English course (1)

Dec 27.2010

Daily English


bottleneck   n.瓶颈、障碍               offence n.犯罪、冒犯、违反、罪过             

blurb  n.夸大的广告或介绍词              blitz  n.闪电战  v.以闪电战攻击      

ambition   n.野心、雄心、打算                      blip  n.光点、雷达上显示的点

wisdom   n.智慧、学识、名言       engaging   adj.动人的、有魅力的、迷人的   

manner  n.礼貌、风格、方式、样式            manners   n.礼貌                             

urgency   n.紧急、紧急的事、强求、催促、坚持

composition      n.写作、作文、成分     competition  n.竞争;比赛,竞赛

society   n.社会、····会、·····社,交际、社交界、上流社会   


give offence  冒犯                              odds and ends  零星杂物                      

to say nothing of  更不必说  

eg:He has great wisdom,to say nothing of his engaging manners.


nothing to speak of   不足挂齿、微不足道

eg:He said that what he had done was nothing to speak of.          


That's the way it is.            就是这么一回事。

We can get by.                    我们还过得过去。

Make your dream come true.        让你的梦想成真。

You need a sense of urgency.      你需要有紧迫感。

Computer  English

programming          程序编制、编程                        designate       指明、指定   

prescribe                 规定、指示                                block         字组、块、程序段

routine                     例行程序、例程                        subroutine        例行子程序、子例程

constitute                构成、组成、制定                    well-written        编写良好的

assume                  假定、假设、采取、呈现          concentrate      集中、集结、倾全力、专心

technique              技术、技巧、工艺                        goal                目标、目的、终点

moderately           适度地、中等地                            skilled             熟练的

interpret                 解释、说明、口译                        maintainable        可维护的

alterable                可改变的、可修改的                    

throughout       全部、到处、自始至终、遍及、全

clarity                    明了、透明、清晰                         clearly   明净地、清晰地、无疑地、明显地

introduction           介绍、引导、引言、引论            existing          现在的、现有的

controversy           争论、论战                                    advocate         辩护者、提倡者
