
Dear Dong Qiang,

Congratulations, your resume has been short listed by our client and they would like to meet up with you for a technical discussion.

Please go through the following attached documents:

1.     Interview tips – things to take note of before, during and after your interview

2.     Interview feedback form – please fill it up and send it to us after your interview.

Please reply to this email to confirm receipt.

Date and Time: 



Manager: Liu Jing/Dane

Contact details for Optimum – Shanghai office: Ms. olive - 13917395897

·         面试的时候,回答问题不只是要回答1+1=?更加要说明为什么等于二。由此你能想到啥,自己的感想。还要能表露出自己对工作积极的态度与热情,表露出谦虚好学的精神即可。

·         工程师的技术面试问题考的是基本功,也就是考题都是比较基础比较细化的。

·         在回答关于离职理由的问题时,请注意你的理由需要让面试官觉得你是一个稳定的候选人,而不是单纯为了薪资而跳。花旗非常看重候选人的稳定性。


·         介绍自己 Self-Introduction/ Make a self introduction/Talk about your family in English.

·         项目中如何使用英语与老外交流/在工作中有和外国人交流过么?  

·         介绍/描述自己做过(最近)的一个项目Introduce the recently project you joined in/ Talk about the recently project you got involved

·         描述你现在工作(项目)的工作职责Please introduce your latest project and your responsibility/ Give me a summary of your current job description/ What’s your duty in your current job/ What work were you responsible for in the previous job ?

·         为什么离开这家公司 The reason for leaving current company/ Why do you want to quit your current job/ The reason for leaving previous company

·         为什么你觉得能够胜任这份工作Why do you think you are capable of this work?

·         从你之前的工作经历中你学到了什么What did you learn from your previous work?

·         描述现在工作的工作流程(会从你讲到的流程中会有Following Questions,例如,现在做的有涉及到Database,那么熟悉SQL语言的程度如何,就会有一些技术性的题目)

·         最近项目的技术架构/项目用的什么平台Design patterns you used in your previous projects/ What development environment you use?

·         自己以后的职业规划Career plan/Career goal/Career path/ What’s your career designation? /What’s your plan next three years?

·         对加班的看法What will you do if your manager let you do more work after leaving time?

·         你的优势和劣势是什么?你比别人强的地方Your strong points/advantage/strength/ weakness/disadvantage/ give an instance of your weakness(优点缺点举例说明)

·         请描述一下你项目中碰到的难题/遇到过什么困难?怎么解决的?The hardest thing you have encountered/ When you meet the hard issue, how you solve it/What difficult do you fact in your job/ talk about the most difficult challenge

·         怎么就业务问题与用户进行沟通(举例子)

·         工作中和同事的如何合作交流, 和同事相处之道

·         请总结一下比其他同事好的地方/你认为你比其他组员更优秀的地方在哪里?

·         空余时间做什么What do you usually do in your spare time/ the action in my leisure time

·         描述自己的个性Talk about your traits

·         你对你现在(以前)的公司是怎么看的/现任公司,你认为做的比较好的有哪些(公司文化、内部培训等)What do your think your current company

·         What kind of job does you want/What’s your expectation to your new job? 希望从下一个公司得到什么?

·         介绍一下你的大学,谈谈你的大学生活,哪门课在大学学得比较好/ Why did you choose the university and the major

·         你的爱好,针对某个爱好提问,例如为什么喜欢这个?

·         What do you like best and what do you hate best in current job

·         谈一下你觉得最有压力的,而且经过努力也没有完成的事情

·         谈一下你最有成就感的事情

·         对要应聘的职位有什么感想,有什么感兴趣的问题要问

·         技术面试参考题(具体的程序题,通常会设置一些陷阱,会在提问中隐含一些问题)

·         一、英语面试:请列出5个您所回答的问题?

·         1、self introduction 


·         2、what's your advantage


·         3、briefly talk about your least project


·         4、your responsibility in team


·         5, the challenge you encounter in your career

6、what did your experience in the next job?






5、数据库中很忙叫做primary key,他可以为空吗?


Thanks & Regards


Optimum Solutions IT (Shanghai) Limited



Room 202| Building 14| 498 Guoshoujing Road | Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park | Shanghai |


Mobile:+86-021-61630275   +86-13917395897
