- TList.remove->TList.Delete->TList.Move
- // 根据传入的Item 删除对应位置的数据
- function TList.Remove(Item: Pointer): Integer;
- // 删除数据,使用move用后边的数据代替前边的数据
- procedure TList.Delete(Index: Integer);
- Remove 后边的数据会代替前面的数据
- Pack 同样也会清理前面的数据
- TList 源码分析
- TPointerList = array[0..MaxListSize - 1] of Pointer;
- TList 的本质就是个无类型指针的数组
- TList = class(TObject)
- private
- FList: PPointerList;
- FCount: Integer;
- FCapacity: Integer;
- protected
- function Get(Index: Integer): Pointer;
- procedure Grow; virtual;
- procedure Put(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
- procedure Notify(Ptr: Pointer; Action: TListNotification); virtual;
- procedure SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
- procedure SetCount(NewCount: Integer);
- public
- destructor Destroy; override;
- function Add(Item: Pointer): Integer;
- procedure Clear; virtual;
- procedure Delete(Index: Integer);
- class procedure Error(const Msg: string; Data: Integer); overload; virtual;
- class procedure Error(Msg: PResStringRec; Data: Integer); overload;
- procedure Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
- function Expand: TList;
- function Extract(Item: Pointer): Pointer;
- function First: Pointer;
- function IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer;
- procedure Insert(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
- function Last: Pointer;
- procedure Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
- function Remove(Item: Pointer): Integer;
- procedure Pack;
- procedure Sort(Compare: TListSortCompare);
- procedure Assign(ListA: TList; AOperator: TListAssignOp = laCopy; ListB: TList = nil);
- property Capacity: Integer read FCapacity write SetCapacity;
- property Count: Integer read FCount write SetCount;
- property Items[Index: Integer]: Pointer read Get write Put; default;
- property List: PPointerList read FList;
- end;
- // 根据在List的索引返回数组中数据,以无类型指针返回
- function TList.Get(Index: Integer): Pointer;
- begin
- if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then
- Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
- Result := FList^[Index];
- end;
- // 扩大数组中的内存分配,FCapacity 默认是16,Delta 为16和4,估计主要是避免过多次数的内存分配而产生内存碎片,所以一次分配多点,如果list要加载的数据过多,应该把FCapacity 设置相对大
- procedure TList.Grow;
- var
- Delta: Integer;
- begin
- if FCapacity > 64 then
- Delta := FCapacity div 4
- else
- if FCapacity > 8 then
- Delta := 16
- else
- Delta := 4;
- SetCapacity(FCapacity + Delta);
- end;
- // 代替数组中的数据,删除原有的数据, 同时调用Notify函数,传递lnDeleted, lnAdded 参数
- procedure TList.Put(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
- var
- Temp: Pointer;
- begin
- if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then
- Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
- if Item <> FList^[Index] then
- begin
- Temp := FList^[Index];
- FList^[Index] := Item;
- if Temp <> nil then
- Notify(Temp, lnDeleted);
- if Item <> nil then
- Notify(Item, lnAdded);
- end;
- end;
- // TList.Grow 或者TList.SetCount调用,主要为重新分配内存,ReallocMem分配连续的内存
- procedure TList.SetCapacity(NewCapacity: Integer);
- begin
- if (NewCapacity < FCount) or (NewCapacity > MaxListSize) then
- Error(@SListCapacityError, NewCapacity);
- if NewCapacity <> FCapacity then
- begin
- ReallocMem(FList, NewCapacity * SizeOf(Pointer));
- FCapacity := NewCapacity;
- end;
- end;
- // 如果NewCount大于现在有的内存,则扩大内存,SetCapacity(NewCount), 同时将Fcount 到 NewCount 之间的数据清空
- ( if NewCount > FCount then
- FillChar(FList^[FCount], (NewCount - FCount) * SizeOf(Pointer), 0) ), 小则将Fcount 到 NewCount 之间的数据删除
- ( for I := FCount - 1 downto NewCount do
- Delete(I);)
- 最后将数组中的数目设为 NewCount
- procedure TList.SetCount(NewCount: Integer);
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- if (NewCount < 0) or (NewCount > MaxListSize) then
- Error(@SListCountError, NewCount);
- if NewCount > FCapacity then
- SetCapacity(NewCount);
- if NewCount > FCount then
- FillChar(FList^[FCount], (NewCount - FCount) * SizeOf(Pointer), 0)
- else
- for I := FCount - 1 downto NewCount do
- Delete(I);
- FCount := NewCount;
- end;
- // 调用clear
- destructor TList.Destroy;
- begin
- Clear;
- end;
- // 先判断是否需要扩大内存分配,然后将Item添加到LIST默尾
- function TList.Add(Item: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := FCount;
- if Result = FCapacity then
- Grow;
- FList^[Result] := Item;
- Inc(FCount);
- if Item <> nil then
- Notify(Item, lnAdded);
- end;
- // 清空,将数据清空,同时将内存释放
- procedure TList.Clear;
- begin
- SetCount(0);
- SetCapacity(0);
- end;
- // 删除数据,使用move用后边的数据代替前边的数据
- procedure TList.Delete(Index: Integer);
- var
- Temp: Pointer;
- begin
- if (Index < 0) or (Index >= FCount) then
- Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
- Temp := Items[Index];
- Dec(FCount);
- if Index < FCount then
- System.Move(FList^[Index + 1], FList^[Index],
- (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(Pointer));
- if Temp <> nil then
- Notify(Temp, lnDeleted);
- end;
- // 俩个位置的数据交换
- procedure TList.Exchange(Index1, Index2: Integer);
- var
- Item: Pointer;
- begin
- if (Index1 < 0) or (Index1 >= FCount) then
- Error(@SListIndexError, Index1);
- if (Index2 < 0) or (Index2 >= FCount) then
- Error(@SListIndexError, Index2);
- Item := FList^[Index1];
- FList^[Index1] := FList^[Index2];
- FList^[Index2] := Item;
- end;
- // 先判断是否需要扩大内存分配,然后返回LIST自身
- function TList.Expand: TList;
- begin
- if FCount = FCapacity then
- Grow;
- Result := Self;
- end;
- // 删除数据,同时将要删除的数据返回
- function TList.Extract(Item: Pointer): Pointer;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- I := IndexOf(Item);
- if I >= 0 then
- begin
- Result := Item;
- FList^[I] := nil;
- Delete(I);
- Notify(Result, lnExtracted);
- end;
- end;
- // 返回首个位置的数据
- function TList.First: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := Get(0);
- end;
- // 插入数据,同时将要插入的位置的数据都往后挪一个位置
- procedure TList.Insert(Index: Integer; Item: Pointer);
- begin
- if (Index < 0) or (Index > FCount) then
- Error(@SListIndexError, Index);
- if FCount = FCapacity then
- Grow;
- if Index < FCount then
- System.Move(FList^[Index], FList^[Index + 1],
- (FCount - Index) * SizeOf(Pointer));
- FList^[Index] := Item;
- Inc(FCount);
- if Item <> nil then
- Notify(Item, lnAdded);
- end;
- // 获得最后一个位置的数据
- function TList.Last: Pointer;
- begin
- Result := Get(FCount - 1);
- end;
- // 将CurIndex的数据在NewIndex位置插入,同时将CurIndex位置数据删除
- procedure TList.Move(CurIndex, NewIndex: Integer);
- var
- Item: Pointer;
- begin
- if CurIndex <> NewIndex then
- begin
- if (NewIndex < 0) or (NewIndex >= FCount) then
- Error(@SListIndexError, NewIndex);
- Item := Get(CurIndex);
- FList^[CurIndex] := nil;
- Delete(CurIndex);
- Insert(NewIndex, nil);
- FList^[NewIndex] := Item;
- end;
- end;
- // 根据传入的Item 删除对应位置的数据
- function TList.Remove(Item: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := IndexOf(Item);
- if Result >= 0 then
- Delete(Result);
- end;
- // 清理作用,将数组中为nil 的数据清除
- procedure TList.Pack;
- var
- I: Integer;
- begin
- for I := FCount - 1 downto 0 do
- if Items[I] = nil then
- Delete(I);
- end;
- // 标准的快速排序,同时传入 TListSortCompare类型的Compare函数指针来作为交换函数
- procedure TList.Sort(Compare: TListSortCompare);
- begin
- if (FList <> nil) and (Count > 0) then
- QuickSort(FList, 0, Count - 1, Compare);
- end;
- //
- TList类实现了一个带缺省参数的方法procedure Assign(ListA: TList; AOperator: TListAssignOp = laCopy; ListB: TList = nil),
- 如果ListB不为空, 临时变量LSource := ListB;,则递归,Assign(ListA);默认参数 laCopy, ListB: TList = nil
- 递归函数操作(LSource := ListA, 清空List, 然后将ListA 拷贝到list中)
- 执行递归函数后, 然后根据AOperator和ListB进行各类运算
- 如果ListB为空,则根据AOperator将self和ListA进行各类运算。
- procedure TList.Assign(ListA: TList; AOperator: TListAssignOp; ListB: TList);
- var
- I: Integer;
- LTemp, LSource: TList;
- begin
- // ListB given?
- if ListB <> nil then
- begin
- LSource := ListB;
- Assign(ListA);
- end
- else
- LSource := ListA;
- // on with the show
- case AOperator of
- // 12345, 346346 = 346 : only those in the new list
- laCopy:
- begin
- Clear;
- Capacity := LSource.Capacity;
- for I := 0 to LSource.Count - 1 do
- Add(LSource[I]);
- end;
- // 12345, 34346 = 34 : intersection of the two lists
- laAnd:
- for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do
- if LSource.IndexOf(Items[I]) = -1 then
- Delete(I);
- // 12345, 346 = 123456 : union of the two lists
- laOr:
- for I := 0 to LSource.Count - 1 do
- if IndexOf(LSource[I]) = -1 then
- Add(LSource[I]);
- // 12345, 346 = 1256 : only those not in both lists
- laXor:
- begin
- LTemp := TList.Create; // Temp holder of 4 byte values
- try
- LTemp.Capacity := LSource.Count;
- for I := 0 to LSource.Count - 1 do
- if IndexOf(LSource[I]) = -1 then
- LTemp.Add(LSource[I]);
- for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do
- if LSource.IndexOf(Items[I]) <> -1 then
- Delete(I);
- I := Count + LTemp.Count;
- if Capacity < I then
- Capacity := I;
- for I := 0 to LTemp.Count - 1 do
- Add(LTemp[I]);
- finally
- LTemp.Free;
- end;
- end;
- // 12345, 346 = 125 : only those unique to source
- laSrcUnique:
- for I := Count - 1 downto 0 do
- if LSource.IndexOf(Items[I]) <> -1 then
- Delete(I);
- // 12345, 346 = 6 : only those unique to dest
- laDestUnique:
- begin
- LTemp := TList.Create;
- try
- LTemp.Capacity := LSource.Count;
- for I := LSource.Count - 1 downto 0 do
- if IndexOf(LSource[I]) = -1 then
- LTemp.Add(LSource[I]);
- Assign(LTemp);
- finally
- LTemp.Free;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- // 在数组中做循环,从低到高,判断是否有和 Item 相等的,如果相等则返回索引,无则返回 -1
- function TList.IndexOf(Item: Pointer): Integer;
- begin
- Result := 0;
- while (Result < FCount) and (FList^[Result] <> Item) do
- Inc(Result);
- if Result = FCount then
- Result := -1;
- end;