#coding:utf-8 __author__ = 'similarface' import os, sys, ftplib from getpass import getpass from mimetypes import guess_type, add_type dfltSite = '' dfltRdir = '.' dfltUser = 'child' class FtpTools: # allow these 3 to be redefined def getlocaldir(self): return (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or '.' def getcleanall(self): #return raw_input('Clean target dir first?')[:1] in ['y','Y'] return False def getpassword(self): return getpass('Password for %s on %s:' % (self.remoteuser, self.remotesite)) def configTransfer(self, site=dfltSite, rdir=dfltRdir, user=dfltUser,ldir=''): """ 获取上传下载的参数 from module defaults, args, inputs, cmdline anonymous ftp: user='anonymous' pass=emailaddr """ self.nonpassive=False self.remotesite=site self.remotedir=rdir self.remoteuser=user # self.localdir=self.getlocaldir() self.localdir=ldir self.cleanall=self.getcleanall() self.remotepass=self.getpassword() def isTextKind(self, remotename, trace=True): add_type('text/x-python-win', '.pyw') mimetype, encoding = guess_type(remotename, strict=False) mimetype = mimetype or '?/?' maintype = mimetype.split('/')[0] if trace: print(maintype, encoding or '') return maintype == 'text' and encoding == None def connectFtp(self): print('connecting...') connection = ftplib.FTP(self.remotesite) connection.login(self.remoteuser, self.remotepass) try: connection.cwd(self.remotedir) except Exception,e: print e connection.mkd(self.remotedir) connection.cwd(self.remotedir) if self.nonpassive: connection.set_pasv(False) self.connection = connection def cleanLocals(self): """ 尝试删除所有的本地文件 """ if self.cleanall: # 本地文件的遍历 for localname in os.listdir(self.localdir): try: # 本地文件删除 print('deleting local', localname) os.remove(os.path.join(self.localdir, localname)) except: print('cannot delete local', localname) def cleanRemotes(self): """ 尝试删除所有远程文件为移除无效文件 """ if self.cleanall: for remotename in self.connection.nlst(): try: print('deleting remote', remotename) self.connection.delete(remotename) except: # remote dir listing # remote file delete print('cannot delete remote', remotename) def downloadOne(self, remotename, localpath): """ download one file by FTP in text or binary mode local name need not be same as remote name 使用FTP下载一个文件 remotename:远程文件 localpath:本地文件 """ if self.isTextKind(remotename): localfile = open(localpath, 'w', encoding=self.connection.encoding) def callback(line): localfile.write(line + '\n') #RETR表示下载命令 callback表示回调 self.connection.retrlines('RETR ' + remotename, callback) else: localfile = open(localpath, 'wb') self.connection.retrbinary('RETR ' + remotename, localfile.write) localfile.close() def uploadOne(self, localname, localpath, remotename): """ upload one file by FTP in text or binary mode remote name need not be same as local name 使用FTP上传一个文件 """ if self.isTextKind(localname): localfile = open(localpath, 'rb') #STOR表示上传 self.connection.storlines('STOR ' + remotename, localfile) else: localfile = open(localpath, 'rb') self.connection.storbinary('STOR ' + remotename, localfile) localfile.close() def downloadDir(self): """ 从远程下载所有的文件 download all files from remote site/dir per config ftp nlst() gives files list, dir() gives full details """ remotefiles = self.connection.nlst() # nlst is remote listing for remotename in remotefiles: if remotename in ('.', '..'): continue localpath = os.path.join(self.localdir, remotename) #print('downloading', remotename, 'to', localpath, 'as', end=' ') self.downloadOne(remotename, localpath) print('Done:', len(remotefiles), 'files downloaded.') def uploadDir(self): """ upload all files to remote site/dir per config listdir() strips dir path, any failure ends script 上传一个目录 """ localfiles = os.listdir(self.localdir) # listdir is local listing for localname in localfiles: localpath = os.path.join(self.localdir, localname) print('uploading', localpath, 'to', localname, 'as') self.uploadOne(localname, localpath, localname) print('Done:', len(localfiles), 'files uploaded.') def run(self, cleanTarget=lambda:None, transferAct=lambda:None): """ run a complete FTP session default clean and transfer are no-ops don't delete if can't connect to server """ self.connectFtp() cleanTarget() transferAct() self.connection.quit() if __name__ == '__main__': ftp = FtpTools() xfermode = 'download' if len(sys.argv) > 1: xfermode = sys.argv.pop(1) if xfermode == 'download': ftp.configTransfer() # get+del 2nd arg ftp.run(cleanTarget=ftp.cleanLocals, transferAct=ftp.downloadDir) elif xfermode == 'upload': redir=os.path.basename((len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1]) or '.') ftp.configTransfer(site='', rdir=redir, user='child') ftp.run(cleanTarget=ftp.cleanRemotes, transferAct=ftp.uploadDir) else: print('Usage: ftptools.py ["download" | "upload"] [localdir]')