
1. lucene 简介

  Apache Lucene 是一个全文检索引擎,它不是一个完整的应用程序,但它提交的API可以很容易的搭建一个具有检索能力的应用。DownLoad:  http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/lucene/java/5.4.0


    如上面所说,lucene不是一个应用程序,所以我们没有什么可安装设置的(当然这是基于jvm的,所以java运行环境还是要的),下载并解压lucene_5.4.0 下面有几个文件夹我们来看下(红色表示关键要用的):

core: Lucene 核心代码包
analyzers-common: 提供不同语种的分词解析
analyzers-icu: Analysis integration with ICU (International Components for Unicode).
analyzers-kuromoji: Japanese Morphological Analyzer
analyzers-morfologik: Analyzer for dictionary stemming, built-in Polish dictionary
analyzers-phonetic: Analyzer for indexing phonetic signatures (for sounds-alike search)
analyzers-smartcn: 简体中文的分词解析
analyzers-stempel: Analyzer for indexing Polish
analyzers-uima: Analysis integration with Apache UIMA
backward-codecs: Codecs for older versions of Lucene.
benchmark: System for benchmarking Lucene
classification: Classification module for Lucene
codecs: Lucene codecs and postings formats.
demo: 示例代码
expressions: Dynamically computed values to sort/facet/search on based on a pluggable grammar.
facet: 提供分面索引和查询能力
grouping: 得到分组查询结果集必要组件.
highlighter:  在查询结果中高亮显示关键字
join: Index-time and Query-time joins for normalized content
memory: Single-document in-memory index implementation
misc: Index tools and other miscellaneous code
queries: 查询和过滤器,搜索指定单词或词组
queryparser: 可以使用它将用户输入的查询表达式解析为 Lucene 查询对象
replicator: Files replication utility
sandbox: Various third party contributions and new ideas
spatial: Geospatial search
spatial3d: 3D spatial planar geometry APIs
suggest: Auto-suggest and Spellchecking support
test-framework: Framework for testing Lucene-based applications


  1. lucene-core-5.4.0.jar
  2. lucene-analyzers-smartcn-5.4.0.jar
  3. lucene-queryparser-5.4.0.jar
  4. lucene-queries-5.4.0.jar
  5. lucene-facet-5.4.0.jar
  6. lucene-highlighter-5.4.0.jar
  7. lucene-grouping-5.4.0.jar
