ISPM advance knowledge

ISPM advance knowledge:

1,large, complex project and multi-project  management ( feature and breakdown , plan process, tracking and control management, scope management, resource management, cooperation management)

2, stratedgy  management(strategy's concept, strategy's development, strategy execution, strategy evaluation)

3,user-business process management(business process analyze method, business process reform, management consult, business process model, business process execution,business process evaluation and increasing optimize)

4,knowledge management(concept, the meaning to the PM, the conternt ,the tools and measures,intellectual property rights management);

5,project performance access and performance management(IS project total performance evaluation principle, total performance evaluation method, financial performance evaluation)

6,IS engineering project supervisor,(the basic knowledge, foundation method and work process, the infrastructure and suprevisor,the quality,invest,schedule,and change control in the supervision,the contract management,information  management and security management in supervision, constitutive  and coordinate  work in supervision).
