Getting started using KissXML

The newest kissXML:




To use KissXML within your project, there are two steps:

1.Copy the KissXML folder into your project (ignore the UnitTesting folder)

2.Configure Xcode to work with libxml2(add an existing FWrameork "libxml2.2.7.3.dylib")




The KissXML folder contains:

  • DDXML.h (Standard header file you will #import)
  • DDXMLDocument
  • DDXMLElement
  • DDXMLNode
  • Categories/NSString+DDXML
  • Private/DDXMLPrivate.h
  • Additions/DDXMLElementAdditions (this is optional, all the others listed above are required)

After adding the KissXML folder you'll need to add libxml2 to your Xcode project. There are 2 steps to this process:

1.Tell Xcode where it can find the libxml2 header files so it will compile

2.Tell Xcode where it can find the libxml2 compiled library so it will link (last step of compiling)



You'll be adding this to your compiler instructions (at project level, not target level)

OTHER_LDFLAGS(Other Linker Flags) = -lxml2

HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS = /usr/include/libxml2

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