google custom search

加了个google custom search 遇到了一点问题。

1、去掉google水印: 拷到本地新建js文件把http:\x2F\\x2Fcse\x2Fintl\x2Fen\x2Fimages\x2Fgoogle_custom_search_watermark.gif 这个图片替换掉然后导入。


FORID:9 for ads on the right, FORID:10 for ads on the top and right, or FORID:11 for ads on the top and bottom.
If you're trying to control the iframe size, you can change the googleSearchFrameWidth variable in the results code. Note: The minimum width when ads are on the top and bottom is 500. If your ads appear on the right the minimum is 795. You cannot control the iframe height.
