Netbackup 延长 备份数据集 过期日期

D:\>cd Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd

D:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpexpdate -recalculate -backupid -d 2/20/2015 12:00:00

Are you SURE you want to recalculate expiration dates on all images

that meet the following criteria:


to expire on    2/20/2015 12:00:00 PM


D:\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist.exe -backupid -L


Backup ID:

Policy:            TLD-YMQCNSSTAPC

Policy Type:       MS-Windows (13)

Proxy Client:      (none specified)

Creator:           root

Name1:             (none specified)

Sched Label:       DAILY-INCREMENTAL

Schedule Type:     INCR (1)

Retention Level:   2 weeks (1)

Backup Time:           1/14/2015 4:00:03 PM (1421269203)

Elapsed Time:      159 second(s)

Expiration Time:      2/20/2015 12:00:00 PM (1424451600)

Compressed:        no

Client Encrypted:  no

Kilobytes:         66368

Number of Files:   47

Number of Copies:  1

Number of Fragments:   1

Histogram:         0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

DB Compressed:     no

Files File Name:   TLD-YMQCNSSTAPC_1421269203_INCR.f

Previous Backup Files File Name:   (none specified)

Parent Backup Image File Name:   (none specified)

SW Version:        (none specified)

Options:           0x0

MPX:               0

TIR Info:          0

TIR Expiration:       12/31/1969 7:00:00 PM (0)

Keyword:           (none specified)

Ext Security Info: no

File Restore Raw:  no

Image Dump Level:  0

File System Only:  no

Object Descriptor: (none specified)

Previous BI Time:     12/31/1969 7:00:00 PM (0)

BI Full Time:         12/31/1969 7:00:00 PM (0)

Request Pid:       0

Backup Status:     0

Stream Number:     0

Backup Copy:       Standard (0)

Files File size:     6411

PFI type:     0


Primary Copy:      1

Image Type:        0  (Regular)

Job ID:            1553837

Num Resumes:       0

Resume Expiration:    12/31/1969 7:00:00 PM (0)

Data Classification:    (none specified)

Data_Classification_ID: (none specified)

Storage Lifecycle Policy:    (none specified)

Storage Lifecycle Policy Version:    0

STL_Completed:      0

Remote Expiration Time:    12/31/1969 7:00:00 PM (0)

Origin Master Server:  (none specified)

Origin Master GUID:    (none specified)

Snap Time:         12/31/1969 7:00:00 PM (0)

IR Enabled:      no

Client Character Set:     84

Image On Hold:     0

Indexing Status:   0

Copy number:       1

 Fragment:         1

 Kilobytes:        66368

 Remainder:        0

 Media Type:       Media Manager (2)

 Density:          hcart3 (20)

 File Num:         228

 ID:               302045

 Host:             lancelot-media2

 Block Size:       65536

 Offset:           8591242

 Media Date:           1/9/2015 10:51:06 PM (1420861866)

 Dev Written On:   1

 Flags:            0x0

 Media Descriptor:        ?

 Expiration Time:     2/20/2015 12:00:00 PM (1424451600)

 MPX:              0

 retention_lvl:    2 weeks (1)

 Try to Keep Time:     12/31/1969 7:00:00 PM (0)

 Copy Creation Time:      1/14/2015 4:02:42 PM (1421269362)

 Data Format:      Tar

 checkpoint:       0

 resume num:       0

 Key tag:          *NULL*

 STL tag:          *NULL*

 Copy on hold:     0

