python cookbook(1)


#1.4   对准:字符串长度为参数定义的,字符的位置由函数决定
print '|', 'hej'.ljust(20), '|', 'hej'.rjust(20), '|', 'hej'.center(20), '|'

#1.5 删除首尾的字符,默认不带参数是删除首尾的空格。参数为字符串时,表明要删除的首尾的字符(只要这个字符在参数这个字符串里)
x = '    hej   '
print '|', x.lstrip(), '|', x.rstrip(), '|', x.strip(''), '|'
x = 'xyxxyy hejyx  yyx'
print '|'+x.lstrip('jyx')+'|'

#1.6将小字串合成大字串,join() 字串格式化操作符 %   
print largestring
largestring='%s %s something %s yet more' % (pieces[0],pieces[1],pieces[2])
print largestring

#1.7 如何颠倒一个字符串中的字符或者单词,
print astring[::-1],''.join(reversed(astring)),reversed(astring)
#astring[::-1] 扩展切片操作,-1是步长 ,对字符的情况建议使用扩展切片操作,因为reversed 这个内部函数,返回的是迭代器,而不是一个字符串

astring="Hello world!"
revwords = astring.split()     # string -> list of words
revwords.reverse( )             # reverse the list in place
revwords = ' '.join(revwords)  # list of strings -> string
print revwords
revwords = ' '.join(astring.split( )[::-1])
print revwords

#1.8 判断一个list中的元素是否在一个集合中
def containsAny(seq, aset):
    for c in seq:
        if c in aset: return True
    return False

import itertools
def containsAny(seq, aset):
    for item in itertools.ifilter(aset.__contains__, seq):
        return True
    return False
#ifilter( predicate, iterable)
#Make an iterator that filters elements from iterable returning only those for which the predicate is True.
#If predicate is None, return the items that are true.
print bool(set(['a','b']).intersection(set(['b','d'])))
