ASA防火墙10 定义安全策略


class-map :匹配流量、匹配优先级的标记 ....
·    access-list
·    any
·    default-inspection-traffic
·    dscp
·    flow( 目标 IP 地址 )
·    port
·    precedence
·    rtp(RTP 端口号 )
·    tunnel-group
policy-map :做策略
service-policy :应用
匹配的流量调整 TCP 选项
ciscoasa(config)# tcp-map tcpmap
ciscoasa(config-tcp-map)# ?
TCP-map configuration commands:
 check-retransmission    Check retransmit data, disabled by default
 checksum-verification   Verify TCP checksum, disabled by default
 default                 Set a command to its defaults
 exceed-mss              Packet that exceed the Maximum Segment Size set by
                          peer, default is to drop packet
 queue-limit             Maximum out-of-order packets queued for a connection,
                          default is 0 packets
 reserved-bits           Reserved bits in TCP header are set, default is to
                          allow packet
 syn-data                TCP SYN packets that contain data, default is to
                          allow packet
 tcp-options             Options in TCP header
 ttl-evasion-protection Protection against time to live (TTL) attacks,
                          enabled by default
 urgent-flag             Urgent flag and urgent offset set, default is to
                          clear flag and offset
 window-variation        Unexpected window size variation, default is to allow
------------------------------------------------ 案例 ------------------------------------------------
tcp-map tcpmap
 tcp-options range 6 7 allow
 tcp-options range 9 255 allow
access-list myacl extended permit tcp any any
class-map classmap
 match access-list myacl
policy-map mypolicy
 class classmap
   set connection advanced-options tcpmap   
service-policy mypolicy interface inside
TCP 头部中的序列号字段。 PIX 6.x 不会修改或清除 clear 该选项位 完全可以正常工作。但是在 ASA 7.x 之后,防火墙默认情况下会将该选项位清除掉,某些通信会失败。
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# ips ?
mpf-policy-map-class mode commands/options:
 inline       Inline mode IPS       // 匹配流量流到 AIP 检测处理完再送回防火墙
 promiscuous Promiscuous mode IPS  // 复制已匹配数据包 送往 AIP 检测 原数据包仍然由防火墙处理
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# ips inline fail-open  //Permit traffic if IPS card fails
ciscoasa(config-pmap-c)# csc fail-open
WARNING: CSC can ONLY scan TCP traffic that is destined to port 80 (HTTP), 25 (SMTP), 110 (POP3), or 21 (FTP) when configured. Any other type of traffic, even if configured, will not be scanned.
