Space Map Pages (SMPs) hold track of which extents are used and which are free.
Extent Map Pages (EMPs) store the mapping of extents held by that object.
SMP Extent 0 is always the second extent in the tablespace(If the extent size is 32, and therefore SMP Extent 0 starts at Pool Page 32).
Object Table �C stores the extent anchor for the first extent of EMPs, objectID is SQLD_OBJTAB_ID (0xFFFF, 65535).
Extent Map for the Object Table consists of 1 page, always found at the 2nd page of the 1st extent (pool page 1).
DMS: First user object id is 4; SMS: First user object id is 2.
data page 0 has the same structure: (DMS tablespace).
.Slot 0:Data Object Header Control Record
.Slot 1:Free Space Control Record(FSCR)
.Slot 2:Table Directory Record
.Slot 3:Table Description Record
Logical address map for a DMS table space:
Pagesize: 8192; Extentsize: 32
-------------------------------- --------- ------- --------------------
LOB03 3 4 66
TEST1 3 5 1
LOB01 3 33 975
LOB02 3 34 975
Dump Object Table(objectID:65535)
db2dart sample /dd /tsi 3 /oi 65535 /ps 0 /np 4 /v y
Page 0 ofobject 65535 from table space 3.
BPS Page Header:
Page Data Offset = 48
Page Data Length = 8144
Page LSN = 00000000697804A2
Object Page Number = 0
Pool Page Number = 64 --> Extentsize:32, object table 在第3个extent
Object ID = 65535
Object Type = Data Object
Data Page Header:
Slot Count = 42
Total Free Space = 5544
Total Reserve Space = 0
Youngest Reserve Space = n/a
Youngest TID = n/a
Free Space Offset = 915
Maximum Record Size = 152
Data Records:
Slot 0:
Offset Location = 8092 (x1F9C)
Record Length = 32 (x20)
Record Type = Data Object Header Control Record
Page count = 1
Object Creation LSN = 0000000001FBAEDA
Object State = x0000
UDI Since Runstats = 0
DFH flag bits = x00000000
Row Change Timestamp = x00000000000000
Slot 1:
Record Type = Free Space Control Record(FSCR)
Free space entries: --> 500 pages/1 FSCR (x1FBC: page里没有数据)
0: 5848 (x16D8), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
4: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
8: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
12: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
16: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
20: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
24: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
28: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
32: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
492: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
496: 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC), 8124 (x1FBC)
Slot 2:
Offset Location = 7012 (x1B64)
Record Length = 76 (x4C)
Record Type = Table Directory Record
TDIR version = 2
MetaIndex Does Not Exist
Max Insert Search = 100
Dictionary RID -- Page 0 Slot 0
Mapping Directory RID -- Page 0 Slot 0
Current table row format version = 0
Flags = x0000000106020000
bit representation = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
00000110 00000010 00000000 00000000
Check pending info:
Constraint status = x00
Constraint RID page = 0
last BID page = x00000000
Slot 3:
Offset Location = 6996 (x1B54)
Record Length = 16 (x10)
Record Type = Table Description Record
Number of Columns = 1
Column 1:
Type is Variable Length Character String
Maximum Length = 4000
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 0
Slot 4:
Offset Location = 1068 (x42C)
Record Length = 152 (x98)
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR) (PUNC)
Record Flags = 0
Object Table record:
Type: BASE Version: x00
Pool ObjID Extent Anchor Page 0 Obj State ObjType Life LSN
DATA 3 4 96 0 EXIST VALID 000000006939855B
BKM 3 4 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 000000006939855B
INDEX 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
XDA 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LONG 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOB 3 4 160 0 EXIST VALID 0000000069398CA9
LOBA 3 4 224 0 EXIST VALID 0000000069398CA9
Slot 5:
Offset Location = 916 (x394)
Record Length = 152 (x98)
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR) (PUNC)
Record Flags = 0
Object Table record:
Type: BASE Version: x00
Pool ObjID Extent Anchor Page 0 Obj State ObjType Life LSN
DATA 3 5 1344 0 EXIST VALID 00000000697801AC
BKM 3 5 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 00000000697801AC
INDEX 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
XDA 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LONG 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOB 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOBA 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
Slot 6:
Deleted Record
Slot 7:
Deleted Record
Slot 8:
Deleted Record
Slot 33: --> 和objectID一致
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR) (PUNC)
Object Table record:
Type: BASE Version: x00
Pool ObjID Extent Anchor Page 0 Obj State ObjType Life LSN
DATA 3 33 21664(EMP first extent) 0 EXIST VALID 00000000591F63E2
BKM 3 33 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 00000000591F63E2
INDEX 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
XDA 2 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LONG 2 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOB 2 19 0 0 EXIST VALID 0000000054806C5E
LOBA 2 19 0 0 EXIST VALID 0000000054806C5E
Slot 34:
Offset Location = 2284 (x8EC)
Record Length = 152 (x98)
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR) (PUNC)
Record Flags = 0
Object Table record:
Type: BASE Version: x00
Pool ObjID Extent Anchor Page 0 Obj State ObjType Life LSN
DATA 3 34 20640 0 EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
BKM 3 34 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
INDEX 3 34 49440 0 EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
XDA 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LONG 3 0 0 0 NOT EXIST VALID 0000000000000000
LOB 3 34 20704 0 EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
LOBA 3 34 20768 0 EXIST VALID 000000006884F0A6
LOB01 Table EMP(ObjectID: 33):
db2dart sample /demp /tsi 3 /oi 33
Object specific mapping info:
DAT extent anchor: 21664
Traversing extent map for object type: 0
Tablespace ID: 3, Tablespace Seed: 3, Object: 33 EMP page class: 64,
EMP pool page: 21664, # entries: 31
Page LSN = 00000000591F631A
Pool relative page #'s :
21696 21728 21760 21792 21824 --> extent first page
21856 21888 21920 21952 21984
22016 22048 22080 22112 22144
22176 22208 22240 22272 22304
22336 22368 22400 22432 22464
22496 22528 22560 22592 22624
Tablespace ID: 3, Tablespace Seed: 3, Object: 33 EMP page class: 64,
EMP pool page: 21665, # entries: 0
Page LSN = 00000000591F4C22
Pool relative page #'s :
Tablespace ID: 3, Tablespace Seed: 3, Object: 33 EMP page class: 64,
EMP pool page: 21666, # entries: 0
Page LSN = 00000000591F4C22
Pool relative page #'s :
EMP pool page: 21695, # entries: 0
Page LSN = 00000000591F4C22
Pool relative page #'s :
21695 - 21664 + 1 = 32 pages(1 extent)
LOB01 Table:
db2dart sample /dd /tsi 3 /oi 33 /ps 0 /np 4 /v y
Page 0 of object 33 from table space 3.
BPS Page Header:
Page Data Offset = 48
Page Data Length = 8144
Page LSN = 00000000591F4B5E
Object Page Number = 0
Pool Page Number = 21696 --> 对应EMP 21664 pool page的relative page的第一个extent first page.
Object ID = 33
Object Type = Data Object
Data Page Header:
Slot Count = 16
Total Free Space = 82
Total Reserve Space = 0
Youngest Reserve Space = n/a
Youngest TID = n/a
Free Space Offset = 113
Maximum Record Size = 523
Data Records:
Slot 0:
Offset Location = 8092 (x1F9C)
Record Length = 32 (x20)
Record Type = Data Object Header Control Record
Page count = 975
Object Creation LSN = 00000000591F4B5E
Object State = x0000
UDI Since Runstats = 0
DFH flag bits = x00000000
Row Change Timestamp = x00000000000000
Slot 1:
Offset Location = 7088 (x1BB0)
Record Length = 1004 (x3EC)
Record Type = Free Space Control Record
Free space entries:
0: 82 (x0052), 352 (x0160), 372 (x0174), 331 (x014B)
4: 326 (x0146), 345 (x0159), 279 (x0117), 55 (x0037)
8: 70 (x0046), 410 (x019A), 151 (x0097), 446 (x01BE)
12: 512 (x0200), 391 (x0187), 341 (x0155), 331 (x014B)
16: 313 (x0139), 318 (x013E), 369 (x0171), 313 (x0139)
20: 273 (x0111), 219 (x00DB), 151 (x0097), 238 (x00EE)
24: 63 (x003F), 148 (x0094), 116 (x0074), 83 (x0053)
28: 98 (x0062), 48 (x0030), 93 (x005D), 34 (x0022)
32: 482 (x01E2), 344 (x0158), 374 (x0176), 339 (x0153)
36: 330 (x014A), 354 (x0162), 353 (x0161), 353 (x0161)
40: 323 (x0143), 384 (x0180), 445 (x01BD), 402 (x0192)
44: 160 (x00A0), 78 (x004E), 130 (x0082), 104 (x0068)
48: 20 (x0014), 88 (x0058), 43 (x002B), 490 (x01EA)
52: 330 (x014A), 362 (x016A), 359 (x0167), 345 (x0159)
56: 317 (x013D), 363 (x016B), 345 (x0159), 344 (x0158)
60: 386 (x0182), 345 (x0159), 357 (x0165), 357 (x0165)
64: 338 (x0152), 342 (x0156), 300 (x012C), 478 (x01DE)
68: 432 (x01B0), 56 (x0038), 342 (x0156), 312 (x0138)
72: 324 (x0144), 511 (x01FF), 390 (x0186), 351 (x015F)
76: 341 (x0155), 324 (x0144), 330 (x014A), 283 (x011B)
80: 278 (x0116), 25 (x0019), 40 (x0028), 118 (x0076)
84: 261 (x0105), 186 (x00BA), 147 (x0093), 92 (x005C)
88: 104 (x0068), 116 (x0074), 34 (x0022), 67 (x0043)
92: 482 (x01E2), 481 (x01E1), 346 (x015A), 366 (x016E)
96: 330 (x014A), 340 (x0154), 347 (x015B), 346 (x015A)
100: 363 (x016B), 329 (x0149), 378 (x017A), 401 (x0191)
104: 41 (x0029), 153 (x0099), 72 (x0048), 123 (x007B)
108: 104 (x0068), 31 (x001F), 80 (x0050), 472 (x01D8)
112: 485 (x01E5), 330 (x014A), 378 (x017A), 339 (x0153)
116: 337 (x0151), 338 (x0152), 375 (x0177), 303 (x012F)
120: 366 (x016E), 381 (x017D), 342 (x0156), 97 (x0061)
124: 153 (x0099), 72 (x0048), 123 (x007B), 104 (x0068)
128: 31 (x001F), 80 (x0050), 69 (x0045), 362 (x016A)
132: 332 (x014C), 378 (x017A), 352 (x0160), 327 (x0147)
136: 343 (x0157), 376 (x0178), 306 (x0132), 362 (x016A)
140: 380 (x017C), 339 (x0153), 370 (x0172), 357 (x0165)
144: 353 (x0161), 296 (x0128), 334 (x014E), 407 (x0197)
148: 79 (x004F), 490 (x01EA), 390 (x0186), 150 (x0096)
152: 349 (x015D), 13 (x000D), 462 (x01CE), 334 (x014E)
156: 337 (x0151), 311 (x0137), 333 (x014D), 338 (x0152)
160: 238 (x00EE), 392 (x0188), 130 (x0082), 4 (x0004)
164: 72 (x0048), 175 (x00AF), 150 (x0096), 68 (x0044)
168: 135 (x0087), 88 (x0058), 14 (x000E), 103 (x0067)
172: 460 (x01CC), 352 (x0160), 353 (x0161), 353 (x0161)
176: 354 (x0162), 300 (x012C), 365 (x016D), 376 (x0178)
180: 301 (x012D), 378 (x017A), 366 (x016E), 94 (x005E)
184: 24 (x0018), 127 (x007F), 95 (x005F), 127 (x007F)
188: 83 (x0053), 27 (x001B), 100 (x0064), 410 (x019A)
192: 358 (x0166), 336 (x0150), 371 (x0173), 342 (x0156)
196: 324 (x0144), 358 (x0166), 357 (x0165), 309 (x0135)
200: 378 (x017A), 373 (x0175), 355 (x0163), 346 (x015A)
204: 372 (x0174), 337 (x0151), 318 (x013E), 304 (x0130)
208: 434 (x01B2), 21 (x0015), 496 (x01F0), 436 (x01B4)
212: 24 (x0018), 178 (x00B2), 350 (x015E), 404 (x0194)
216: 348 (x015C), 319 (x013F), 338 (x0152), 301 (x012D)
220: 66 (x0042), 57 (x0039), 407 (x0197), 153 (x0099)
224: 276 (x0114), 387 (x0183), 182 (x00B6), 132 (x0084)
228: 76 (x004C), 127 (x007F), 80 (x0050), 25 (x0019)
232: 91 (x005B), 316 (x013C), 360 (x0168), 363 (x016B)
236: 334 (x014E), 333 (x014D), 378 (x017A), 346 (x015A)
240: 360 (x0168), 303 (x012F), 378 (x017A), 356 (x0164)
244: 369 (x0171), 363 (x016B), 359 (x0167), 351 (x015F)
248: 343 (x0157), 324 (x0144), 329 (x0149), 291 (x0123)
252: 110 (x006E), 30 (x001E), 354 (x0162), 240 (x00F0)
256: 331 (x014B), 509 (x01FD), 459 (x01CB), 343 (x0157)
260: 326 (x0146), 327 (x0147), 342 (x0156), 259 (x0103)
264: 285 (x011D), 451 (x01C3), 147 (x0093), 130 (x0082)
268: 193 (x00C1), 190 (x00BE), 153 (x0099), 85 (x0055)
272: 110 (x006E), 104 (x0068), 37 (x0025), 79 (x004F)
276: 512 (x0200), 490 (x01EA), 333 (x014D), 373 (x0175)
280: 346 (x015A), 310 (x0136), 367 (x016F), 357 (x0165)
284: 339 (x0153), 340 (x0154), 387 (x0183), 342 (x0156)
288: 30 (x001E), 156 (x009C), 77 (x004D), 135 (x0087)
292: 100 (x0064), 17 (x0011), 90 (x005A), 4 (x0004)
296: 477 (x01DD), 332 (x014C), 385 (x0181), 344 (x0158)
300: 326 (x0146), 341 (x0155), 382 (x017E), 298 (x012A)
304: 366 (x016E), 384 (x0180), 348 (x015C), 344 (x0158)
308: 369 (x0171), 337 (x0151), 339 (x0153), 304 (x0130)
312: 480 (x01E0), 531 (x0213), 474 (x01DA), 354 (x0162)
316: 298 (x012A), 253 (x00FD), 63 (x003F), 391 (x0187)
320: 349 (x015D), 344 (x0158), 326 (x0146), 333 (x014D)
324: 268 (x010C), 282 (x011A), 502 (x01F6), 140 (x008C)
328: 600 (x0258), 191 (x00BF), 192 (x00C0), 153 (x0099)
332: 85 (x0055), 110 (x006E), 104 (x0068), 37 (x0025)
336: 79 (x004F), 512 (x0200), 490 (x01EA), 343 (x0157)
340: 364 (x016C), 331 (x014B), 349 (x015D), 339 (x0153)
344: 366 (x016E), 339 (x0153), 334 (x014E), 379 (x017B)
348: 351 (x015F), 364 (x016C), 357 (x0165), 336 (x0150)
352: 320 (x0140), 349 (x015D), 274 (x0112), 172 (x00AC)
356: 487 (x01E7), 407 (x0197), 191 (x00BF), 327 (x0147)
360: 516 (x0204), 458 (x01CA), 343 (x0157), 333 (x014D)
364: 317 (x013D), 318 (x013E), 359 (x0167), 323 (x0143)
368: 213 (x00D5), 325 (x0145), 149 (x0095), 115 (x0073)
372: 192 (x00C0), 141 (x008D), 113 (x0071), 89 (x0059)
376: 95 (x005F), 55 (x0037), 79 (x004F), 512 (x0200)
380: 482 (x01E2), 344 (x0158), 374 (x0176), 339 (x0153)
384: 330 (x014A), 354 (x0162), 353 (x0161), 353 (x0161)
388: 323 (x0143), 384 (x0180), 445 (x01BD), 402 (x0192)
392: 160 (x00A0), 78 (x004E), 130 (x0082), 104 (x0068)
396: 20 (x0014), 88 (x0058), 43 (x002B), 490 (x01EA)
400: 330 (x014A), 362 (x016A), 359 (x0167), 345 (x0159)
404: 317 (x013D), 363 (x016B), 345 (x0159), 344 (x0158)
408: 386 (x0182), 345 (x0159), 357 (x0165), 357 (x0165)
412: 338 (x0152), 342 (x0156), 300 (x012C), 478 (x01DE)
416: 432 (x01B0), 56 (x0038), 342 (x0156), 312 (x0138)
420: 324 (x0144), 511 (x01FF), 390 (x0186), 351 (x015F)
424: 341 (x0155), 324 (x0144), 330 (x014A), 283 (x011B)
428: 278 (x0116), 493 (x01ED), 96 (x0060), 130 (x0082)
432: 191 (x00BF), 192 (x00C0), 153 (x0099), 85 (x0055)
436: 110 (x006E), 104 (x0068), 37 (x0025), 79 (x004F)
440: 2 (x0002), 481 (x01E1), 346 (x015A), 366 (x016E)
444: 330 (x014A), 340 (x0154), 347 (x015B), 346 (x015A)
448: 363 (x016B), 329 (x0149), 378 (x017A), 401 (x0191)
452: 41 (x0029), 153 (x0099), 72 (x0048), 123 (x007B)
456: 104 (x0068), 31 (x001F), 80 (x0050), 472 (x01D8)
460: 485 (x01E5), 330 (x014A), 378 (x017A), 339 (x0153)
464: 337 (x0151), 338 (x0152), 375 (x0177), 303 (x012F)
468: 366 (x016E), 381 (x017D), 391 (x0187), 47 (x002F)
472: 147 (x0093), 87 (x0057), 108 (x006C), 99 (x0063)
476: 43 (x002B), 80 (x0050), 472 (x01D8), 477 (x01DD)
480: 332 (x014C), 385 (x0181), 344 (x0158), 324 (x0144)
484: 347 (x015B), 376 (x0178), 290 (x0122), 373 (x0175)
488: 389 (x0185), 354 (x0162), 351 (x015F), 359 (x0167)
492: 337 (x0151), 325 (x0145), 339 (x0153), 390 (x0186)
496: 123 (x007B), 435 (x01B3), 403 (x0193), 238 (x00EE)
Slot 2:
Offset Location = 7012 (x1B64)
Record Length = 76 (x4C)
Record Type = Table Directory Record
TDIR version = 2
MetaIndex Does Not Exist
Max Insert Search = 0
Dictionary RID -- Page 0 Slot 0
Mapping Directory RID -- Page 0 Slot 0
Current table row format version = 0
Flags = x0000000106000000
bit representation = 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000001
00000110 00000000 00000000 00000000
Check pending info:
Constraint status = x00
Constraint RID page = 0
last BID page = x00000000
Slot 3: --> 表结构
Offset Location = 6308 (x18A4)
Record Length = 704 (x2C0)
Record Type = Table Description Record
Number of Columns = 75
Column 1:
Type is Variable Length Character String
Maximum Length = 128
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 0
Column 2:
Type is Variable Length Character String
Maximum Length = 128
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 4
Column 3:
Type is Fixed Length Character String
Length = 1
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 8
Column 4:
Type is Timestamp
Precision = 20
Scale = 6
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 322
Column 74:
Type is Fixed Length Character String
Length = 1
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 323
Column 75:
Type is Gregorian Date
Length = 4
Prohibits NULLs
Prohibits Default
Fixed offset: 324
Slot 4:
Offset Location = 5788 (x169C)
Record Length = 520 (x208)
Record Type = Table Data Record (FIXEDVAR)
Record Flags = 0
Fixed part length value = 328
Column 1:
Fixed offset: 0
Type is Variable Length Character String
Length = 16 Offset = 328
5853524F 424A4543 54444554 41494C53 XSROBJECTDETAILS --> 列值
Column 2:
Fixed offset: 4
Type is Variable Length Character String
Length = 8 Offset = 344
53595343 41542020 SYSCAT
Column 3:
Fixed offset: 8
Type is Fixed Length Character String
56 V