怎么使用PVS stream Linux

1. 根据Provisioning Services Installation and Configuration Guide 在linux上安装完成 target device,具体Guide下载地址为:http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX130938
a. Log on to the Linux system as root.
Note: The Linux target device requires root privileges and visual desktop, such
as gnome or KDE to install and execute properly.
b. Insert the product CD-ROM into your Linux target device’s CD-ROM drive. Your
Linux target device should auto-mount the CD-ROM and a message should display
on your target device. If your Linux target device doesn’t auto-mount the CD-ROM,
consult your Linux system documentation on how to mount CD-ROMs or DVDs.
c. Copy the PVS_LinuxDevice.run or PVS_LinuxDevice_x64.run file from the CD-ROM
into your /tmp directory.
d. Open a terminal shell/command shell and execute the appropriate Linux target
device software.
2. 在PVS服务器上手工创建一个dynamic 的Vdisk;
    device的属性注意:a. boot from:Hard Disk;
                                                b. MAC与target device 的地址相同;
                                                c. 关联手工创建的dynamic Vdisk。
3. 设定target device 从网卡启动,reboot target device;
4. 启动target device后,请进入 /root/citrix 目录执行命令:sh image.sh
    在命令执行后会弹出linux imager的对话框,点击iamge 后 Begin 即可执行convert。
Try turning off selinux at boottime;
When the grub splash screen is displayed press any key
Select the Linux boot choice and press the 'e' key
Select the kernel line and press the 'e' key again
At the end of the line add a space followed by selinux=0
When done press the 'Enter' key followed by the 'b' key
If you can log on then you need to adjust your selinux security policy or disable selinux permanently.
注意: 改kernel是在做Convert之前。
