RPC clients such as Outlook 2003, 2007, and 2010 use CAS servers as their MAPI endpoint for mailbox access in Exchange 2010.
RPC客户端,例如outlook 2003,2007和2010使用CAS服务器作为它们在Exchange 2010中邮箱访问的MAPI
Ideally, you want to create your CAS arrays before creating your mailbox databases. This is because, as we discussed previously, once the CAS array for a particular site has been created, all mailbox databases created within the site will be automatically configured to
use this array as the RPC Client Access server. When a user's Outlook profile is initially configured and the RPCClientAccessServer property for their mailbox database is set to a specific CAS server, their profile will not be updated if you later change this setting using the Set-MailboxDatabase cmdlet. In this situation, you would need to reconfigure the user's Outlook profile and set the server name to the FQDN of the CAS array, or you could run a repair in Outlook to correct the setting. Either way, this requires you or a member of your staff to touch each workstation used by the affected users. Therefore, it is best practice to set the RPC Client Access server to the correct value before allowing any users connect to Exchangeusing Outlook.
我点一下,不需要完全翻译,就是如果安装Exchange 2010邮箱数据库库之后配置CAS Array,那么我们就面临一个问题,我们需要重新配置用户的outlook配置文件并且设置服务器的名称为CAS Array的FQDN。那假如我目前就是这样的情况,那么我该怎么办呢?
If you've already created multiple mailbox databases across multiple mailbox servers and have not already created a CAS array, this could end up being a problem for you on the client side, but updating all of the databases with a new RPC Client Access server setting after the fact is very easy to do. Let's say that you've created multiple mailbox databases located on several mailbox servers in the default Active Directory site prior to creating a CAS array. You can use the following code to update each database in the site:
Get-ExchangeServer |
Where-Object {$_.Site.Name -eq 'Default-First-Site-Name' `
-and $_.ServerRole -match 'Mailbox'
} |
Get-MailboxDatabase |
Set-MailboxDatabase -RpcClientAccessServer outlook.contoso.com
In this example, we first use the Get-ExchangeServer cmdlet to create a collection of mailbox servers. You can see that we're filtering two properties, output by this cmdlet. First, we're checking the Site.Name property to make sure it is set to Default-First-Site-Name, and second, we're filtering the ServerRole property to ensure that we're only going to retrieve servers running the Mailbox role. When filtering the ServerRole property, you can see that we're using the -match operator. This is because comparing the ServerRole property using the -eq (equals) operator will not evaluate to $true if the server is hosting multiple roles. The output of the command returns one or more mailbox servers in the
default Active Directory site. Each server object returned is then piped down to the
Get-MailboxDatabase cmdlet, which retrieves every database hosted by each mailbox server. Finally, those objects are piped down to the Set-MailboxDatabase cmdlet, which configures the RPCClientAccessServer property of each database in the default site to the outlook.contoso.com CAS array.
使用上面的命令,我们就可以一条命令解决,邮箱服务器配置为使用CAS Array的URL,命令的解释非常清楚,有兴趣的自己可以看下。
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