Advanced Bash-Shell Guide(Version 10) 学习笔记一

the only way to really learn scripting is to write scripts

    E_WRONGARGS=85 # Non-numerical argument (bad argument format).
    41 #
    42 # case "$1" in
    43 # "" ) lines=50;;
    44 # *[!0-9]*) echo "Usage: `basename $0` lines-to-cleanup";  
    45 # exit $E_WRONGARGS;;
    46 # * ) lines=$1;;
    47 # esac

    3 # cd /var/log || {
    64 # echo "Cannot change to necessary directory." >&2
    65 # exit $E_XCD;
    66 # }

    #!/bin/sh invokes the default shell interpreter, which
    defaults to /bin/bash on a Linux machine.
    #!/bin/bash 叫做sha-bang  magic number

    1 E_WRONG_ARGS=85
    2 script_parameters="-a -h -m -z"
    3 # -a = all, -h = help, etc.
    5 if [ $# -ne $Number_of_expected_args ]
    6 then
    7 echo "Usage: `basename $0` $script_parameters"
    8 # `basename $0` is the script's filename.
    9 exit $E_WRONG_ARGS
    10 fi

    bash scriptname

    chmod 555 scriptname (gives everyone read/execute permission) [9]
    chmod +rx scriptname (gives everyone read/execute permission)
    chmod u+rx scriptname (gives only the script owner read/execute permission)


    1 #!/bin/rm
    2 # Self-deleting script.
    echo "This line will never print (betcha!)."
    # Nothing much seems to happen when you run this...
    except that the file disappears.

将文档改成#!/bin/more 并且添加可执行权限
结果就是自列表文档 类似cat XX | more

# 注释 ,行开头#注释,不被执行,取消语法检测
    6 echo ${PATH#*:} # Parameter substitution, not a comment.
    7 echo $(( 2#101011 )) # Base conversion, not a comment.

; 命令分隔符
    1 echo hello; echo there
;;     case选项分隔符
    1 case "$variable" in
    2 abc) echo "\$variable = abc" ;;

. 相当于source 刷新配置文件,重新加载



"    部分引用或弱引用,抑制大部分的特殊字符
'    强引用,抑制所有的特殊字符
,    链接一串算数操作,只返回最后的结果
    1 let "t2 = ((a = 9, 15 / 3))"
    2 # Set "a = 9" and "t2 = 15 / 3"

    1 for file in /{,usr/}bin/*calc
    2 # ^ Find all executable files ending in "calc"
    3 #+ in /bin and /usr/bin directories.

\    逃逸字符,表达字符字面值的意思
/     文件路径分隔符
`    输出命令结果给变量
:    不做任何事,占位符
    : > # File "" now empty.
    Same effect as cat /dev/null >
    也可作为域分隔符 在/etcpasswd中
! 转换退出状态或者测试的感觉
    change the sense of equal ( = ) to not-equal ( != )

*    通配
    在算数中 单个表示乘号 两个表示阶乘

?    在双括号中,?作为三元操作符
    (( var0 = var1<98?9:21 ))

$    变量
$@    $*  位置参数
$?    退出状态的变量
$$ 表示当前脚本的进程ID
()    命令组,括号中的命令是子shell,对外面不可见
        1 Array=(element1 element2 element3)
{}    命令扩展
    8 cp file22.{txt,backup}
    9 # Copies "file22.txt" to "file22.backup"
    echo {file1,file2}\ :{\ A," B",' C'}
    file1 : A file1 : B file1 : C file2 : A file2 : B
    file2 : C
    echo {a..z} # a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
    8 base64_charset=( {A..Z} {a..z} {0..9} + / = )
    9 # Initializing an array, using extended brace expansion.
    1 a=123
    2 { a=321; }
    3 echo "a = $a" # a = 321 (value inside code block)
    ls . | xargs -i -t cp ./{} $1
[]    表示测试
        1 Array[1]=slot_1
        2 echo ${Array[1]}
$(())    整数表达式
    1 a=3
    2 b=7
    4 echo $(($a+$b)) # 10
> &> >& >> < <>      重定向操作符
    < > 作为ASCII码比较
\<,\>    单词锚定
|     管道
    Passes the output (stdout) of a previous command to the input (stdin) of the next one
>|     强制重定向
||    逻辑或
&    后台运行job
&&    逻辑与
^    行头部匹配
    1 #!/bin/bash
    3 # Backs up all files in current directory modified within last 24 hours
    4 #+ in a "tarball" (tarred and gzipped file).
    6 BACKUPFILE=backup-$(date +%m-%d-%Y)
    7 # Embeds date in backup filename.
    8 # Thanks, Joshua Tschida, for the idea.
    9 archive=${1:-$BACKUPFILE}
    10 # If no backup-archive filename specified on command-line,
    11 #+ it will default to "backup-MM-DD-YYYY.tar.gz."
    13 tar cvf - `find . -mtime -1 -type f -print` > $archive.tar
    14 gzip $archive.tar
    15 echo "Directory $PWD backed up in archive file \"$archive.tar.gz\"."
    18 # Stephane Chazelas points out that the above code will fail
    19 #+ if there are too many files found
    20 #+ or if any filenames contain blank characters.
    22 # He suggests the following alternatives:
    23 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    24 # find . -mtime -1 -type f -print0 | xargs -0 tar rvf "$archive.tar"
    25 # using the GNU version of "find".
    28 # find . -mtime -1 -type f -exec tar rvf "$archive.tar" '{}' \;
    29 # portable to other UNIX flavors, but much slower.
    30 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
    33 exit 0
