sap maxdb 卸载时问题


      1.      On UNIX/Linux: Switch to the rootshell.

On Microsoft Windows: Open the command prompt on your server.

       2.      Stop the database instances on your server one by one with the command:
dbmcli –d <database_name> -u <dbm_user>, <password> db_offline
dbmcli -d j2e -u control,abcd1234 db_offline
       3.      Delete the database instances on your server one by one with the command:
dbmcli –d <database_name> -u <dbm_user>, <password> db_drop
dbmcli -d j2e -u control,abcd1234 db_drop
       4.      Call the uninstall program with your chosen option:</password> </dbm_user></database_name></password> </dbm_user></database_name>

      If you want to uninstall all software components, specify the option –all; otherwise, specify your chosen component with the option –package.
