Perl squid监控脚本

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# check_squid - Nagios check plugin for testing a Squid proxy
# Christoph Haas ( [email protected])
# License: GPL 2
# V0.2
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(POST GET);
use HTTP::Headers;
use strict;
my ($url, $urluser, $urlpass, $proxy, $proxyport,
        $proxyuser, $proxypass, $expectstatus) = @ARGV;
unless ($url && $proxy && $expectstatus)
        print "Usage: url urluser urlpass proxy proxyport proxyuser proxypass expectstatus\n";
                                print " url       -> The URL to check on the internet (\n";
                                print " urluser   -> Username if the web site required authentication (- = none)\n";
                                print " urlpass   -> Password if the web site required authentication (- = none)\n";
                                print " proxy     -> Server that squid runs on (proxy.mydomain)\n";
                                print " proxyport -> TCP port that Squid listens on (3128)\n";
                                print " proxyuser -> Username if the web site required authentication (- = none)\n";
                                print " proxypass -> Password if the web site required authentication (- = none)\n";
                                print " expectstatus -> HTTP code that should be returned\n";
                                print "                  (2 = anything that begins with 2)\n";
        exit -1;
$urluser='' if $urluser eq '-';
$urlpass='' if $urlpass eq '-';
$proxyuser='' if $proxyuser eq '-';
$proxypass='' if $proxypass eq '-';
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $h = HTTP::Headers->new();
if ($proxy)
        $ua->proxy(['http', 'ftp'], " http://$proxy:$proxyport");
        if ($proxyuser)
if ($urluser)
        $h->authorization_basic($urluser, $urlpass);
my $req = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $url, $h);
my $res = $ua->request($req);
if ($res->status_line =~ /^$expectstatus/)
        print "OK - Status: ".$res->status_line."\n";
        exit 0;
        print "WARNING - Status: ".$res->status_line." (but expected $expectstatus...)\n";
        exit 1;
