软件开发 英语学习播放器2010




Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Dim T1 As Date
Dim VScroll1Value As Long
Dim nFileNo As Long
Dim strFileName As String
Dim strFileNameini As String
Dim i As Long
Dim Combo3_Text As String
Dim bCombo3 As Boolean
Dim strpath As String
Const HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT = &H80000000
Const REG_SZ = 1
Const SW_SHOW = 5
Private Declare Function GetCommandLine Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetCommandLineA" () As String
Private Declare Function GetCurrentTime Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTickCount" () As Long
Private Declare Function OSRegCreateKey Lib "Advapi32" Alias "RegCreateKeyA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszSubKey As String, phkResult As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function OSRegSetValueEx Lib "Advapi32" Alias "RegSetValueExA" (ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal lpszValueName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal fdwType As Long, lpbData As Any, ByVal cbData As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "Shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Private Sub cmdPlay_Click() '播放
   Dim tmpPos1 As Long
   tmpPos1 = InStr(1, Combo3.Text, ",")
   If tmpPos1 > 1 Then
       Text1.Text = Left(Combo3.Text, tmpPos1 - 1)
       Text2.Text = Mid(Combo3.Text, tmpPos1 + 1)
       Call Command6_Click
   End If
   'MsgBox Combo3.Text
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
Dim tmpStr1 As String
Dim tmpStr2 As String
bCombo3 = False
If Not IsNumeric(Trim(Text1.Text)) Or Not IsNumeric(Trim(Text2.Text)) Then
   Exit Sub
End If
For i = 0 To Combo3.ListCount - 1
   Combo3.ListIndex = i
   If Combo3.Text = Trim(Text1.Text) & "," & Trim(Text2.Text) Then
      Exit Sub
   End If
'Combo3.AddItem Trim(Text1.Text) & "," & Trim(Text2.Text)
tmpStr1 = Space(6 - Len(Trim(Text1.Text))) + Trim(Text1.Text)
tmpStr2 = Space(6 - Len(Trim(Text2.Text))) + Trim(Text2.Text)
Combo4.AddItem Replace(tmpStr1 + "," + tmpStr2, " ", "0")
Timer2.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Combo1_Click()
'  MsgBox Combo1.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Combo3_Click()
If Not bCombo3 Then Exit Sub
'MsgBox "Combo3_Click"
   If Combo3_Text <> Combo3.Text Then
       Call cmdPlay_Click
   End If
   bCombo3 = False
End Sub
Private Sub Combo3_DropDown()
'MsgBox "Combo3_DropDown"
    bCombo3 = True
    Combo3_Text = Combo3.Text
'MsgBox "Combo3_DropDown"
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click() '向前
'WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition = CDate(Text1.Text) - CDate(Text2.Text) '
    WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition = WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition - Val(Combo1.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command10_Click()
    If Text3.Visible Then
       Text3.Text = ""
       Timer3.Enabled = False
       Text3.Visible = False
       Timer3.Enabled = True
       Text3.Visible = True
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command2_Click() '向后
    WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition = WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition + Val(Combo2.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
CommonDialog1.Filter = "所有文件 (*.*)|*.*|rmvb(*.rmvb)|*.rmvb|rm(*.rm)|*.rm|wmv(*.wmv)|*.wmv|avi(*.avi)|*.avi|mp3(*.mp3)|*.mp3|asf(*.asf)|*.asf"
            CommonDialog1.FilterIndex = 1
            'MsgBox CommonDialog1.FileName & vbCrLf & strFileName
            If strFileName = CommonDialog1.FileName Then '防止打开现在播放中的电影
               Exit Sub
            End If
            strFileName = CommonDialog1.FileName
            'Me.Caption = strFileName
       Call GetININame
End Sub
Private Sub Command4_Click()
    Timer1.Enabled = False
    'Text1.Text = "开始"
    'Text2.Text = "结尾"
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click() '清空
If MsgBox("真的要删除播放列表?", vbCritical, "提示") = vbOK Then
    'Call SaveCombo3
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command6_Click()
    'If Command6.Caption = "循环" Then
      ' Command6.Caption = "不循环"
       'Timer1.Enabled = False
       'Text1.Text = "开始"
       'Text2.Text = "结尾"
    'ElseIf Command6.Caption = "不循环" Then
       'Command6.Caption = "循环"
       If Trim(Text1.Text) = "" And Trim(Text2.Text) = "" Or Trim(Text1.Text) = "0" And Trim(Text2.Text) = "0" Then
           Text1.Text = "0"
           Text2.Text = WindowsMediaPlayer1.currentMedia.duration - 0.3
       End If
       WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition = Val(Text1.Text)
       Timer1.Enabled = True
       'Text1.Text = "Click here to get the time for starting play"
       'Text2.Text = "Click here to get the time for endding play"
    'End If
End Sub

Private Sub xzPaiXu(a() As Double, sheng As Boolean)
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    Dim temp As Double
    Dim m As Integer
    For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a) - 1 '进行数组大小-1轮比较
    m = i '在第i轮比较时,假定第
    For j = i + 1 To UBound(a) '在剩下的元素中找出最
    If sheng Then '若为升序,则m记录最小元素
    If a(j) < a(m) Then m = j
    If a(j) > a(m) Then m = j
    End If
    Next j '将最值元素与第i个元素交换
    temp = a(i)
    a(i) = a(m)
    a(m) = temp
    Next i
    End Sub
    Private Sub Command7_Click0()
    'Text3.Text = ""
    Dim b(6) As Double
    b(1) = 8
    b(2) = 6
    b(3) = 6
    b(4) = 3
    b(5) = 2
    b(6) = 7
    'Call xzPaiXu(b, True)
    Call Quicksort(b, 1, 6)
    For i = 1 To UBound(b)
       ' Text3.Text = Text3.Text & b(i) & vbCrLf
    End Sub

Sub Quicksort(List() As Double, min As Integer, max As Integer)
Dim med_value As Long
Dim hi As Integer
Dim lo As Integer
Dim i As Integer
    ' If the list has no more than 1 element, it's sorted.
    If min >= max Then Exit Sub
    ' Pick a dividing item.
    i = Int((max - min + 1) * Rnd + min)
    med_value = List(i)
    ' Swap it to the front so we can find it easily.
    List(i) = List(min)
    ' Move the items smaller than this into the left
    ' half of the list. Move the others into the right.
    lo = min
    hi = max
        ' Look down from hi for a value < med_value.
        Do While List(hi) >= med_value
            hi = hi - 1
            If hi <= lo Then Exit Do
        If hi <= lo Then
            List(lo) = med_value
            Exit Do
        End If
        ' Swap the lo and hi values.
        List(lo) = List(hi)
        ' Look up from lo for a value >= med_value.
        lo = lo + 1
        Do While List(lo) < med_value
            lo = lo + 1
            If lo >= hi Then Exit Do
        If lo >= hi Then
            lo = hi
            List(hi) = med_value
            Exit Do
        End If
        ' Swap the lo and hi values.
        List(hi) = List(lo)
    ' Sort the two sublists
    Quicksort List(), min, lo - 1
    Quicksort List(), lo + 1, max
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
   Call RegMedia
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click() '删除
Dim tmpStr As String
Dim tmpStr1 As String
Dim tmpStr2 As String
Dim Combo3_ListIndex As Long
Dim tmpPos1 As Long
Dim tmpPos2 As Long

Combo3_ListIndex = Combo3.ListIndex
If Combo3_ListIndex > -1 And Combo3_ListIndex < Combo3.ListCount Then
    tmpStr = Trim(Combo3.Text)
    tmpPos1 = InStr(1, tmpStr, ",")
    If tmpPos1 > 0 Then
       tmpStr1 = Left(tmpStr, tmpPos1 - 1)
       tmpStr2 = Mid(tmpStr, tmpPos1 + 1)
       tmpStr1 = Space(6 - Len(tmpStr1)) + tmpStr1
       tmpStr2 = Space(6 - Len(tmpStr2)) + tmpStr2
       tmpStr = Replace(tmpStr1 + "," + tmpStr2, " ", "0")
       For i = 0 To Combo4.ListCount - 1
            Combo4.ListIndex = i
            If Combo4.Text = tmpStr Then
               Combo4.RemoveItem (i)
               Exit For
            End If
       Combo3.RemoveItem (Combo3.ListIndex)
    End If
End If
If Combo3_ListIndex > (Combo3.ListCount - 1) Then
   Combo3.ListIndex = Combo3.ListCount - 1
   Combo3.ListIndex = Combo3_ListIndex
End If
Call SaveCombo3
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
    Combo3_Text = ""
    Combo4.Visible = False
    Text1.Text = "开始"
    Text2.Text = "结尾"
T1 = Now()
Dim tmpCommand As String
'tmpStr = GetCommandLine()
strFileName = Command  '这个就是使得exe可以打开一个媒体文件
'MsgBox strFileName
'If strFileName <> "" Then
If Trim(strFileName) = "" Then Exit Sub
If (Left$(strFileName, 1) = """") And (Right$(strFileName, 1) = """") Then
        strFileName = Mid$(strFileName, 2, Len(strFileName) - 2)
End If
WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = strFileName
Timer1.Enabled = False
Call GetCombo1
 Text3.ForeColor = vbRed

strFileName = Command$()
'MsgBox strFileName ': End
'Me.Caption = strFileName
If strFileName <> "" Then
   Call GetININame
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
  ' Command1.Height = Me.Height - 500
  ' Command1.Width = Me.Width
   WindowsMediaPlayer1.Left = 0
   WindowsMediaPlayer1.Top = 0
   WindowsMediaPlayer1.Height = Me.Height - 450
   WindowsMediaPlayer1.Width = Me.Width
   Frame1.Top = WindowsMediaPlayer1.Height - (Frame1.Height + 80)
   Frame1.Left = Me.Width - (Frame1.Width + 200)
   Text3.Top = Frame1.Top - Text3.Height - 300
   Text3.Left = WindowsMediaPlayer1.Left + WindowsMediaPlayer1.Width - Text3.Width - 200
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_Click()
Text1.Text = Int(WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition)
End Sub
Private Sub Text2_Click()
Text2.Text = Int(WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition)
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
'Text1.Text = WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPositionString
'Text1.Text = WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition
If Val(Trim(Text2.Text)) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If Val(Trim(Text1.Text)) > Val(Trim(Text2.Text)) Then Exit Sub
If WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition > Val(Text2.Text) Then
   WindowsMediaPlayer1.Controls.currentPosition = Val(Text1.Text)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub VScroll1_Change()
   'If Val(Text2.Text) - 'VScroll1.Value > 0 Then
      'If 'VScroll1.Value = 0 Then
      '   'VScroll1.Value = 1
      '   VScroll1Value = 'VScroll1.Value
      'End If Val(Text2.Text) - VScroll1Value +
      'Text2.Text = 'VScroll1.Value
     ' Text2.Text = 'VScroll1.Value
   'End If
End Sub

Private Sub GetCombo1()
  Combo1.AddItem "3"
  Combo1.AddItem "5"
  Combo1.AddItem "8"
  Combo1.AddItem "10"
  Combo1.AddItem "15"
  Combo1.AddItem "20"
  Combo1.AddItem "25"
  Combo1.AddItem "30"
  Combo1.AddItem "35"
  Combo1.AddItem "40"
  Combo1.AddItem "45"
  Combo1.AddItem "50"
  Combo1.AddItem "55"
  Combo1.AddItem "60"
  Combo1.ListIndex = 0
  Combo2.AddItem "3"
  Combo2.AddItem "5"
  Combo2.AddItem "8"
  Combo2.AddItem "10"
  Combo2.AddItem "15"
  Combo2.AddItem "20"
  Combo2.AddItem "25"
  Combo2.AddItem "30"
  Combo2.AddItem "35"
  Combo2.AddItem "40"
  Combo2.AddItem "45"
  Combo2.AddItem "50"
  Combo2.AddItem "55"
  Combo2.AddItem "60"
  Combo2.ListIndex = 0
End Sub

Private Sub FormResize()
   WindowsMediaPlayer1.Top = Form1.Top
   WindowsMediaPlayer1.Left = Me.Left
   WindowsMediaPlayer1.Height = Me.Height - 500
   WindowsMediaPlayer1.Width = Me.Width
   Command1.Top = WindowsMediaPlayer1.Height - 500
   Command1.Left = WindowsMediaPlayer1.Width - 5500
   Command2.Top = Command1.Top
   Command2.Left = Command1.Left + Command1.Width + 100
   Command3.Top = Command1.Top
   Command3.Left = Command1.Left - Command3.Width - 100
   Combo1.Top = Command1.Top + 80
   Combo1.Left = Command1.Left + 500
   Combo2.Top = Command2.Top + 80
   Combo2.Left = Command2.Left + 500
End Sub
Private Sub GetCombo300()
   Dim tmpStr As String
   Dim tmpPos1 As Long
   nFileNo = FreeFile
   Open strFileNameini For Input As #nFileNo
      Do While Not EOF(nFileNo)
         Line Input #nFileNo, tmpStr
         If Len(Trim(tmpStr)) > 2 Then
            tmpPos1 = InStr(1, tmpStr, ",")
            If tmpPos1 > 1 Then
               If IsNumeric(Left(tmpStr, tmpPos1 - 1)) Then
                  If IsNumeric(Mid(tmpStr, tmpPos1 + 1)) Then
                      Combo3.AddItem Trim(Replace(tmpStr, ",", ","))
                  End If
               End If
            End If
         End If
   Close #nFileNo
   If Combo3.ListCount > 0 Then
       Combo3.ListIndex = 0
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub GetCombo3()
   Dim tmpStr As String
   Dim tmpStr1 As String
   Dim tmpStr2 As String
   Dim tmpPos1 As Long
   Dim tmpPos2 As Long
   Timer2.Enabled = False
   If Combo4.ListCount > 0 Then
       For i = 0 To Combo4.ListCount - 1
           'i = 0
           Combo4.ListIndex = i
           tmpStr = Trim(Combo4.Text)
           'MsgBox tmpStr
           tmpPos1 = InStr(1, tmpStr, ",")
           'MsgBox tmpPos1
           If tmpPos1 > 0 Then
              tmpStr1 = Trim(Str(Val(Left(tmpStr, tmpPos1 - 1))))
              tmpStr2 = Trim(Str(Val(Mid(tmpStr, tmpPos1 + 1))))
              'Combo5.AddItem tmpStr1 + "," + tmpStr2
              Combo3.AddItem tmpStr1 + "," + tmpStr2
           End If
       If Combo3.ListCount > 0 Then
          Combo3.ListIndex = 0
       End If
       'If Combo5.ListCount > 0 Then
       '   Combo5.ListIndex = 0
       'End If
       Call SaveCombo3
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub GetCombo4()
   Dim tmpStr As String
   Dim tmpStr1 As String
   Dim tmpStr2 As String
   Dim tmpPos1 As Long
   Dim tmpPos2 As Long
   Dim bCombo4 As Boolean
   nFileNo = FreeFile
   Open strFileNameini For Input As #nFileNo
      Do While Not EOF(nFileNo)
         Line Input #nFileNo, tmpStr
         bCombo4 = False
         If Len(Trim(tmpStr)) > 2 Then
            tmpPos1 = InStr(1, tmpStr, ",")
            If tmpPos1 > 1 Then
               tmpStr1 = Left(tmpStr, tmpPos1 - 1)
               tmpStr2 = Mid(tmpStr, tmpPos1 + 1)
               If IsNumeric(tmpStr1) Then
                  If IsNumeric(tmpStr2) Then
                      tmpStr1 = Space(6 - Len(tmpStr1)) + tmpStr1
                      tmpStr2 = Space(6 - Len(tmpStr2)) + tmpStr2
                      tmpStr = Replace(tmpStr1 + "," + tmpStr2, " ", "0")
                      'For i = 0 To Combo4.ListCount - 1
                      '     Combo4.ListIndex = i
                      '     If Combo4.Text = tmpStr Then
                      '        bCombo4 = True
                      '        Exit For
                      '     End If
                      'If Not bCombo4 Then
                         Combo4.AddItem tmpStr
                      'End If
                  End If
               End If
            End If
         End If
   Close #nFileNo
   If Combo4.ListCount > 0 Then
       Combo4.ListIndex = 0
   End If
   Timer2.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub SaveCombo3()
nFileNo = FreeFile
Open strFileNameini For Output As #nFileNo
   If Combo3.ListCount > 0 Then
       For i = 0 To Combo3.ListCount - 1
           Combo3.ListIndex = i
           Print #nFileNo, Combo3.Text
       Combo3.ListIndex = 0
       Print #nFileNo, ""
   End If
Close #nFileNo
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
Call GetCombo3
End Sub
Public Sub RegMedia()
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim ret1 As Long, hKey As Long, hkey1 As Long, strdata As String
    Dim tmpFileNo As Long
    Kill "c:\1.reg"
    tmpFileNo = FreeFile
    Open "c:\1.reg" For Output As tmpFileNo
       Print #tmpFileNo, "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"
       Print #tmpFileNo, ""
       Print #tmpFileNo, "[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell\英语学习播放器2010\command]"
       Print #tmpFileNo, "@=""" & Replace(App.Path, "\", "\\") & "\\英语学习播放器2010.exe %1"""
    Close #tmpFileNo
    strdata = "英语学习播放器2010"
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".swf", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "英语学习播放器2010", hKey)
    strdata = "英语学习播放器2010"
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "DefaultIcon", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe, 0" '应根据具体情况更改路径
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "shell", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "open", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "command", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe" & Chr(34) & "%1" & Chr(34)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    'Debug.Print hKey
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".rm", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "英语学习播放器2010", hKey)
    strdata = "英语学习播放器2010"
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "DefaultIcon", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe, 0" '应根据具体情况更改路径
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "shell", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "open", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "command", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe" & Chr(34) & "%1" & Chr(34)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    'Debug.Print hKey
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".rmvb", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "英语学习播放器2010", hKey)
    strdata = "英语学习播放器2010"
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "DefaultIcon", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe, 0" '应根据具体情况更改路径
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "shell", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "open", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "command", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe" & Chr(34) & "%1" & Chr(34)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    'Debug.Print hKey
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".wmv", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "英语学习播放器2010", hKey)
    strdata = "英语学习播放器2010"
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "DefaultIcon", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe, 0" '应根据具体情况更改路径
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "shell", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "open", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "command", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe" & Chr(34) & "%1" & Chr(34)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    'Debug.Print hKey
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".asf", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "英语学习播放器2010", hKey)
    strdata = "英语学习播放器2010"
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "DefaultIcon", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe, 0" '应根据具体情况更改路径
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "shell", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "open", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "command", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe" & Chr(34) & "%1" & Chr(34)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    'Debug.Print hKey
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".mp3", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "英语学习播放器2010", hKey)
    strdata = "英语学习播放器2010"
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "DefaultIcon", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe, 0" '应根据具体情况更改路径
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "shell", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "open", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "command", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe" & Chr(34) & "%1" & Chr(34)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    'Debug.Print hKey
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, ".avi", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "英语学习播放器2010", hKey)
    strdata = "英语学习播放器2010"
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hKey, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "DefaultIcon", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe, 0" '应根据具体情况更改路径
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "shell", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "open", hKey)
    ret1 = OSRegCreateKey(hKey, "command", hkey1)
    strdata = App.Path & "\英语学习播放器2010.exe" & Chr(34) & "%1" & Chr(34)
    ret1 = OSRegSetValueEx(hkey1, "", 0&, REG_SZ, ByVal strdata, LenB(StrConv(strdata, vbFromUnicode)) + 1)
    'Debug.Print hKey
    Shell "regedit.exe /s c:\1.reg"
    Kill "c:\1.reg"
End Sub
Private Sub Timer3_Timer()
   Text3.Text = Val(Trim(Text3.Text)) + 1
End Sub
Public Sub GetININame()
            If strFileName <> "" Then
                Dim tmpPos1 As Long
                Text1.Text = ""
                Text2.Text = ""
                tmpPos1 = InStrRev(strFileName, ".")
                strFileNameini = Left(strFileName, tmpPos1) + "ini"
                If Dir(strFileNameini) <> "" Then
                   'Call GetCombo3
                   Call GetCombo4
                End If
                WindowsMediaPlayer1.URL = strFileName
            End If
End Sub
