There are times when you need to insert some special characters such as “newline”,”tab”
etc as values into a field. Usually every one tries with ‘\n’ or ‘\t’, in vain.
we can do this by using the ASCII value of the character. The steps are very simple.
if you want to insert a special character find the ASCII value of that character like ‘ 9 for tab’, ‘ 12 for new line’ etc.
you can find the lists of characters with its ASCII values at
Once this is done, concatenate your string with the character of that particular ASCII value as
‘my string and’+ char(12)+’someting’
this will be
my string and
an examle is as shown below
SELECT ‘hello’+char(9)+’:'+char(12)+’this is a new line’
this will be stored in the table as
hello :
this is a new line
in the above example I inserted a tab after hello and a new line after ‘:’
you can similarly use
new line = char(12)
space = char(32)
horizontal tab = char(9)
carriage return = char(15)
vertical tab = char(13)
end of text = char(3)
sqlite 换行符号的处理
插入时: 'A' || X'0A' || 'B' 字符串A,B之间用 换行符连接起来
java 取出时 已经自动变成\n, 可以自动换行了。
当然也可以接去掉, 看个人需要
select replace(os_version, x'0a','\n') from tb_scan_host, 可以转换
附:editplus 替代特殊字符
There are times when you need to insert some special characters such as “newline”,”tab”
etc as values into a field. Usually every one tries with ‘\n’ or ‘\t’, in vain.
we can do this by using the ASCII value of the character. The steps are very simple.
if you want to insert a special character find the ASCII value of that character like ‘ 9 for tab’, ‘ 12 for new line’ etc.
you can find the lists of characters with its ASCII values at
Once this is done, concatenate your string with the character of that particular ASCII value as
‘my string and’+ char(12)+’someting’
this will be
my string and
an examle is as shown below
SELECT ‘hello’+char(9)+’:'+char(12)+’this is a new line’
this will be stored in the table as
hello :
this is a new line
in the above example I inserted a tab after hello and a new line after ‘:’
you can similarly use
new line = char(12)
space = char(32)
horizontal tab = char(9)
carriage return = char(15)
vertical tab = char(13)
end of text = char(3)
sqlite 换行符号的处理
插入时: 'A' || X'0A' || 'B' 字符串A,B之间用 换行符连接起来
java 取出时 已经自动变成\n, 可以自动换行了。
当然也可以接去掉, 看个人需要
select replace(os_version, x'0a','\n') from tb_scan_host, 可以转换
附:editplus 替代特殊字符
3. 替代特殊字符 \r\n \r\n\r\n
3.1 清除\r\n\r\n
查找: (.)+(\\r\\n\\r\\n)(.)*
替换: \1' || X'0A' || X'0A' || '\3
3.2 清除\r\n
查找: ([^\\n])+(\\r\\n)([^\\r])*
替换: \1' || X'0A' || '\3