RecycleView 瀑布流滑动移位


RecycleView StaggeredLayoutManager(瀑布流)滑动的时候,默认会出现item移动的问题,需以下来个步骤来解决:



 1 /**
 2      * Does not do anything to hide gaps.
 3      */
 4     public static final int GAP_HANDLING_NONE = 0;
 6     @Deprecated
 7     public static final int GAP_HANDLING_LAZY = 1;
 9     /**
10      * When scroll state is changed to {@link RecyclerView#SCROLL_STATE_IDLE}, StaggeredGrid will
11      * check if there are gaps in the because of full span items. If it finds, it will re-layout
12      * and move items to correct positions with animations.
13      * <p>
14      * For example, if LayoutManager ends up with the following layout due to adapter changes:
15      * <pre>
16      * AAA
17      * _BC
18      * DDD
19      * </pre>
20      * <p>
21      * It will animate to the following state:
22      * <pre>
23      * AAA
24      * BC_
25      * DDD
26      * </pre>
27      */
28     public static final int GAP_HANDLING_MOVE_ITEMS_BETWEEN_SPANS = 2;


   1: 滑动中,不处理 gap:


 2: 给每个 item,设置大小:


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