WPS "The URI length is greater than the Windows limit of 259 characters"

1. http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/imshelp1/v3r0/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.wspac6.doc/satsinst.html

Shorten the temp directory used by WebSphere® Portal Server (WPS), following the steps described below:


Create a directory with a short name on the C drive, for example, C:\tmp.

Start the WebSphere Portal Server V6.0, and using the WAS Administrative Console, navigate to the servers Application Servers > Portal server(注意此处是portal server,而不是app server,否则无效) > Java™ and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine page.

In the Generic JVM arguments, fill in: -Dworkspace.user.root=C:\tmp

Save and re-start the WebSphere Portal Server


When the server restarts, it will then use the C:\tmp directory as the WebSphere Portal Server temp directory. This fixes the problem.


好像IBM有Pack针对这个问题,以上的可以作为一个workaround. 在以下WAS/WPS测试通过。


IBM WebSphere Application Server - ND,
Build Number: cf90614.22
Build Date: 4/7/06
