using System; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Xml.XPath; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Data; /* * CopyRight (c) 2016 北京软秀科技有限公司 保留所有权利 meslog@qq.com */ namespace Jiankong { class DataAccess { public SqlConnection Conn ; string str; public DataAccess() { string dd = Environment.CurrentDirectory; IniFile ls_IniFile = new IniFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\log.ini"); string connectString = ls_IniFile.ReadIniValue("Database", "connect"); Conn = new SqlConnection(connectString); } public int getPortnum(string PortName) { int PortNum; str = "select PortNum from PortState where PortName ='" + PortName + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); PortNum = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()); Conn.Close(); return PortNum; } public void addcar(string CarNo,string CarCla,string InTime,string PortNo) { string RegCarNo = "[\u4e00-\u9fa5][A-Z]-[0-9]{5}"; string RegInTime = "([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9]):([0-5][0-9])"; string RegCarCla = "(大卡|中货|小轿)"; Conn.Open(); str = "select CarNo from CarIn where CarNo='" + CarNo + "'"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (!Regex.IsMatch(CarNo, RegCarNo) || CarNo.Length!=8) { MessageBox.Show("无效的车牌号码(正确的格式:京A-12345)!"); } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(InTime, RegInTime) || InTime.Length != 8) { MessageBox.Show("无效的入库时间(正确的格式:12:34:00)!"); } else if (!Regex.IsMatch(CarCla, RegCarCla)) { MessageBox.Show("无效车辆类型(正确的格式:大卡|中货|小轿)!"); } else if (PortNo == "") { MessageBox.Show("本车库已满,下次请早!"); } else if (!reader.Read()) { reader.Close(); str = "insert into CarIn(CarNo,CarCla,InTime,PortNo) values ('" + CarNo + "','" + CarCla + "','" + InTime + "','" + PortNo.Trim() + "')"; SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { MessageBox.Show("重复的车牌号码!"); } Conn.Close(); } public string recPortNo(string CarClass) { int NumA, NumB, NumC; string PortNo = ""; NumA = getPortnum("PortA"); NumB = getPortnum("PortB"); NumC = getPortnum("PortC"); Conn.Open(); if (CarClass == "大卡") { for (int i = 1; i < NumA; i++) { str = "select PortNo from CarIn where PortNo = 'A" + i + "'"; SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); if (! reader.Read()) { PortNo = "A" + i; break; } reader.Close(); } } else if (CarClass == "中货") { for (int i = 1; i < NumB; i++) { str = "select PortNo from CarIn where PortNo = 'B" + i + "'"; SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.Read()) { PortNo = "B" + i; break; } reader.Close(); } } else { for (int i = 1; i < NumC; i++) { str = "select PortNo from CarIn where PortNo = 'C" + i + "'"; SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); if (!reader.Read()) { PortNo = "C" + i; break; } reader.Close(); } } Conn.Close(); return PortNo; } //public void getRate(string CarClass, out int Time1, out int Time2, out int Time3, out double Rate1, out double Rate2, out double Rate3) //{ // str = "select * from Rate where CarCla ='" + CarClass + "'"; // Conn.Open(); // //SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); // //SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); // //reader.Read(); // //Time1 = Convert.ToInt32(reader[1]); // //Rate1 = Convert.ToDouble(reader[2].ToString()); // //Time2 = Convert.ToInt32(reader[3]); // //Rate2 = Convert.ToDouble(reader[4].ToString()); // //Time3 = Convert.ToInt32(reader[5]); // //Rate3 = Convert.ToDouble(reader[6].ToString()); // Conn.Close(); //} public void updaterage(string CarClass, int Time1, int Time2, int Time3, string Rate1, string Rate2, string Rate3) { DialogResult MsgBoxResult; MsgBoxResult = MessageBox.Show("确定更新数据?", "请确定", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (MsgBoxResult == DialogResult.OK) { str = "update Rate set Time1=" + Time1 + ",Time2=" + Time2 + ",Time3=" + Time3 + ",Rate1=" + Rate1 + ",Rate2=" + Rate2 + ",Rate3=" + Rate3 + "where CarCla='" + CarClass + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn.Close(); } } public void getPortused(string PortName,out int PortNum, out int PortUsed) { str = "select PortNum,PortUsed from PortState where PortName ='" + PortName + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); PortNum = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()); PortUsed = Convert.ToInt32(reader[1].ToString()); Conn.Close(); } public int getDataNum(string table) { int DataNum; str = "select COUNT(*) from " + table + ""; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); DataNum = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()); Conn.Close(); return DataNum; } public string[] getCarNo() { int arrayno = getDataNum("CarIn"); string[] Carray = new string[arrayno]; str = "select CarNo from CarIn "; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); int i = 0; while (reader.Read()) { Carray[i] = reader[0].ToString(); i++; } Conn.Close(); return Carray; } public void getCardetail(string CarNo,out string carcla, out string intime, out string portno) { str = "select CarCla,InTime,PortNo from CarIn where CarNo='" + CarNo + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); carcla = reader[0].ToString(); intime =reader[1].ToString(); portno =reader[2].ToString(); Conn.Close(); } public void delCar(string CarNo,string money) { DialogResult MsgBoxResult; MsgBoxResult = MessageBox.Show("车牌号码为:"+CarNo +",需要缴纳停车费用"+money+"元!确定离开车库?","请确定", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (MsgBoxResult == DialogResult.OK) { str = "update CarIn set OutTime ='" + money + "'where CarNo ='" + CarNo + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); str = "delete from CarIn where CarNo ='" + CarNo + "'"; SqlCommand Command2 = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command2.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn.Close(); } } public int[] getPortstate(string Stano,string PortName, out int arrayno) { int temparrayno = getDataNum("CarIn"); int[] temparray = new int[temparrayno]; str = "select PortNo from CarIn where 1=1"; str = str + " and stano ='" + Stano + "'"; str = str + " and statu = '1'"; str = str + " and len(carno) <> 0 "; str = str + " order by PortNo"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); int i = 0; while (reader.Read()) { if (reader[0].ToString().Substring(0, 1) == PortName.Substring(4, 1)) { temparray[i] = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString().Substring(1, reader[0].ToString().Length - 1)); i++; } } Conn.Close(); arrayno = i; int[] Pnoarray = new int[arrayno]; { for (int j = 0; j < arrayno; j++) { Pnoarray[j] = temparray[j]; } } return Pnoarray; } public void getCardetail2(string PortNo,string InStano,out string CarNo,out string InTime,out string CarCla,out string Stano) { str = "select CarNo,InTime,CarCla,Stano from CarIn where PortNo ='" + PortNo + "'"; str = str + " and stano= '" + InStano + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); CarNo = reader[0].ToString(); InTime = reader[1].ToString(); CarCla = reader[2].ToString(); Stano = reader[3].ToString(); Conn.Close(); } public int getCarportnum(string CarCla) { int Carnum; str = "select COUNT(*) from CarIn where CarCla = '" + CarCla + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); reader.Read(); Carnum = Convert.ToInt32(reader[0].ToString()); Conn.Close(); return Carnum; } public string[] getCarportno(string CarCla) { int arrayno = getCarportnum(CarCla); string[] Carray = new string[arrayno]; str = "select PortNo from CarIn where CarCla = '" + CarCla + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); int i = 0; while (reader.Read()) { Carray[i] = reader[0].ToString(); i++; } Conn.Close(); return Carray; } public void updatestate(string PortName, int PortNum) { DialogResult MsgBoxResult; MsgBoxResult = MessageBox.Show("确定更新数据?", "请确定", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2); if (MsgBoxResult == DialogResult.OK) { string RegPortNum = "[0-9]{1,3}"; if (!Regex.IsMatch(PortNum.ToString(), RegPortNum) || PortNum.ToString().Length > 3) { MessageBox.Show("无效的车位数目!"); } else { str = "update PortState set PortNum=" + PortNum + "where PortName='" + PortName + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn.Close(); } } } public DataSet getDataset(string sqlstr) { Conn.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlstr,Conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); da.Fill(ds); Conn.Close(); return ds; } public void updatedata(DataSet ds,string sqlstr) { Conn.Open(); SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlstr, Conn); SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da); da.Update(ds); Conn.Close(); } public bool isEmpty(string portno) { bool empty = false; str = "select CarNo from CarIn where PortNo = '" + portno + "'"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand datacommand = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = datacommand.ExecuteReader(); if(!reader.Read()) { empty = true; } Conn.Close(); return empty; } public void Dropit(string table) { str = "drop table " + table + ""; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn.Close(); } public void Emptyit(string table) { str = "truncate table " + table + ""; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn.Close(); } public void CarlogInitial() { str = "insert into Carlog(CarNo,CarCla,InTime,OutTime,PortNo,Action,Actiontime) select CarNo,CarCla,InTime,OutTime,PortNo,'车库保持',CONVERT(varchar(100), GETDATE(), 8) from CarIn"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn.Close(); } public void ResetCarIn() { //str = "insert into CarIn select * from BackUp_CarIn "; int arrayno = getDataNum("BackUp_CarIn"); string[] carno = new string[arrayno]; string[] carcla = new string[arrayno]; string[] intime = new string[arrayno]; string[] portno = new string[arrayno]; str = "select * from BackUp_CarIn"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); int i=0; while (reader.Read()) { carno[i] = reader[0].ToString().Trim(); carcla[i] = reader[1].ToString().Trim(); intime[i] = reader[2].ToString().Trim(); portno[i] = reader[4].ToString().Trim(); i++; } Conn.Close(); for (int j = 0; j < arrayno; j++) { addcar(carno[j], carcla[j], intime[j], portno[j]); } } public void ResetPortState() { //str = "insert into PortState(PortName,PortNum,PortUsed) select PortName,PortNum,PortUsed from BackUp_PortState"; str = "select * into PortState from BackUp_PortState"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn.Close(); } public void ResetRate() { //str = "insert into Rate(CarCla,Time1,Rate1,Time2,Rate2,Time3,Rate3) select CarCla,Time1,Rate1,Time2,Rate2,Time3,Rate3 from BackUp_Rate"; str = "select * into Rate from BackUp_Rate"; Conn.Open(); SqlCommand Command = new SqlCommand(str, Conn); Command.ExecuteNonQuery(); Conn.Close(); } } }
using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Threading; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Data; using System.Text; using OPC.Common; using OPC.Data.Interface; using OPC.Data; using OpcRcw.Comn; using OpcRcw.Da; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Data.Sql; using System.Data.OleDb; namespace Jiankong { public class Plc : IOPCDataCallback { public IniFile ls_IniFile = new IniFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\log.ini"); public Data objData = new Data(); public DataSet dsData; public Thread objThread; public Thread objThreadFlash; // Mutex mutex; //private System.ComponentModel.IContainer components; const string serverProgID = "OPC.SimaticNET"; // ProgID of OPC server //const string serverProgID = "Schneider-Aut.OFS"; // ProgID of OPC serve private OpcServer theSrv; private OpcGroup theGrp; //private SERVERSTATUS theStatu; public static int devicenum = 4606; public static int deviceno = 4606; public int devnum; public string[] devicesatu = new string[22] { "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B", "0B","0B","0B" }; public string[] devicetrans = new string[30] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; //public string[] errmsg = new string[1000]; public string[] errmsg = new string[] {" ","F01 运行超限","F02 升降超限","F03 松绳过载","F04 运行停偏","F05 升降停偏", "F06 货偏","F07 货叉位错","F08 升降超速","F09 运行变频器故障","F10 升降变频器故障", "F11 货叉变频器故障","F12 制动空开跳闸","F13 命令非法","F14 作业超时","F15 微升降超时", "F16 微升降超限","F17 伸缩叉超时","F18 货叉超限","F19 空取货","F20 空出库","F21 双重入库", "F22 卸货双重","F23 货未卸","F24 升降未对准","F25 运行速度偏差","F26 升降速度偏差","F27 激光读数超限", "F28 升降读数超限","F29 货叉编码器故障","F30 升降编码器故障","F31 激光ATT","F32 激光TMP","F33 激光LSR", "F34 激光PLB","F35 激光ERR","F36 备用","F37 升降值读取错误","F38 激光值读取错误","F39 备用","F40 备用", "F41 运行站故障","F42 起升站故障","F43 货叉站故障","F44 激光站故障","F45 ET200M站故障","F46 编码器站故障", "F47 货叉与升降同时动作","F48 货叉与运行同时动作","F49 转弯超时","F50 转弯超速","F51 转弯处待机", "F52 带货转弯","F53 磁开关信号错","F54 CMV编码器故障","F55 备用","F56 近叉货位有货","F57 ", "F58 ","F59 ","F60 ","F61 ","F62 ","F63 ","F64 " }; string[] objdevice = new string[devicenum]; int[] handlesSrv = new int[devicenum]; OPCItemDef[] itemDefs = new OPCItemDef[devicenum]; /* Constants */ internal const string SERVER_NAME = "OPC.SimaticNET"; // local server name internal const string ITEM1_NAME = "S7:[DEMO]DB10,STRING0.30"; // 1st item name internal const string ITEM2_NAME = "S7:[DEMO]DB10,STRING60.30"; // 2nd item name internal const string GROUP_NAME = "grp1"; // Group name internal const int LOCALE_ID = 0x409; // LOCALE FOR ENGLISH. /* Global variables */ IOPCServer pIOPCServer; IOPCAsyncIO2 pIOPCAsyncIO2 = null; // instance pointer for asynchronous IO. IOPCGroupStateMgt pIOPCGroupStateMgt = null; IConnectionPointContainer pIConnectionPointContainer = null; IConnectionPoint pIConnectionPoint = null; Object pobjGroup1 = null; int pSvrGroupHandle = 0; // server group handle for the added group //int nTransactionID = 0; int[] ItemSvrHandleArray; Int32 dwCookie = 0; public string check() { Type svrComponenttyp; try { svrComponenttyp = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(SERVER_NAME); pIOPCServer = (IOPCServer)Activator.CreateInstance(svrComponenttyp); return "1"; } catch { return "0"; } } public void init_sim() { // Local variables Type svrComponenttyp; OPCITEMDEF[] ItemDeffArray; // Group properties Int32 dwRequestedUpdateRate = 250; Int32 hClientGroup = 1; Int32 pRevUpdateRate; float deadband = 0; int TimeBias = 0; GCHandle hTimeBias, hDeadband; hTimeBias = GCHandle.Alloc(TimeBias, GCHandleType.Pinned); hDeadband = GCHandle.Alloc(deadband, GCHandleType.Pinned); // 1. Get the Type from the progID and create instance of the OPC Server COM component Guid iidRequiredInterface = typeof(IOPCItemMgt).GUID; svrComponenttyp = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(SERVER_NAME); try { // Connect to the local server. pIOPCServer = (IOPCServer)Activator.CreateInstance(svrComponenttyp); try { /* 2. Add a new group Add a group object and querry for interface IOPCItemMgt Parameter as following: [in] not active, so no OnDataChange callback [in] Request this Update Rate from Server [in] Client Handle, not necessary in this sample [in] No time interval to system UTC time [in] No Deadband, so all data changes are reported [in] Server uses english language to for text values [out] Server handle to identify this group in later calls [out] The answer from Server to the requested Update Rate [in] requested interface type of the group object [out] pointer to the requested interface */ pIOPCServer.AddGroup(GROUP_NAME, 0, dwRequestedUpdateRate, hClientGroup, hTimeBias.AddrOfPinnedObject(), hDeadband.AddrOfPinnedObject(), LOCALE_ID, out pSvrGroupHandle, out pRevUpdateRate, ref iidRequiredInterface, out pobjGroup1); // Initialize all IO interface pointers. InitReqIOInterfaces(); ItemDeffArray = new OPCITEMDEF[devicenum]; for (int i = 0; i < devicenum; i++) { ItemDeffArray[i].szAccessPath = ""; // Accesspath not needed for this sample ItemDeffArray[i].szItemID = ls_IniFile.ReadIniValue("device", i.ToString()); // Item ID, ItemDeffArray[i].bActive = 1; // item is active ItemDeffArray[i].hClient = i; // client handle ItemDeffArray[i].dwBlobSize = 0; // blob size ItemDeffArray[i].pBlob = IntPtr.Zero; // pointer to blob ItemDeffArray[i].vtRequestedDataType = 0; // return values in native (cannonical) datatype } IntPtr pResults = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pErrors = IntPtr.Zero; try { // Add items to group ((IOPCItemMgt)pobjGroup1).AddItems(devicenum, ItemDeffArray, out pResults, out pErrors); // Unmarshal to get the server handles out fom the m_pItemResult // after checking the errors int[] errors = new int[devicenum]; IntPtr pos = pResults; ItemSvrHandleArray = new int[devicenum]; Marshal.Copy(pErrors, errors, 0, devicenum); for (int i = 0; i < devicenum; i++) { OPCITEMRESULT result = (OPCITEMRESULT)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pos, typeof(OPCITEMRESULT)); ItemSvrHandleArray[i] = result.hServer; pos = new IntPtr(pos.ToInt32() + Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(OPCITEMRESULT))); Marshal.DestroyStructure(pos, typeof(OPCITEMRESULT)); } if ((errors[0] == 0) && (errors[1] == 0)) { //连接上了。 } } catch (System.Exception error) // catch for add items { MessageBox.Show(error.Message, "Result - Adding Items", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { // Free the unmanaged COM memory if (pResults != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pResults); pResults = IntPtr.Zero; } if (pErrors != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pErrors); pErrors = IntPtr.Zero; } } } catch (System.Exception error) // catch for group adding { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error while creating group object:-{0}", error.Message), "Result - Add group", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { if (hDeadband.IsAllocated) hDeadband.Free(); if (hTimeBias.IsAllocated) hTimeBias.Free(); } } catch (System.Exception error) // catch for server instance creation { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error while creating server object:-{0}", error.Message), "Result - Create Server", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } private void InitReqIOInterfaces() { try { //Query interface for async calls on group object pIOPCAsyncIO2 = (IOPCAsyncIO2)pobjGroup1; pIOPCGroupStateMgt = (IOPCGroupStateMgt)pobjGroup1; // Query interface for callbacks on group object pIConnectionPointContainer = (IConnectionPointContainer)pobjGroup1; // Establish Callback for all async operations Guid iid = typeof(IOPCDataCallback).GUID; pIConnectionPointContainer.FindConnectionPoint(ref iid, out pIConnectionPoint); // Creates a connection between the OPC servers's connection point and // this client's sink (the callback object). pIConnectionPoint.Advise(this, out dwCookie); } catch (System.Exception error) // catch for group adding { MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Error while advising callbacks:-{0}", error.Message), "Result - Add group", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } public void PlcAct() { IntPtr pRequestedUpdateRate = IntPtr.Zero; int nRevUpdateRate = 0; IntPtr hClientGroup = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pTimeBias = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pDeadband = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr pLCID = IntPtr.Zero; int nActive = 0; // activates or deactivates group according to checkbox status GCHandle hActive = GCHandle.Alloc(nActive, GCHandleType.Pinned); hActive.Target = 1; try { pIOPCGroupStateMgt.SetState(pRequestedUpdateRate, out nRevUpdateRate, hActive.AddrOfPinnedObject(), pTimeBias, pDeadband, pLCID, hClientGroup); } catch (System.Exception error) { MessageBox.Show(error.Message, "Result-Change Group State", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { hActive.Free(); } } public virtual void OnDataChange(Int32 dwTransid, Int32 hGroup, Int32 hrMasterquality, Int32 hrMastererror, Int32 dwCount, int[] phClientItems, object[] pvValues, short[] pwQualities, OpcRcw.Da.FILETIME[] pftTimeStamps, int[] pErrors) { string trans = "0"; int dev=0; string plc; string deviceno = "", devname = "",disp=""; try { for (int nCount = 0; nCount < dwCount; nCount++) { if (pErrors[nCount] == 0) { ThreadExceptionDialog.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; trans = Convert.ToString(pvValues[nCount]); if (trans == "False") { trans = "0"; } if (trans == "True") { trans = "1"; } dev = phClientItems[nCount]; //work2(s.HandleClient.ToString(), s.DataValue.ToString()); plc = ls_IniFile.ReadIniValue("device", dev.ToString()); DataSet obj_device; Main.pMainWin.devmsg[dev]=trans; Main.pMainWin.objData.UpDevice(dev.ToString(), trans.ToString(),plc); obj_device=Main.pMainWin.objData.GetDevice(dev.ToString()); // || plc == "771" || plc == "1527" || plc == "2283" || plc == "3039"||plc="3795") if (plc == "16") { Main.pMainWin.objPlc.Writeplc(plc, "0"); } if (plc == "771") { Main.pMainWin.objPlc.Writeplc(plc, "0"); } if (plc == "1527") { Main.pMainWin.objPlc.Writeplc(plc, "0"); } if (plc == "2283") { Main.pMainWin.objPlc.Writeplc(plc, "0"); } if (plc == "3039") { Main.pMainWin.objPlc.Writeplc(plc, "0"); } if (plc == "3795") { Main.pMainWin.objPlc.Writeplc(plc, "0"); } if (obj_device != null) { if (obj_device.Tables["device"].Rows.Count > 0) { deviceno = obj_device.Tables["device"].Rows[0]["deviceno"].ToString(); devname = obj_device.Tables["device"].Rows[0]["device"].ToString(); disp =obj_device.Tables["device"].Rows[0]["typetext"].ToString(); Main.pMainWin.fmainTcLbl(deviceno, devname, trans.ToString(), disp); Main.pMainWin.fmainTcLd(deviceno, devname, trans.ToString(), disp); Main.pMainWin.fmainTcLdem(deviceno, devname, trans.ToString(), disp); Main.pMainWin.fmainTcLB(deviceno, devname, trans.ToString(), disp); } } } else { String strItemErr; pIOPCServer.GetErrorString(pErrors[0], LOCALE_ID, out strItemErr); // MessageBox.Show(strItemErr, // "OnDataChange-Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } } catch (System.Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "OnDataChange-Runtime Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } /// <summary> /// Callback IOPCDataCallback OnReadComplete event handler implementation. /// This callback function is call by the opc server when async read is compleat. /// </summary> public virtual void OnReadComplete(System.Int32 dwTransid, System.Int32 hGroup, System.Int32 hrMasterquality, System.Int32 hrMastererror, System.Int32 dwCount, int[] phClientItems, object[] pvValues, short[] pwQualities, OpcRcw.Da.FILETIME[] pftTimeStamps, int[] pErrors) { try { if (pErrors[0] == 0) { ThreadExceptionDialog.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; // Value //strAReadVal.Text = String.Format("{0}", pvValues[0]); // Quality //strAReadQuality.Text = GetQuality(pwQualities[0]); // Timestamp // DateTime dt = ToDateTime(pftTimeStamps[0]); //strAReadTimeStp.Text = dt.ToString(); ThreadExceptionDialog.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true; } else { String strResult = ""; pIOPCServer.GetErrorString(pErrors[0], LOCALE_ID, out strResult); MessageBox.Show(strResult, "Result - OnReadCOmpleate", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } catch (System.Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "OnReadComplete-Runtime Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } /// <summary> /// Callback IOPCDataCallback OnWriteComplete event handler implementation. /// This callback function is call by the opc server when async write is compleat. /// </summary> public virtual void OnWriteComplete(System.Int32 dwTransid, System.Int32 hGroup, System.Int32 hrMastererr, System.Int32 dwCount, int[] pClienthandles, int[] pErrors) { ThreadExceptionDialog.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; String strResult = ""; pIOPCServer.GetErrorString(pErrors[0], LOCALE_ID, out strResult); //strWriteResult.Text = strResult; ThreadExceptionDialog.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true; System.Exception ex = new Exception(strResult); throw ex; } /// <summary> /// Callback IOPCDataCallback OnCancelComplete event handler implementation. /// <summary> public virtual void OnCancelComplete(System.Int32 dwTransid, System.Int32 hGroup) { // Not implemented in this sample. } /// <summary> /// On Loading. /// </summary> /// public void WritePlc5(string device, string trans, string oth1,string oth2,string oth3) { MessageBox.Show(oth1); return; int[] ItemSvrHandleArray_temp; int device_no; object[] itemValues = new object[1]; int nCancelid; IntPtr pErrors = IntPtr.Zero; if (trans.Length != 30 && trans.Length != 18) { ls_IniFile.WriteLog("writeError" + device.ToString(), trans.ToString() + "dd" + trans.Length); return; } device_no = Convert.ToInt32(device); itemValues[0] = trans; ItemSvrHandleArray_temp = new int[1]; ItemSvrHandleArray_temp[0] = ItemSvrHandleArray[device_no]; itemValues[0] = trans; if (pIOPCAsyncIO2 != null) { try { // Async write pIOPCAsyncIO2.Write(1, ItemSvrHandleArray_temp, itemValues, 2, out nCancelid, out pErrors); int[] errors = new int[5]; Marshal.Copy(pErrors, errors, 0, 1); if (errors[4] != 0) { System.Exception ex = new Exception("Error in reading item"); throw ex; } } catch (System.Exception error) { MessageBox.Show(error.Message, "Result-Async Read", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { // Free the unmanaged COM memory if (pErrors != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pErrors); pErrors = IntPtr.Zero; } } } } public void Writeplc(string device, string trans) { int[] ItemSvrHandleArray_temp; int device_no; object[] itemValues = new object[1]; int nCancelid; IntPtr pErrors = IntPtr.Zero; try { // Async write device_no = Convert.ToInt32(device); itemValues[0] = trans; ItemSvrHandleArray_temp = new int[1]; ItemSvrHandleArray_temp[0] = ItemSvrHandleArray[device_no]; itemValues[0] = trans; if (pIOPCAsyncIO2 != null) { pIOPCAsyncIO2.Write(1, ItemSvrHandleArray_temp, itemValues, 2, out nCancelid, out pErrors); int[] errors = new int[5]; Marshal.Copy(pErrors, errors, 0, 1); if (errors[4] != 0) { System.Exception ex = new Exception("Error in reading item"); throw ex; } } } catch (System.Exception error) { MessageBox.Show(error.Message, "Result-Async Read", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } finally { // Free the unmanaged COM memory if (pErrors != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.FreeCoTaskMem(pErrors); pErrors = IntPtr.Zero; } } } public void Init() { string file_name, file_work; IniFile ls_IniFile = new IniFile(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\log.ini"); devnum = devicenum; file_work = ls_IniFile.ReadIniValue("Clear", "ClearWork"); file_name = ls_IniFile.ReadIniValue("Clear", "ClearFile"); System.Diagnostics.Process P = new System.Diagnostics.Process(); P.StartInfo.FileName = file_name; P.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = file_work; P.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; //P.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true; P.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; P.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; P.Start(); P.WaitForExit(6000); Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; objData.Clear(); //ls_IniFile.DelFile(); theSrv = new OpcServer(); theSrv.Connect(serverProgID); Thread.Sleep(1500); // we are faster then some servers! // add our only working group theGrp = theSrv.AddGroup("MyGroup", false, 200); // add two items and save server handles for (int i = 0; i < devicenum; i ++) { objdevice[i] = ls_IniFile.ReadIniValue("device", i.ToString()); } for (int i = 0; i < devicenum; i++) { itemDefs[i] = new OPCItemDef(objdevice[i], true, i + 1, VarEnum.VT_EMPTY); } OPCItemResult[] rItm; theGrp.AddItems(itemDefs, out rItm); if (rItm == null) return; for (int i = 0; i < devicenum; i++) { handlesSrv[i] = rItm[i].HandleServer; } // asynch read our two items try { theGrp.SetEnable(true); theGrp.ReadCompleted += new ReadCompleteEventHandler(this.theGrp_ReadComplete); int CancelID; int[] aE; theGrp.Read(handlesSrv, 55667788, out CancelID, out aE); Thread.Sleep(1500); // asynch write object[] itemValues = new object[devicenum]; theGrp.Write(handlesSrv, itemValues, 99887766, out CancelID, out aE); theGrp.WriteCompleted += new WriteCompleteEventHandler(this.theGrp_WriteComplete); // some delay for asynch write-complete callback (simplification) Thread.Sleep(1500); theGrp.DataChanged += new DataChangeEventHandler(this.theGrp_DataChange); theGrp.Active = true; } catch (Exception e) { ls_IniFile.WriteLog("eee", e.ToString()); } } public void Close() { if (theGrp != null) { theGrp.DataChanged -= new DataChangeEventHandler(this.theGrp_DataChange); theGrp.WriteCompleted -= new WriteCompleteEventHandler(this.theGrp_WriteComplete); theGrp.Remove(false); theGrp = null; } if (theSrv != null) { theSrv.Disconnect(); theSrv = null; } } public void initerrormsg() { } public void Writeplc1(string device, string trans) { int device_no; object[] itemValues = new object[devicenum]; int CancelID; int[] aE; device_no = Convert.ToInt32(device); for (int j = 0; j < devicenum; j++) { itemValues[j] = null; } itemValues[device_no-1] = trans; theGrp.WriteCompleted += new WriteCompleteEventHandler(this.theGrp_WriteComplete); theGrp.Write(handlesSrv, itemValues, 99887766, out CancelID, out aE); } public void theGrp_DataChange(object sender, DataChangeEventArgs e) { object[] itemValues = new object[devicenum]; string trans = ""; foreach (OPCItemState s in e.sts) { if (HRESULTS.Succeeded(s.Error)) { trans = s.DataValue.ToString(); ls_IniFile.WriteLog("All", s.DataValue.ToString()); } ; } } public void theGrp_ReadComplete(object sender, ReadCompleteEventArgs e) { //Console.WriteLine("ReadComplete event: gh={0} id={1} me={2} mq={3}", e.groupHandleClient, e.transactionID, e.masterError, e.masterQuality ); foreach (OPCItemState s in e.sts) { if (HRESULTS.Succeeded(s.Error)) { } else { ls_IniFile.WriteLog("OpcErrorRead", s.HandleClient.ToString()+"ddd"+s.Error.ToString()+"dd"+e.masterError.ToString()); } } } public void theGrp_WriteComplete(object sender, WriteCompleteEventArgs e) { //Console.WriteLine("WriteComplete event: gh={0} id={1} me={2}", e.groupHandleClient, e.transactionID, e.masterError ); foreach (OPCWriteResult r in e.res) { if (HRESULTS.Succeeded(r.Error)) { //ls_IniFile.WriteLog("OpcWrite",r.ToString()); } else { ls_IniFile.WriteLog("OpcErrorWrite", r.Error.ToString()); } //Console.WriteLine(" ih={0} ERROR=0x{1:x} !", r.HandleClient, r.Error ); } } } }
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