2: Normalize if you need to future-proof data



Normalization “future-proofs” your data: you should be able to use normalized data
for different applications that will query the data in different ways in the future.
This assumes that you have some data set that application after application, for years
and years, will have to use. There are data sets like this, but most people’s data is
constantly evolving, and old data is either updated or drops by the wayside. Most people
want their database performing as fast as possible on the queries they’re doing now,
and if they change those queries in the future, they’ll optimize their database for the
new queries.
Also, if an application is successful, its data set often becomes very application-specific.
That isn’t to say it couldn’t be used for more that one application; often you’ll at least
want to do meta-analysis on it. But this is hardly the same as “future-proofing” it to
stand up to whatever queries people want to run in 10 years.
