
Flex provides simple syntax for binding the properties of components to each other. In the following example, the value inside the curly braces ({ }) binds the text property of a TextArea control to the text property of a TextInput control. When the application initializes, both controls display the text Hello. When the user clicks the Button control, both controls display the text Goodbye.

    Flex提供了在组件间绑定属性的语法。下面的例子,展示了使用大括号({ })将TextArea控件的text属性绑定到一个TextInput控件的text属性上。当程序初始化的时候,两个控件都会显示“Hello”当用户点击了Button控件时,两个控件都会显示“Goodbye”。
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- mxml/BindingExample.mxml -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
    <mx:Panel title="My Application" 
        <mx:TextInput id="textinput1" text="Hello"/>
        <mx:TextArea id="textarea1" text="{textinput1.text}"/>
        <mx:Button label="Submit" click="textinput1.text='Goodbye';"/>

The following image shows the application rendered in a web browser window after the user clicks the Submit button:

As an alternative to the curly braces ({ }) syntax, you can use the <mx:Binding> tag, in which you specify the source and destination of a binding. For more information about data binding, see “Storing Data” on page 1257.
