK 1.6 has an obvious typo in it, look here for a correction.

When Can ThreadLocal Values Be Garbage Collected?

We said already that they can be garbage collected when the owning thread exits. However, if the thread belongs to a thread pool, such as we would find in some application servers, the values may or may not be garbage collected, ever.
To demonstrate this, I created several classes with finalize() methods, which demonstrate when the object has reached the end of its life.
The first is a simple value that also shows when it is collected and notifies our test framework. This will allow us to write actual unit tests demonstrating our findings.
public class MyValue {
  private final int value;
  public MyValue(int value) {
    this.value = value;
  protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
    System.out.println("MyValue.finalize " + value);
MyThreadLocal overrides ThreadLocal and prints out a message when it is being finalized:
public class MyThreadLocal<T> extends ThreadLocal<T> {
  protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
ThreadLocalUser is a class that would encapsulate a ThreadLocal. When this is no longer reachable, we would expect its ThreadLocal to also be collected. Note that in the JavaDocs we read: ThreadLocal instances are typically private static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread (e.g., a user ID or Transaction ID). By constructing lots of instance of ThreadLocals, we are exhibiting the problem in a more dramatic fashion.
public class ThreadLocalUser {
  private final int num;
  private MyThreadLocal<MyValue> value =
    new MyThreadLocal<MyValue>();
  public ThreadLocalUser() {
  public ThreadLocalUser(int num) {
    this.num = num;
  protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
    System.out.println("ThreadLocalUser.finalize " + num);
  public void setThreadLocal(MyValue myValue) {
  public void clear() {
The last class is MyThread, which shows when the thread is collected:
public class MyThread extends Thread {
  public MyThread(Runnable target) {
  protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
The first two test cases illustrate what happens when the thread local is cleared with the remove() method and when it is left for the garbage collector to take care of. The booleans are used to help us write the unit tests.
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class ThreadLocalTest extends TestCase {
  private static boolean myValueFinalized;
  private static boolean threadLocalUserFinalized;
  private static boolean myThreadLocalFinalized;
  private static boolean myThreadFinalized;
  public void setUp() {
    myValueFinalized = false;
    threadLocalUserFinalized = false;
    myThreadLocalFinalized = false;
    myThreadFinalized = false;
  public static void setMyValueFinalized() {
    myValueFinalized = true;
  public static void setThreadLocalUserFinalized() {
    threadLocalUserFinalized = true;
  public static void setMyThreadLocalFinalized() {
    myThreadLocalFinalized = true;
  public static void setMyThreadFinalized() {
    myThreadFinalized = true;
  private void collectGarbage() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
  public void test1() {
    ThreadLocalUser user = new ThreadLocalUser();
    MyValue value = new MyValue(1);
    value = null;
  // weird case
  public void test2() {
    ThreadLocalUser user = new ThreadLocalUser();
    MyValue value = new MyValue(1);
    value = null;
    user = null;
In test3(), we demonstrate how a thread closing releases its ThreadLocal values:
public void test3() throws InterruptedException {
  Thread t = new MyThread(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      ThreadLocalUser user = new ThreadLocalUser();
      MyValue value = new MyValue(1);
In our next test, we see how a thread pool can cause the value to be held captive:
public void test4() throws InterruptedException {
  Executor singlePool = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
  singlePool.execute(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
      ThreadLocalUser user = new ThreadLocalUser();
      MyValue value = new MyValue(1);
So far, we have not seen any great surprises. Now we get to the interesting test cases. In the next one, we construct a hundred ThreadLocals and then garbage collect them at the end. Note that not a single one of the MyValue objects is garbage collected:
public void test5() throws Exception {
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    ThreadLocalUser user = new ThreadLocalUser(i);
    MyValue value = new MyValue(i);
    value = null;
    user = null;
In test6(), we see that due to the forced garbage collection, some of the values are now being collected, but they lag behind the ThreadLocalUser collections.
public void test6() throws Exception {
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
    ThreadLocalUser user = new ThreadLocalUser(i);
    MyValue value = new MyValue(i);
    value = null;
    user = null;
You can see how the collection of MyValues lags behind in the output. By the time the program finished, MyValues 98 and 99 had not been collected.
    ThreadLocalUser.finalize 96
    MyValue.finalize 94
    ThreadLocalUser.finalize 97
    MyValue.finalize 96
    MyValue.finalize 95
    ThreadLocalUser.finalize 98
    ThreadLocalUser.finalize 99
    MyValue.finalize 97

Gaze Inside ThreadLocal

One of the first things that I noticed when I looked inside the ThreadLocal class was a big fat number 0x61c88647 staring back at me. This was the HASH_INCREMENT. Every time a new ThreadLocal is created, it gets a unique hash number by adding 0x61c88647 to the previous value. I spent most of yesterday trying to figure out why the engineers had chosen this particular number. If you google for 61c88647, you will find some articles in Chinese and a few to do with encryption. Besides that, not much else.
My friend John Green had the idea of turning this number into decimal and repeating the search. The number 1640531527 had more useful hits. However, in the contexts that we saw, it was used to in hashing to multiply hash values, not add them. Also, in all the contexts we found, the actual number was -1640531527. Some more digging revealed that this number is the 32-bit signed version of the unsigned number 2654435769.
This number represents the golden ratio (sqrt(5)-1) times two to the power of 31. The result is then a golden number, either 2654435769 or -1640531527. You can see the calculation here:
public class ThreadHashTest {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    long l1 = (long) ((1L << 31) * (Math.sqrt(5) - 1));
    System.out.println("as 32 bit unsigned: " + l1);
    int i1 = (int) l1;
    System.out.println("as 32 bit signed: " + i1);
    System.out.println("MAGIC = " + 0x61c88647);
For more information about the Golden Ratio, have a look at the Wikipedia link as well as a book on data structures in C++. For completeness, I also looked up references to the golden ratio in Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming . Donald Knuth belongs on the desk of every serious computer programmer, in the same way that the Merck Manual adorns your health practitioner's bookshelf ( Available online). Just don't expect to understand the contents ...
We established thus that the HASH_INCREMENT has something to do with fibonacci hashing, using the golden ratio. If we look carefully at the way that hashing is done in the ThreadLocalMap, we see why this is necessary. The standard java.util.HashMap uses linked lists to resolve clashes. The ThreadLocalMap simply looks for the next available space and inserts the element there. It finds the first space by bit masking, thus only the lower few bits are significant. If the first space is full, it simply puts the element in the next available space. The HASH_INCREMENT spaces the keys out in the sparce hash table, so that the possibility of finding a value next to ours is reduced.
When a ThreadLocal is garbage collected, the WeakReference key in the ThreadLocalMap is cleared. The question we then need to resolve is when this will be deleted from the ThreadLocalMap. It does not get cleared out when we call get() on another entry in the map. java.util.WeakHashMap expunges all stale entries from its map even on the get(). The get() would thus be a bit faster in ThreadLocalMap, but might leave the table with stale entries, hence memory leaks.
When a ThreadLocal is set(), it could fall into one of three categories:
  1. Firstly, we could find the entry and simply set it. In this case, stale entries are not expunged at all.
  2. Secondly, we might find that one of the entries before ours has become stale, in which case we expunge all stale entries within our run (that is, between two null values). If we find our key, it will be swapped with the stale entry.
  3. Thirdly, our run might not have enough space to expand into in which case the entry is placed in the last null of the run and some of the stale entries are cleaned out. This stage uses a O(log2n) algorithm initially, but if it cannot get below the fill factor, then a full rehash is performed in O(n).
Lastly, if a key is removed, then the entry is expunged, together with any other entries in that run.
If you want more information of how this works, you can get some ideas from Knuth 6.4 Algorithm R .

Best Practices

If you must use ThreadLocal, make sure that you remove the value as soon as you are done with it and preferably before you return your thread to a thread pool. Best practice is to use remove() rather than set(null), since that would cause the WeakReference to be removed immediately, together with the value.
Kind regards
